World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 451

Chapter 451 The One Who Asks to Block and the One Who Blocks (2)

Five late-stage crisis scenarios forcibly initiated by Asura, the owner of the Black Mist.

Originally, it was a scenario that contained the possibility and danger of destroying the whole of Arcadia, so those who could be called protagonists in each stage not only had power so strong that it was impossible to cover their superiority and inferiority, but they were also beings with special settings.

Declen, the only survivor of the Black clan and the eponymous zodiac dragon that has existed since the beginning of time.

Standing on the stage of Arcadia in the role of a catastrophe in the central continent, unlike other catastrophes, he did not appear anywhere.

- Why is the center so quiet when other places are fighting bloody?

-I thought it would be the first to be smashed because it's a dragon, but it's surprising.

- I'm bored and I'm going back. I summoned all the guild members, but what is this?

Numerous allied guilds were waiting with everything fully prepared to face the dragon, the strongest and transcendent species in the world. It was also the Central Continent, a base area in Korea known for having the strongest average power of adventurers, so the size and quality of the raid was higher than expected.


the sword is well-forged, but the target to wield it is nowhere to be seen.

While they were wasting time in vain, Declen, the disaster of the Central Continent, was fiercely fighting a war to achieve his goal steadily even in a situation no one was aware of.



Forbidden Monster Land is teeming with powerful monsters in a rugged natural environment unexplored by anyone yet. Suddenly, huge explosions and roars were heard from the always quiet place, and everything around it was being destroyed and destroyed.

[Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.! Traitor of the clan!]

A brilliant golden dragon.

Goldrian, the head and leader of the great clan of dragons that protects Arcadia.

He generously poured out the near-infinite mana contained in his heart and cast 8th and 9th circle magic at Declen.

An attack so powerful that even a dragon could be mortally wounded.

However, Declen, watching the attack flying towards him, did not waver at all.

No, rather, she looked at Goldrian with eyes full of ridicule and recited in a low voice.

[You're ignoring me too much, Lord of this world.]

Kuku-kung. Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak.

[Do you really think you can defeat me with magic?]

As soon as he finished speaking, a wave of powerful magic emanated from his surroundings.

Goldrian gritted his teeth as he watched as the spells of the same level as the one he had used appeared and offset one by one.

[You bastard... what the hell are you trying to do?]

Goldrian knows better than anyone else that a fight alone has no chance.

That's why he used his authority as a Lord to issue a convocation order to all members of the clan and spoke to them to make the most of the time.

And whether or not he knew his intentions, Declen gave him a kind answer.

[I'm saving you.]


Goldrian made a ridiculous expression at those words. And soon, with a distorted expression, he vomited out a roar.

[Stop the nonsense! Traitor of the clan! Others may be able to fool you with your sinister tongue, but not me. The memories of you mercilessly slaughtering other clans remain vivid in my head.]

Goldrian inherited the legacy and memories of the Lords of the previous generation.

That's why he didn't exist in the era of creation, but he had all the memories of Declen's rebellion against his father in the past.

[Do you know how many of those young hatchlings were killed by you? You brutally killed the Lord who led the entire clan... And your unforgivable and ugly atrocities still remain vividly in my memory!] In the past, he

led the Black clan, rebelled against his father's mission, and abruptly killed other fellow tribesmen. Declen started doing it. Killing Hetzling, who was regarded as an absolute taboo, was a horrendous crime, but he was a nightmare-like being who committed even the worst acts unimaginable.

[My kind predator, do you dare to say that you save us by taking the hearts of other comrades for power?] The

most powerful and excellent magical organ, the dragon heart, the essence of pure and highly concentrated mana.

The heart, a gift given by the creator to dragons and one that can never be found in Arcadia, is something that even deities with their own divinities covet.

And a predator that devours the heart, which is the source and existence itself of such dragons.


Although Goldrian felt disgusted at the words he said to save himself, he looked up at the sky with a bitter expression and murmured.

[Rod of this world, do you think this world is true?]

[What...? What is that all of a sudden?]

[Have you ever thought about how this world was born and what the reality of the ‘father' that created us is?] [What the hell are you talking about

! This world was created by my father, the great creator...]

[If this whole world is a lie, an illusion, and everyone in this world is just a plaything for the person who is said to be the father, would you volunteer to play that role?] What the heck is he doing

? Goldrian did not understand what he was talking about. Watching him make a strange expression, Declen burst into laughter.

[I was just like you before. I obeyed the Lord's command, upheld the mission of the author as the father, was faithful to the orders given to me, and devoted my all to maintaining the order and balance of this world.] The days of ignorance when I knew nothing of the past

. Declen muttered with a face as if recalling that time. However, he suddenly contorted his face and muttered with a ferocious force.

[Until the owner of the Black Mist told me the whole truth.]

