World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 387

Chapter 387 Dung Mangem (7)

The Supreme Council of Magic has become an organization with tremendous authority and influence representing all magicians on the unified continent of Arcadia.

Those who have risen to the top of the realm allowed to humans as archmages and 7th circle masters, each of whom can be said to be the best wizards. In addition, thanks to the magic book she had acquired in advance, even Gallia, who had entered the 8th Circle, although it was not perfect. Looking at the full members of the 8 Madou Supreme Council, Haimer swallowed his saliva involuntarily with a tense face.

‘Wow..... The atmosphere is really bloody...'

Even though no one is saying anything, the atmosphere is so threatening that the whole body feels numb just by looking at it. Hans, a member of the Necromancy School, was the first to speak in the cold atmosphere where even death seemed to flow.

“You call that an offer now? Let's appoint such a young chick as an official member of the Demon Island Supreme Council...?”

A wizard representing each continent and the position of the supreme councilor of magic, which has become a glorious and powerful position given only to those who have reached the highest level. Everyone gathered in this place was the one who reached the 7th Circle Master, which can be said to be the end of magic, so their age was enormous beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

“What is the realm of magic? What power are you hiding? How did you change your appearance? It's like a transformation magic I've never seen before...”

Oz, the head of the Witchcraft school, who looks like a young girl of about 10 years old, but has already entered the three-digit age range a long time ago. She muttered as she looked around at Haimer with a look of interest.

“I can't even feel the magic... What the hell is this guy?”

“Canonphilia school? magic science? What the hell is that all about?”

Wizards from other continents who don't know much about the Gael Federation yet. To all those who tilted their heads with faces full of curiosity and doubt, Gallia calmly continued to introduce Haimer as if making a head-on breakthrough.

“As I said before, he is the founder of a new school of magic, and strictly speaking, he is not a wizard like us. His understanding of magic is better than anyone else's, but he has a body that is naturally incapable of accumulating mana.”


“What is that...?”

“It's not that I hid my power... I didn't have mana in the first place...?”

As if shocked by the words, those who freeze with a puzzled expression. And soon, violent reactions erupted here and there.

“Are you kidding me?”

“How dare you bring someone who is not even a wizard to a place like this and make such a suggestion. Are you sane now?”

“Are you saying that you don't know that even making that proposal would undermine the authority and honor of the Imado Supreme Council?”

“If you act ridiculously like this just because you have the title of Chairman, then you need to seriously reconsider the agreement we signed, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Maddo Gallia.”

Cold cynicism and fierce hostility rise here and there as if there is nothing more to hear. However, Gallia, as if anticipating their reactions, hurriedly tried to explain.

“Everyone, calm down and listen to what I have to say. This child is...”

The only country in Arcadia without a king.

A republic that won freedom with the power of citizens and defended freedom alone from huge foreign powers.

Gael Federation.

And the main character, Haimer, who created that ridiculous, miraculous narrative.

Gaul praised the innovative magic theory he created and the ingenious, novel, and infinitely useful artifacts created by numerous magic engineers, and Gallia tried to convince the other seven magic commissioners somehow.

“If you look at the strength of the Canon Philia School, you will understand why I am like this. No, looking at the countless magical knowledge and theories created and researched by those so-called magical engineers, it is certain that there are parts that we must learn from and follow, and that we must cooperate and embrace in order to develop magic in the future... ..”


Hans slams the desk as if he will no longer listen to Galia. He looked at Gallia, who paused in the middle of his speech, with a contemptuous expression on his face.

“Did I hear you right now? Did the representative of magicians say that we have something to learn from Dotaejong, who can't even learn magic like that?”

Dotaejong (淘汰種).

An insulting expression used by wizards when looking down on them and looking down on them for not being able to learn magic by nature. He didn't say it openly at all, but when he unknowingly and unknowingly revealed this thought held deep in the hearts of wizards without adding or subtracting, Haimer's face, who knew the meaning more than anyone else, hardened.

“Sir Hans!”

“Why did I say something wrong? Why did a writer who values diversity for the development of magic lead us to make the decision to forever seal the 8th circle magic book, which the Necromancy school most desperately wanted, because it was black magic? Then, bring in front of me a pathetic and inferior idiot who is not even a wizard like that and treat him on the same level as us? Do you know how hypocritical that sounds?”

Three conditions to become a wizard.

Mana management ability. A body capable of accumulating mana. Exceptional intelligence capable of understanding magic.

Those who were chosen by meeting all those conditions and rose to the pinnacle of wizards respected and revered by everyone. To them, the words to bring Haimer, who did not meet the basic conditions and qualifications of a wizard, to the Supreme Council of Magic, who were on the same level as them, was no different from removing a stone with a stone rolled in.

That's why voices of sympathy erupted here and there at Hans' words.

