World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 207: The Awakening Seventh Junior Brother

Chapter 207: The Awakening Seventh Junior Brother

Our Sect Leader?

Where did you get that idea?

Seventh junior brother was somewhat bewildered, looking at Lu Dong, who was spotless and eager to please, and feeling the surge of spiritual power within him, he suddenly seemed to grasp the true meaning of the path of calamity!


He nodded, "Sect Leader brother just had an epiphany a few days ago. Once he fully masters the true meaning of the path, he will be even more formidable."


Lu Dong gasped in shock.

Even more formidable?

With a wave of his hand, the enemy's clothes are stripped away?

Lu Dong shook his head vigorously, casting out the inappropriate images that had sprung to mind, and silently retrieved his arm that Du Ge had torn off from the ground.


He found his severed hand, picked up a random piece of clothing from the ground, wrapped it up, planning to wait for Du Ge to conquer the Sect and see if he could get a doctor to reattach it.

Seventh junior brother looked at him with a trace of sympathy on his face: "Junior brother Lu, maybe you should wear a few more clothes. Senior brother is heavy-handed, and who knows what parts might fall off if he touches you!"

Upon hearing this.

Lu Dong's face changed dramatically, and he ran to the training field as if flying, retrieving his clothes and clumsily putting them on with one hand.

The Tianlan Valley disciple who had been stripped by Du Ge also surreptitiously put his clothes back on and, after hesitating for a moment, raised his hand and stood in front of seventh junior brother: "Senior brother, I wonder if I could also join our Seven Stars Sect?"

Seventh junior brother raised his eyebrows.

"Xi Peng, have you gone mad?" a disciple from Tianlan Valley shouted in surprise, "Wang Chong has humiliated you so..."

"Mind your own business, I'm willing," Xi Peng glared back at him, intending to reveal the reason, but then thought better of it. If too many knew, would the Sect Leader even recognize him?

He paused, then declared, "The Sect Leader humiliating me is a sign of his regard. If the Sect Leader likes, I'd rather he strip me every day..."

"..." Seventh junior brother.

"..." The disciples of Tianlan Valley.

"..." Lu Dong.


The world must have gone mad!

Many disciples of Tianlan Valley subconsciously clenched their thighs. Ever since Wang Chong burst into the valley, things had become topsy-turvy, dreamlike, completely defying all reason!

"Sorcery, Wang Chong must be using sorcery, Xi Peng has been bewitched!" a disciple from Tianlan Valley shouted in horror.

Upon hearing this.

The faces of the Tianlan Valley disciples changed abruptly, and they retreated a few steps again, staying even further away from seventh junior brother and the others, as if afraid of being tainted by their evil aura.

Seventh junior brother looked at Xi Peng curiously and asked, "Why do you want to join the Seven Stars Sect? I want the truth, otherwise, I'll consider you a spy."

"I..." Xi Peng glanced back at the many disciples of Tianlan Valley, bit his teeth, and lowered his voice, "When the Sect Leader took my clothes, he bestowed upon me some spiritual power, at least worth a month of hard cultivation."

Seventh junior brother's eyes twitched inexplicably.

Well then.

It turned out to be because third senior brother hadn't fully mastered the true meaning of the path!

Lu Dong's eyes instantly reddened, and he roared in his heart, Damn it, that's my cultivation! The cultivation I've worked so hard for! Wang Chong drew away so much of my spiritual power, I can barely maintain my realm, and it turns out this brat has reaped the benefits...

No, there's also that seventh junior brother.

At this moment, Lu Dong finally understood the meaning behind Wang Chong's abnormal behavior.

It turned out he could not only draw out people's spiritual power but also nourish others with it.

He also understood the true meaning behind Wang Chong's words "the spiritual power will be replenished."


He resolutely stood by seventh junior brother's side, and seeing the wary look in his eyes, he revealed a calm smile: "The Sect Leader said before that the Seven Stars Sect needs talents like me. I'm already a member of the Seven Stars Sect."

Seventh junior brother glanced at Lu Dong, then looked at Ling Ping Shuang, who had been stripped by his senior brother and was still desperately resisting despite his screams. Over the past few days, his senior brother's words and actions had flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.


He turned to the Tianlan Valley disciples, who looked terrified, and with a warm smile, said, "Fellow senior brothers, previously, Tianlan Valley tried to swallow our Seven Stars Sect, which was the intention of the Valley Master and has nothing to do with you.

Tianlan Valley, for its own selfish desires, has made a formidable enemy for the Sect; in order to crush us, they did not hesitate to abandon disciples who have followed them for many years; such a Sect is both foolish and malicious, why would you still die for them?"

Looking at the restless disciples of Tianlan Valley, seventh junior brother smiled, puffed out his chest, and proudly said, "When our Seven Stars Sect was in peril, our Sect Leader traveled thousands of miles to enter the tiger's den alone to seek justice for our Sect, how brave is that?

Ma Chuanzong and others offended our Seven Stars Sect, yet Sect Leader brother generously forgave them, how benevolent is that;

When we were besieged by you, Sect Leader brother did not hesitate to turn back and rescue us; how righteous is that?

In times of crisis for the Seven Stars Sect, the public within a hundred miles generously donated to assist our Sect, enough to showcase the goodness of our Sect;

Sect Leader brother, even when facing the enemy, had the strength to spare to strip their clothes, but not take their lives, enough to showcase the strength of our Sect's cultivation technique;

Tianlan Valley is both foolish and malicious, treating disciples as chess pieces to be discarded at will, while our Seven Stars Sect is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, not abandoning any Sect disciple, why not abandon the darkness for the light and join our Seven Stars Sect?"

