World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 186: The Real Situation of the Alien Star Battlefield

Chapter 186: The Real Situation of the Alien Star Battlefield

Damn consolidate!

Du Ge looked at Nan Youlong with a heavy heart and said, "Commander Nan, all the warriors from the four groups are gone. I carry the future of humanity on my shoulders. Every bit of experience could mean the survival of millions more humans. Let me join the Simulation Field one more time, just once."

"Cut the act," Nan Youlong almost laughed in exasperation, "Weren't you the one who did everything possible to avoid the battlefield in the second Simulation Field?"

"That was the old me, not who I am now," Du Ge said earnestly, "Commander Nan, I was immature before. Now, I've come to enjoy the thrill of the Simulation Field. You were right, I am indeed a warrior born for the Alien Star Battlefield..."

"Don't even think about it, it's impossible," Nan Youlong glared at him, interrupting, "Even with the Rotational Examination System, opening the Simulation Field requires at least a million participants. Qi Yuan Star has its own system; we can't delay the selection of other talents just for you. You want experience, right? I've brought you something."

"Really?" Du Ge asked.

"They've granted you access to view past recordings of the Alien Star Battlefield," Nan Youlong handed over a piece of paper with a username and password, "See how other successful warriors used Keywords, get a real sense of what the Alien Star Battlefield is like. It'll help you more."

"Recordings from the Alien Star Battlefield?" Du Ge took the note.

"Yes, the database is vast, and the understanding of Keywords varies with each era," Nan Youlong explained, "Focus on the recordings from recent years. The older tactics are outdated and no longer used."

Nan Youlong's tone was firm, reopening the Simulation Field was a pipe dream. After all, he was just a small fry with no control over his own fate.

Du Ge sighed inwardly, shifting his focus to these so-called past experiences. The Alien Star Battlefield was deadly, and understanding it was just as crucial.

After all.

He spent most of his time away from Qi Yuan Star. Having a few extra skills was of no immediate use; if he died on the Alien Star Battlefield, even multiple abilities would be in vain. Only by returning alive would he have more say.

Du Ge glanced at the username and password, memorizing them, and casually asked, "Commander Nan, does the Alien Star Battlefield also announce the top ten rankings every month?"

"Yes," Nan Youlong nodded, "Aside from the different flow of time, the rules of the Simulation Field are exactly the same as the Alien Star Battlefield. Rankings are announced monthly."

"Why?" Du Ge asked.

"You're wondering why they don't give more time for development, right?" Nan Youlong seemed to recall something, chuckled, and asked.

"Yes," Du Ge nodded.

"You're looking at it from the wrong angle," Nan Youlong looked up at the sky, "You're thinking about survival, while the Pan-Universal Entertainment wants viewership. They allow you to grow but not indefinitely. They crave the thrill, the raw, visceral excitement."

"How could such a model sustain the Alien Star Battlefield for decades, or even a century?" Du Ge frowned.

"There have been shorter ones, but they'll never let it end within a month," Nan Youlong withdrew his gaze, walking towards a room as he spoke, "The first month is said to be for your development. In reality, it's for everyone to adapt and understand the new world. The Alien Star Battlefield is the real deal, not as vague as the Simulation Field. For example, even nations are downplayed in your first Simulation Field."

Du Ge was destined for the Alien Star Battlefield, and as his guide, Nan Youlong spared no detail in answering his questions.

"In the real world, territories are often vast and situations complex," Nan Youlong continued, "Like Qi Yuan Star two hundred years ago, with countless nations and a population of over ten billion. Three thousand people could disappear into it without causing a ripple. Moreover, in dangerous worlds, Body Possession often fails significantly.

Without announcing the top ten rankings, how would thousands of people in a vast world find each other? So, after a month, announcing the top ten is essential.

Pan-Universal Entertainment must set a target for everyone, creating a sense of urgency. The top ten warriors, knowing they're exposed, will do everything to grow, search, and eliminate more warriors to secure an unassailable position.

The rest, not wanting to be eliminated, must also hurry to develop. You know, with Keywords in play, no matter the method, warriors will rise to become the best in the world.

With diligent investigation, traces can always be found.

Over time, either the top ten feel confident enough to take out the others, or the challengers feel confident enough to take on the top ten. Conflict is inevitable, leading to war..."

Du Ge followed Nan Youlong, pondering for a moment before asking, "What if, in the end, no one troubles the top ten? After all, it's the leading geese that get shot. Those behind would need full confidence to challenge the top ten and the ability to face subsequent challengers..."

"It has happened where everyone was sneakily developing, with no one challenging the top ten," Nan Youlong looked back at Du Ge, "But Pan-Universal Entertainment will announce the end time of the Alien Star Battlefield. Once the countdown starts, you have to fight whether you want to or not. Don't forget, you're there for resources. If you don't compete for the top ten and return alive, will the people of your world spare you?"

Indeed. There was a second shrinking mechanism, and Du Ge's expression changed as he cursed inwardly.

As they talked, the two entered the room.

Nan Youlong found a sofa to sit on, picked up a kettle from the table, poured himself a cup of water, took a sip, and continued, "Du Ge, in the early stages of the Alien Star Battlefield, being in the top ten isn't too dangerous. At that time, everyone needs to develop, and usually, no one will actively seek to kill the top ten to take their place. After all, it's a long journey, and who knows how much the top ten will have grown by the time you get there."

Du Ge looked at Nan Youlong, lost in thought.

Nan Youlong saw right through Du Ge's mind and suddenly smiled, "Thinking about your previous three Simulation Fields? Creating momentum, sweeping the world in one fell swoop?"

"Yes," Du Ge nodded.

Nan Youlong sighed lightly, "Don't forget, the Alien Star Battlefield is a real world. No matter the ultimate goal of the warriors entering the battlefield, they will cause tremendous harm to the native world.

To protect their own world, many of the native inhabitants will fight the warriors to the death. Keywords are indeed powerful, but no matter the Keyword, there are always various drawbacks.

The native worlds have their own experts. Once they know the truth, they will quickly eliminate these foreign invaders.

The later it gets, the more the fighting among the warriors damages the native world. Sometimes, it can even lead to an apocalyptic event. At that point, no matter how many powers the native world originally had, they will unite against the external threat. Du Ge, remember, danger comes not only from competitors, but also from the native world."

"Pan-Universal Entertainment really doesn't value human life," Du Ge also sighed.

"Different levels of civilization, like you scalding an anthill with boiling water, as a human, it's hard to empathize," Nan Youlong took another sip of water, moistening his throat, "This is also why your impulsive nature is frowned upon. Making yourself the target of all, with the world as your enemy, it's too hard to survive. In the last Simulation Field, you must have felt it. If not for luck, you would have been eliminated several times."

That's because I rely on Muddy Water Fishing.

If it weren't for Muddy Water Fishing, I wouldn't have done it!

Don't think I'm that stupid!

Du Ge gave a sheepish smile, "It won't happen again."

"It better not," Nan Youlong looked at him, "The Alien Star Battlefield is not like the Simulation Field. In the Simulation Field, the top ten can band together for rankings, but on the Alien Star Battlefield, the top ten likely represent different forces. Each ranking represents different resources, and no one will band together with you to protect a ranking..."

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