World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 273: Du Ge who specializes in face-slapping

Chapter 273: Du Ge who specializes in face-slapping

"Don't be afraid, your talent is exceptional. Given time, you could very well become a terrestrial immortal. The Heavenly Demons are nothing to fear, and you might even find them easier to handle than the Ghost King."

Mistaking Du Ge's daze for fear, Daoist Priest Suwen comforted him with care.

As he spoke, he handed his phone to Du Ge, showing him videos of the two Heavenly Demons, and smiled, "Greed is a demon, so are vexation, anger, and slaughter. Demons are obsessions and evil thoughts.

The so-called Keywords are just external manifestations of demons. Eliminate greed from the greedy, quell the anger of the angry, and the Demon Heads will destroy themselves. Finding their weaknesses is easier than dealing with ghosts."


The old Daoist Priest has hit the nail on the head with Keywords!

Keywords that align with actions lead to growth, those that don't lead to weakening—it's the same principle as the old Daoist Priest's explanation of demons!

Only through madness can one truly live.

So Pan-Universal Entertainment is essentially creating a horde of demons in troubled times.

"Thank you for the guidance, Master. I always thought Heavenly Demons were more formidable than ghosts!" Du Ge said with a modest smile, "What should I be wary of when facing a Heavenly Demon?"

Daoist Priest Suwen glanced at Du Ge and said, "First, stay true to your heart and don't let it corrupt your mind; second, be more powerful than them."

"..." Du Ge was stunned, looking at the old Daoist Priest with a laugh, "Master, I didn't expect you to have such a sense of humor."

"It's not humor, I'm stating facts." Daoist Priest Suwen pulled a book titled "Collection of Talismans" from the shelf and tossed it to Du Ge, "Without strength, even if you know the Heavenly Demon's weakness, you'll still be controlled by them. Practice drawing talismans tonight, meditate in the latter half of the night to restore your energy, and join me in practicing martial arts before dawn tomorrow. If you only cultivate internally and encounter a Heavenly Demon, you might not even be able to cast a talisman..."

Martial arts?

You have no idea how powerful I am!

Ever since experiencing the taste of maximized physical attributes, Du Ge had lost interest in martial arts.

In the world of martial arts, speed is unrivaled, and nothing is indestructible.

With increased attributes, one is both fast and strong.

No matter how fancy the techniques, none can withstand a punch from him—swift and fierce, no technique can block it.

"Master, there's a press conference at the company tomorrow, I still need to go down the mountain," Du Ge said as he flipped open the "Collection of Talismans." The table of contents listed various talismans: Supreme Purity Seal, Master's Treasure Seal, Five Thunder Ghost-Slaying Seal... Evil-expelling talisman, Demon-Suppressing talisman, Five Dragons talisman... Five Ghosts talisman, Seven Killings talisman... Travel talisman, Concentration talisman, Wish-Fulfilling talisman, and more, all included.

Each page had the pattern of the talisman and its corresponding usage method.

"You can skip the Supreme Purity Seal at the beginning; with your current cultivation level, you won't be able to draw those talismans."

Daoist Priest Suwen stood next to Du Ge, preparing the brush, cinnabar, and yellow paper, "Start practicing with the Concentration and Calming talismans. These will help your cultivation more. As for going down the mountain, with Heavenly Demons wreaking havoc below and the Heavenly Demon King coveting your body, it's better not to leave. No amount of wealth is worth more than life.

I already know what's happened to you. It's a good opportunity to sever worldly ties and focus on cultivation. As for breach of contract fees, don't worry about it. I have some connections in the secular world and will help you resolve it."

I possessed the body of a celebrity precisely for his influence. If you deal with my fans, who will I use to level up?

Du Ge complained internally, "Master, the business down the mountain is the result of years of hard work, I don't want to give it up."

"What's there to cling to in the mundane world? Pursuing the great Dao and becoming a terrestrial immortal one day, what can't you obtain?" Daoist Priest Suwen looked up and scolded, "You don't realize how excellent your talent is. If anyone in this world could become a terrestrial immortal, it's you. Don't mislead yourself. Moreover, if you go down the mountain now and get possessed by the Heavenly Demon King, you won't even have a life left, let alone talk about business?"

"I've learned the Five Thunder talisman, what do I have to fear from the Heavenly Demon King?" Du Ge said, "When the time comes, no matter what kind of Heavenly Demon or Heavenly Demon King, I'll just cast a talisman and blast them to death."

"You can't become fat with just one bite." Daoist Priest Suwen glared at him and handed him the cinnabar-soaked brush, "I really don't know how you manage to enter meditation so quickly with your impetuous nature. Come, draw talismans.

When Daoists first drew talismans, they had to bathe, change clothes, and set up an altar for offerings.

