World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 7: indecisive

Chapter 7: indecisive

Feng Shiren tapped his teacup on the table twice, signaling for everyone in the hall to be quiet before turning to Du Ge and asking, "Mr. Qi, what should we do next?"

"Firstly, send people to investigate the towns for any sudden changes in the health or behavior of the elderly or disabled. If there are any, bring them back to the Feng Family. Better to catch the wrong person than to let the Heavenly Demon escape. After capturing them, we can determine if they are truly the Heavenly Demon based on their words and actions. Secondly, we can use the Martial Arts Tournament as an excuse to visit the various sects and families to look for any Heavenly Demons that may have infiltrated them. If we can recruit them, we will. If not, we will eliminate them to ensure the Feng Family's dominance." Du Ge gave his suggestions without hesitation.

Before Feng Shiren could respond, Feng Yunjie stood up and said, "Mr. Qi, I'm afraid that won't work. The Feng Family's martial arts skills are not outstanding. If I were to encounter any problems before the Martial Arts Tournament, I might not even have the chance to participate. You don't know, other sects would love to eliminate their competitors in advance under the guise of sparring. After all, there are many treasures in the Qiao Family's Holy Land that can change a family's destiny..."

Du Ge interrupted him and asked, "Third Young Master, how many people from the Feng Family will participate in the Martial Arts Tournament?"

Feng Yunjie replied, "There are five people who meet the qualifications. I am a direct descendant of the Feng Family, and the other four are my father and two uncles' disciples. Mr. Qi, the Martial Arts Tournament is for selecting the rising stars of the martial world and promoting their reputation. It's limited to young people between the ages of 20 and 25."

"Is five the limit for the number of participants?" Du Ge asked.

"No," Feng Yunjie replied, "There is no limit to the number of participants, only to their age."

"Can Feng Jiu and I participate?" Du Ge asked again.

Feng Yunjie was taken aback, looked at the two of them, and said, "Your age is not a problem, but I'm afraid your martial skills won't even pass the preliminary screening. To prevent troublemakers from participating in the tournament and affecting the audience's experience, the Qiao Family will conduct an initial screening of the participants. As for the Feng Family, I am the only one who has a chance of passing the screening."

Recalling Feng Si's evaluation of the Martial Arts Tournament, Du Ge asked, "Third Young Master, have any of the Feng Family's descendants achieved good results or entered the Holy Land in the past Martial Arts Tournaments?"

His words hit a sore spot for the Feng Family, and everyone fell silent.

Feng Yunjie blushed and said, "Mr. Qi, my martial arts aptitude is relatively good, and I am the most hopeful person in the Feng Family to win a place and enter the Qiao Family's Holy Land."

"Well, things are different now," Du Ge shook his head and smiled. "Third Young Master, perhaps you were the only one with a chance in the past, but that's not the case anymore. Don't forget, Feng Jiu and I are also part of the Feng Family."

Several pairs of eyes turned to Du Ge and Feng Jiu."There is still half a year before the Martial Arts Tournament, and with the Heavenly Demon's arrival, who can say for sure what will happen in half a year?" Du Ge paced back and forth a few steps, finally standing still, his gaze fixed on the Family Master Feng Shiren, and said with a smile, "Master, times have changed, we must learn to look at things with a developmental perspective. The bigger our ambition, the bigger our stage. Maybe in half a year, Qiao Family's Martial World Holy Land will have changed its name to Feng."

Feng Shiren had just picked up his tea cup and took a sip when Du Ge's words came out, and the tea suddenly choked him, causing him to cough a few times before recovering and reluctantly saying, "Mr. Qi, it's okay to talk about this in the Feng Family, but don't spread it outside."

"Master, trust me, I know what I'm doing. From the moment I step forward, I am bound to the Feng Family. We rise and fall together. I won't do anything that is detrimental to the Feng Family." Du Ge nodded at Feng Shiren and turned to Feng Yunjie, "Third Young Master, let's put aside the matter of seizing the Martial World Holy Land for now. Even if the martial world is not affected by the Heavenly Demon and continues to develop as before, we can still take out other seed players ahead of time and increase the chances of the Feng Family entering the Qiao Family's Holy Land!"

"I would like to, but I need the ability to do so." Feng Yunjie said awkwardly.

"Even if you have the ability, you can't do it. Otherwise, once exposed, it will surely bring disaster to the Feng Family." Du Ge pointed to himself and Feng Jiu and said with a smile, "For the stability of the Feng Family, we will do the dirty work..."

Looking at Du Ge, who was willing to sacrifice for the Feng Family, the Feng Family members looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a while.

How should they say it?

Everything in front of them gave them a surreal feeling...

Feng Shiren didn't like Du Ge's boastful attitude and frowned, "Mr. Qi, we still need to be cautious in our actions."

"Master, time is running out." Du Ge sighed, "You don't understand the Heavenly Demon, they will take everything to grow. Just like me, I will do everything to protect the interests of the Feng Family because only when the Feng Family is prosperous can my abilities improve.

I know what you're worried about, Master. We need to make the best plan but also prepare for the worst. If the assassination of other seed players is exposed, you can push me out as a scapegoat and blame everything on the Heavenly Demon. By then, other Heavenly Demons should have already shown signs, and no one will suspect us. The Feng Family can even use this to launch a grand demon-slaying campaign and gain fame..."