The disciples of Tianlan Valley remained silent.

Who here was a fool to defect just because of a few words from seventh junior brother?

Du Ge couldn't even fly, and they still had their Valley Master in seclusion contemplating the Golden Elixir; who would win was still uncertain!

Moreover, Seven Stars Sect's Wang Chong would strip people clean at the drop of a hat, clearly the style of a demonic sect. Joining such a Sect, once they went out, they'd probably be treated like rats crossing the street!

The risk was too great.

Seventh junior brother smiled faintly and dropped another bombshell: "Our Sect's Seven Stars Technique can seize the light of the Big Dipper for its own use, or rob others of their cultivation for one's own use; my senior brother is a dragon among men, reversing the Seven Stars Technique to transfer his own cultivation to others;

Joining the Seven Stars Sect, you can avoid the hardships of day and night cultivation. You think, why is Xi Peng so determined to join our Seven Stars Sect? Just now, senior brother stripped his clothes and in an instant increased his spiritual power by a month..."

The crowd was in an uproar.

Lu Dong thought again of the spiritual power he had lost for nothing, his handsome face as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Xi Peng, is it true?" a disciple from Tianlan Valley shouted.

Xi Peng nodded helplessly.

"Don't fall for his tricks, fellow senior brothers, his senior brother is just one person, at most at the Foundation Establishment stage, how much spiritual power can he share?" someone in the crowd shouted loudly.

At this moment.

Du Ge, dragging Ling Ping Shuang, who was naked and had two broken arms, unconscious like a dead dog, ran back laughing, "Of course, it's first come, first served. Those who join my Seven Stars Sect first will receive the gift of cultivation. I, Wang, will not mistreat any disciple loyal to the Seven Stars Sect. Ma Chuanzong, it's your turn..."

Saying this.

He held Ling Ping Shuang's neck with one hand and placed the other on Ma Chuanzong's shoulder, beginning a new round of cultivation transfer.

Ma Chuanzong, feeling the soaring cultivation, cried with joy: "Thank you, Sect Leader."

Du Ge's gaze swept over the people of Tianlan Valley, looking at his own junior brothers who had grown up, and said lightly, "Seventh junior brother, take note, those who join the Seven Stars Sect before I conquer Tianlan Valley will be considered inner disciples of my Seven Stars Sect, enjoying all the treatments of inner disciples, the earlier you join, the higher your rank.

Those who waver or wait until I've taken down Tianlan Valley to join will all be demoted to outer disciples;

If I take down Tianlan Valley and they still stubbornly refuse to join the Seven Stars Sect, kill them!"

"Yes, Sect Leader brother," seventh junior brother felt affirmed by his senior brother and was even more spirited, "Xi Peng, Lu Dong, you two come help me with the registration."

The disciples of Tianlan Valley looked at each other, not one stepping forward.

Du Ge let go of Ma Chuanzong, threw his coat back to him, and then placed his palm on another captive from Tianlan Valley, Meng Chu;

Ling Ping Shuang, as Lu Dong's senior uncle, had much deeper spiritual power. After helping Ma Chuanzong and Meng Chu reach the peak of the Qi Refining Stage, there was still a surplus of spiritual power.


Du Ge placed his palm on Lu Dong, replenishing some of his spiritual power, and then on Xi Peng, who had willingly joined...

After bringing the cultivation of the few people around him to the peak of the Qi Refining Stage, Du Ge looked at the still hesitant disciples of Tianlan Valley with a light laugh, "Ling Ping Shuang still has ample spiritual power, is there really no one willing to join my Seven Stars Sect and enjoy the pleasure of instantly reaching the peak of the Qi Refining Stage?"

As soon as the words fell.

Finally, someone couldn't hold back.

A young man in his twenties stepped forward: "Sect Leader, I am of dull aptitude, after many years of hard cultivation, I'm still at the early stage of Qi Refining, may I join the Seven Stars Sect?"

"Of course," Du Ge looked at the eager young man and smiled, "My Seven Stars Sect doesn't care about roots or talent, only loyalty. Xi Peng is the eldest senior brother of the fourth generation disciples, and your courage is commendable, you can be the second senior brother of the fourth generation. Come here, I'll help you increase your cultivation..."

The young man glanced back at the disciples of Tianlan Valley, gritted his teeth, and leaped to Du Ge's side.

Du Ge's palm touched his shoulder.

In an instant.

The spiritual power from Ling Ping Shuang surged through his meridians into his dantian.

"Ugh!" The young man couldn't help but let out an uncontrollable moan, and then his face was filled with ecstasy, "Mid Qi Refining, peak Qi Refining, I've made it, thank you, Sect Leader, for making it possible..."

With these words.

Those disciples of Tianlan Valley with poor aptitude couldn't hold back any longer, and they rushed forward one after another: "Sect Leader, I wish to join the Seven Stars Sect..."

"I wish to join the Seven Stars Sect..."

In an instant.

Voices merged into one.

After the less talented defected, those with better aptitude couldn't sit still either. With the chance to ascend to the heavens in one step, who would want to endure the hardships of cultivation?


The Seven Stars Sect's cultivation technique was clearly designed to take from the rich and give to the poor.

Not joining the Seven Stars Sect, they feared they would be the next to be harvested...

Better to be the demon than to be harvested by the demon!

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