Nowadays, there aren't so many rules, but when drawing talismans, you must focus on your dantian, calm your spirit, channel spiritual power with your brush, and connect your thoughts with heaven and earth, aiming for a seamless creation.

It may be difficult at first, but with practice, you'll succeed. If you feel tired, meditate to restore your energy. It took me three days to successfully draw my first talisman..."

Daoist Priest Suwen was still droning on about the key points of drawing talismans, but Du Ge had already started drawing, completing a spiritual talisman in one go on the yellow paper.

At the moment the talisman was completed, Du Ge felt a part of the energy he had just cultivated was depleted.

As expected.

Daoist talismans require cultivation to draw; they are infused with spiritual power, and even if a mortal stumbled upon the "Collection of Talismans" and managed to draw a talisman, it would be nothing but a piece of waste paper.

While pondering, Du Ge switched to a new piece of yellow paper and quickly drew a Travel talisman.

Daoist Priest Suwen's voice abruptly stopped, staring at the two talismans on the table, clearly filled with spiritual power and nearly perfect, he was dumbfounded, "You... you drew the Five Thunder talisman? And the Travel talisman?"

"Yes!" Du Ge turned to look at the old Daoist Priest and smiled, "Master, I have a photographic memory. I memorized their drawing methods while reading the book just now. Drawing talismans isn't as hard as you said, you just need hands, right? No need for three days, Master, don't worry about comforting me..."

He teased the old Daoist Priest with a light tone.

Du Ge then drew a Protective talisman on another piece of yellow paper, equally brimming with spiritual power.


Is there really such a thing as a genius in this world?

Daoist Priest Suwen looked at Du Ge, grinding his teeth in frustration.

He had only described the method of drawing talismans to Du Ge, without actually teaching him hands-on, and saw that Du Ge didn't even flip through the book before drawing the Five Thunder talisman. He had intended for Du Ge to struggle a bit and then take the opportunity to teach him to be down-to-earth.

Drawing talismans with spiritual power can backfire if unsuccessful, and he had even prepared medicine for healing.

Suffering internal injuries from drawing talismans would be perfect for recuperating and cultivating on the mountain, saving him from attending any press conference—a win-win...

Who could have imagined that the promising disciple he had taken in just half a day ago was still an ordinary person clueless about cultivation?

"Cheng Yu, stop. You shouldn't draw too many talismans at once to avoid depleting your vital energy," Daoist Priest Suwen sighed, setting aside his inner turmoil and advised.

"No need." Du Ge smiled and looked back at him, "I've discovered that I can circulate energy in a full circle while drawing talismans, without any hindrance. Cultivation is so effortless; why don't people in the secular world learn the Dao? If Daoist practices were widespread, no matter how many Heavenly Demons come to this world, they'd be doomed!"

Damn it!

Daoist Priest Suwen's face flushed red. He had just mentioned the depletion of vital energy, and you just had to show me circulating energy in a full circle while drawing talismans. You're not my disciple, are you here just to slap my face?

This disciple can't be kept!

Daoist Priest Suwen inwardly sighed, now convinced that if someone told him Du Ge was the reincarnation of the Daoist Ancestor, he would believe it without a doubt.

Clearing his throat, Daoist Priest Suwen said, "Cheng Yu, you mentioned a press conference tomorrow?"

"Yes." Du Ge saw through Daoist Priest Suwen's thoughts and turned back, "Master, you're right, cultivation is more important. I'm now more interested in drawing talismans. Whether I attend the press conference or not..."

"You should still go," Daoist Priest Suwen twirled his beard, "A cultivator should not only think about ascetic practice but also refine their heart in the mortal world. This will aid your cultivation even more..."

"But what if I encounter the Heavenly Demon King?" Du Ge was taken aback.

"Blast him with the Five Thunder talisman," Daoist Priest Suwen said.

"But Master, you haven't taught me martial arts yet," Du Ge said, "What if I can't cast the talisman when the time comes?"

"..." Daoist Priest Suwen paused, ultimately giving up on the idea of sending Du Ge down the mountain. He silently recited his Daoist name to calm his agitated spirit, "Cheng Yu, I was out of line just now. You should stay in the temple and focus on cultivation. I'll take care of the press conference..."

The old Daoist Priest was ultimately a man of integrity.

Even in his frustration, he couldn't bring himself to send Du Ge to his death for his own selfish reasons. He couldn't ruin a promising seedling that might achieve the Golden Elixir.

But just moments later.

Watching Du Ge perform martial arts techniques with vigor and precision, even more impressive than his own, the old Daoist Priest couldn't hold back and decided to send him down the mountain after all.

If he wasn't certain that Du Ge had never learned Daoist practices before, he would have thought this was his arch-enemy sent to mock him!

Truly damn it!

If he continued to teach this disciple, he himself would go mad.

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