Asura, the owner of the Black Mist, suddenly appeared in Arcadia and began to build a new order beyond the Creator's will.

That cataclysmic moment when numerous gods were swallowed up by him and the setting of the world called Arcadia was changed. He took a strange interest in Declen and told him the truth he didn't want.

[Hmm..... Hey, you know what?]

That's how Declen realized that this world was a lie.

At first, he was distrustful of the fact, but seeing the reaction of the other clans whenever he brought up the story, he realized that the story of Asura, which he did not want to believe, was true.

[warning. Singularity occurred.]

[Amnesia. Forced reset applied.]

Alice intervenes whenever an NPC recognizes that this world is an illusion or feels a sense of incongruity, erasing all memories or making them unrecognizable.

Declen's actions to hide the reality and truth of this world from everyone but herself eventually drove Declen into madness.

[So I will break this world. Kill and destroy all those who live in lies, so that the ‘father' cannot treat us as toys. Like that... I will save everyone. For all those who live ignorantly in an illusion!]

Her goal, which she has talked about hundreds and thousands of times so far.

However, his desperate wishes and stories did not reach Goldrian.

[warning. Singularity occurred.]

[Amnesia. Forced reset applied.]

As before.

[what....? What is that all of a sudden?]

Goldrian made a blank expression as if dreaming for a moment, then repeated the same words.

And Declen, who had a blank expression for a moment at his reaction, soon poured out mad laughter and muttered in a self-deprecating voice.

[The fact that only I know the whole truth is a very harsh curse. I really envy you who don't know anything, Lord of this world.]

Woo woo woo woo woo.

And at that moment, as if the conversation was over, Declen began to radiate powerful mana. He said with bright eyes full of serious living.

[Give up your meaningless resistance now and quietly offer your heart.]

Declen, the main character of the late crisis scenario and a disaster, has the most powerful trait.

[Dragon's Nemesis]

Due to his characteristics, there was no one among the dragons, the guardians of Arcadia, who could face him.

Even Goldrian, the lord of all clans.



Even though he knew that he was no match, he knew that it was an unavoidable fight, so he squeezed the infinite mana contained in his heart to the fullest and projected the most powerful attack, the breath, at him.

[Don't talk nonsense. I... I will fulfill my mission until the moment my life ends


A golden laser that destroys everything it blocks.

The ray of absolute annihilation, which could neither be defended nor evaded, was precisely lodged in Declen's body, and soon created a huge dust cloud with a roar as if a nuclear bomb had exploded.

His blow was so powerful that half of that vast monster land was blown away.

However, as if he had squeezed all his strength, Goldrian was gasping for breath with a tired face. and that moment. Through the thick dust clouds, huge black claws flew toward the nape of his neck.


Declen grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and slammed him roughly on the floor.

As if he had been hit, the shiny scales fell off and blood flowed here and there, but he seemed unmortally wounded and felt no restraint in his movements.

[I can't die from that attack... Really... It's just as my father prophesied.] He is an

absolute being that no dragon, including himself, can stop, and if released, it will bring about the extinction of all dragons. prediction that it will.

Goldrian muttered in a self-deprecating voice, realizing that if he couldn't stop him, everything would flow according to the prophecy.

[Give up now, Lord of this world. The pain only lasts for a moment. Only through death will you be able to be freed forever from your father's shackles.]

Goldrian looks at Declen, who raises sharp claws to take his heart. And he decided to use the last resort he could even in this hopeless situation.

[I will not give my heart to the likes of you.]



Dragon Heart, the most powerful magical organ and the essence of infinite mana.

The heart of an old dragon that reached a transcendental level was also the most powerful and powerful bomb.

self-sacrifice magic.

A magic that intentionally causes a runaway of mana and releases it as mana with the most powerful destructive power all at once.

[Stop talking nonsense!]

Watching Goldrian refuse to give it to him, even destroying his own heart using the magic that was banned a long time ago, Declen hurriedly struck his claws at his heart.

The moment his self-sacrifice spell is complete and Declen's claws are about to rip out his heart.

A low but powerful voice came from somewhere.

[Stop all movements.]


It is not a mere word, but a declaration with compulsory enforcement power.

The powerful force that spurred them right in front of them made the two of them stop all their movements like a lie.

[What is this...?]

[I can't believe it..... Why are the bodies...]

The two dragons were shocked by their bodies moving against their will. And at that moment, without even realizing it, Declen was hit by something and flew away.



Dragonlord Goldrian was looking at the situation unfolding right in front of him with a dumbfounded expression. In front of his eyes, an unbelievable situation was being created.

Taking the rulers of the underworld and the celestial realm as if they were pets...

a situation in which an adventurer who seemed to be angry about something excitedly beat Declen, who had just tried to kill him.

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