“Sir Hans is right.”

“No matter how good magical knowledge is, aren't they people who can only imitate magic, who can neither possess mana nor manage mana? How can such people comprehend the extremes of truth and magic in this world?”

“I understand that you are a young man with consummate talents. But even so, it seems that he is far behind in rank to be a member like us.”

No matter how much you think about it, the 7 members of the magic committee talk in a negative tone as if this is not the case. And Hans, who was carrying them behind, spoke with a triumphant spirit as if he could never back down.

“Even if you are the chairman of this committee, you don't have the authority to pass bills against our will ex officio. We have to convince at least four members and get their votes.”

A committee that goes back to a thoroughly democratic system.

There were no exceptions, even if he was the chairman, so Hans glanced at the others sitting in the conference room and muttered with a confident face.

“And it doesn’t seem like anyone agrees with Chairman Gaul’s argument.”


There was a chilly silence in which no one spoke, but the atmosphere was clearly felt. A situation where no one welcomes Haimer, the subject of this conversation. So Gallia struck first and reversed her original stance.

“Good. If you're going to oppose it this far, I'll take a step back.”

In the midst of resistance that was stronger than expected, Gaul showed a clear expression of bewilderment, but spoke as if she could not give up.

“Please appoint this child as an official professor at Ouroboros, an academic institution and integrated magic academy that will be newly established. Even if he can't use magic, I'm sure he's an exceptional talent, with the magical knowledge he possesses that is second to none compared to ours.”

“joy. what magical knowledge. A person who has never used magic himself gives a lecture on magic and mana? Do you really think that someone who learns only in theory and who has no experience can teach really well?”

“That's what the corpse dealer said. In addition, if the academy is targeting apprentice wizards and students who are still inexperienced in mana management skills, if the instructor is not a wizard, they will not be able to respond appropriately in an emergency situation.

He was moved by the word corpse arm, but Hans glared at Oz for a moment, who gave support to his words, then turned his head and looked at Galia, and said Hans.

“I don't know why you're trying so hard to drag that kid in. Sir Gallia Could it be that they are from the same continent? To strengthen your voice and influence in this magic supreme council?”


Their sarcasm seems to be crossing the line. Gaul gave a low warning with a cold face as if angry at him.

“...Be careful with your words.”

Powerful magic power wrapped around the conference hall again.

It was obviously a power that overwhelms him, but Hans glanced at others who agreed with him, and then confidently faced Gallia and shouted.

“If that’s not the case, give up! We have no intention of recognizing pseudo-mages who are not real wizards like that!”

“This bastard...!”

At that moment, Galia lost her patience and tried to scream. However, when Haimer suddenly stood in front of him and stopped him, Galia froze with a dumbfounded expression for a moment.

“If you don’t mind, can I say something...?”

Heimer has a very calm voice and a confident attitude without being intimidated.

And he began to talk honestly about what he felt calmly, as if he didn't need consent.

“I know and keenly understand the location and position of many other magical engineers, including myself, better than anyone else. Everyone aspired and dreamed of becoming a wizard, and they were frustrated and despaired in front of a huge wall of reality.”

They are full of desire and passion for magic more than anyone else. However, in the midst of cursed physical talent, those who eventually had to give up their dreams. That's why Haimer spoke on behalf of those who stay up all night repeating numerous studies and experiments to realize magic even with magic stones.

“I will not ask you to treat us equally. I also had no intention of being treated proudly as a wizard, and I had no intention of wanting to get the benefits of it in the first place.”

Haimer, who stood here at Gallia's earnest request from the beginning. However, in the midst of the prejudiced hatred of the so-called orthodox wizards, he was able to let go of all the longing for those he had harbored in his heart.

“I... and everyone in the Gael Federation is a researcher of ‘magical engineering', not ‘magic'. We are not sorcerers, we are walkers on a new path as wizards completely different from those of you here. I just want to ask you to respect that point, and I will voluntarily step down in order not to create any more trouble.”

“Wait a minute. Hey.....”

Haimer left the conference room without looking back. And Gallia tries to catch him with a puzzled face. However, seeing his firm eyes as if he had already made a firm decision, Galia couldn't bear to stop him.



When the door to the meeting hall was closed, a loud voice echoed through the door, as if an enormous argument was going on, along with Gallia's high voice, but Haimer left them with a bitter expression.

The orthodox wizards who dismissed all the achievements of Gael Federation's magic engineers as quasi-magic and drove out Hymer. Haimer turned around in frustration in front of a huge wall that could never be surpassed, experiencing all kinds of discrimination and cold treatment in front of their own league, which was already firmly piled up.

But no one knew of the great crisis that was right around the corner.

The fact that true heroes are born in such a crisis is also true.

In this way, the wheel of fate in this virtual world was spinning like crazy.

In a situation no one expected.

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