Feng Jiu looked at Feng Qi suspiciously, and his doubts about him loosened a bit. Was his keyword really "protecting" the Feng Family with all his heart?

Feng Yunjie looked at Du Ge, his eyes flashing with obvious interest.Feng Shiren frowned, "I haven't said anything yet. How come it seems like everything is already decided in your mouth, and even the way out has been figured out for me...?"

Du Ge clasped his fists and bowed to the ground, "Family Master, fortune favors the bold. Feng Family has not even qualified to enter the Holy Land after several Martial Arts Tournaments. What else do we have to lose? Family Master, make up your mind! I am willing to make any sacrifice for the Feng Family. Please do not doubt my sincerity."

Feng Shiren took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Qi, this is a matter of great importance. Let's discuss it first. Yunming and Yunlu, please take the two gentlemen to the guest room to rest."

Feng Yunming came to Du Ge and the other man, gesturing with his hand, "Please, gentlemen."

Du Ge looked helpless and unwillingly turned to Feng Shiren, raising his voice, "Family Master, the future of Feng Family is in your hands. You must make a decision as soon as possible. Time is of the essence!"

Feng Shiren's head buzzed, and he instinctively clenched his fists.

Looking at the eager Feng Family members, he felt a little fear and killing intent towards Du Ge. If he didn't handle this Heavenly Demon who could manipulate people's minds well, it would most likely bring disaster to the Feng Family!


"Second Young Master, it's meaningless for us to stay here. It's better to persuade the Family Master. The Heavenly Demon's descent is really a great opportunity. We can't give up!"

"...Fourth Young Master, you are smart and clever. You will also have a chance to participate in the Martial Arts Tournament in the future. Don't you want to participate in your own home?"

"Second Young Master, you will take charge of the Feng Family in the future. You should know that managing a family is like practicing martial arts. If you don't progress, you will regress..."


On the way to the guest room, Du Ge talked endlessly to Feng Yunming and Feng Yunlu, showing great concern for the future of the Feng Family and portraying himself as a loyal and devoted servant to the family.

Feng Jiu covered his stomach and was shocked by what he saw. He had never felt so inferior before. Compared to Du Ge, he lacked too much. Was this the education from the Elite Academy? It was their first time entering the Simulation Field, how could he be so outstanding?

Thinking of how he had used the spot in the Elite Academy to lure Feng Qi, Feng Jiu felt embarrassed. He was afraid that he had been seen through at that time.


When they arrived at the guest room, Du Ge finally fell silent and sat in a chair, thinking about where the flaws were and how to make up for them.

But in the eyes of Feng Yunming and Feng Yunlu, they were worried that Feng Qi's suggestion would not be adopted.

The two looked at each other, and Feng Yunming broke the silence, "Mr. Qi, you are too eager. Don't think too much. Father has always been cautious in his actions, and he will make the best choice."Feng Yunlu laughed and said, "That's right, Mr. Qi, you've already explained the pros and cons, and we can't make the decisions for the rest. Let's just wait patiently. Mr. Qi, tell us about the Demon Realm! I'm quite curious about the Heavenly Demon."

Did he push too hard?

Du Ge's thoughts stirred, and he sighed, "We can't afford to wait! The Feng Family needs to be strong so that I can be strong! Otherwise, when other Heavenly Demons come to kill, I won't have grown enough to protect the Feng Family. Without even our lives, how can we talk about living freely? The competition among Heavenly Demons is very cruel."

As he spoke, it seemed as if he remembered something. He looked at Feng Jiu and skillfully changed the subject, "Eldest Young Master, I've only thought about my own growth. Quickly find someone to prepare some food for Brother Jiu. His Keyword is Gluttonous, and he must eat to grow. His growth will also be a help to the Feng Family."

The matters of the Demon Realm were all fabricated. The more he talked, the more mistakes he would make. It was better to take this opportunity to maintain a few more people and enhance his own strength.

Just now, he had wholeheartedly planned for the Feng Family, and his attributes had improved a lot. Now, he felt energetic, with sharp senses and seemingly endless strength. This kind of improvement was very addictive.

Du Ge also saw that Feng Shiren was indecisive and couldn't achieve great things.

His schemes might be beneficial to the Feng Family, but once he encountered setbacks or lost control of them, his butcher's knife would probably be aimed at himself first.

Enhancing his own strength was the foundation for standing firm. In the future, when he betrayed the Feng Family, he would have confidence...


Feng Jiu looked at Du Ge in astonishment, as if he hadn't expected him to find food for him.

Du Ge laughed and said, "Brother Jiu, don't look at me like that. When I said we'd cooperate, I meant it. I won't harm you."

Feng Jiu glanced at Du Ge and suddenly sighed, saying bitterly, "No need, I can't eat anymore. Eldest Young Master, ask the doctor to prescribe me some digestive medicine! My stomach is a bit...full."

"Full?" Du Ge stared at Feng Jiu intently, as if looking at an extremely interesting object.

Feng Jiu's face turned red, and he avoided Du Ge's gaze, mumbling, "I ate too much earlier, and I really can't eat anymore."

Du Ge stood up and walked around Feng Jiu a few times, amidst his panicked gaze. Suddenly, he stopped, looked at him, shook his head, and said decisively, "Brother Jiu, you're on the wrong path."

Feng Yunming was about to order a servant to call the doctor for Feng Jiu, but when he heard this, he stopped.

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