World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 182: The land of great misfortune

Chapter 182: The land of great misfortune

The number of people in the simulation field is 121, 119, 118...

Not long after Du Ge left, the number of online people in the personal interface panel began to decrease one after another.

Moreover, the names of the top ten began to rotate continuously.

But the first few remained unchanged. The first was him, the second was Zhan Sini, the third was Mahamadu, and the fourth was Antonio...

The name of the King of the Western Sea, Jon Ludi, kept falling back, from fifth place all the way to tenth place, and it looked like he was about to fall out of the top ten.

Mans was right. If you don't go up against the main line, you might be squeezed out for no reason, and there's no time for regret.

Mikaro, Gaul, Vito, Mans...

The top ten positions in the simulation field are constantly changing, and no one can guarantee that they can keep their position until the end. Even his first place, almost changed several times. In the simulation field, you can't imagine where the enemy will come from.

He can turn people into private property, and there are skills that can restore his private property to freedom. Moreover, incitement, command, and other keywords can instantly turn his companions into enemies...

Especially the guy who took over Zhan Sini's body, can't be found by anyone, making it impossible to guard against.

The general outline of the teaching is correct. In the simulation field, you can't trust anyone. Everyone is just using and being used.

Unless you are strong enough to have a keyword as powerful as trade...

And personal abilities must be strong.

People like Vito and Mans, who didn't rely on their own abilities to get into the top ten, ultimately couldn't hold onto their positions.

It's no wonder that Nan Youlong looks down on people like Gao Ming and Yin Erchuan, who have no unique characteristics and can't handle the alien star battlefield with just high spiritual power...

Didn't the guy who took over Mikaro's body still get eliminated?!

Riding on the back of the sea monster Enke, Du Ge was reflecting all the way, turning the situations encountered in the simulation field into his own experience bit by bit.


Du Ge knew he had been hasty.

Enke's speed is fast, but the sea is different from the land. There is no drinkable water here, and there is no way to make a fire to cook food on the back of the sea monster Enke. There is no sea chart, no fresh water, and it's really hard to live on the sea...


Du Ge could only command Enke to stop at various islands along the way to replenish fresh water and nutrients for his body.

All kinds of twists and turns seriously slowed down the speed of finding the treasure.


There was no other way. The situation at the time didn't allow him to sail away.

It was fortunate that the keyword had modified his physical attributes, allowing him to soak in seawater for a long time without any problems. Otherwise, this kind of rushing method, no matter how high the attributes, wouldn't hold up.


While Du Ge was struggling to survive at sea.

Zhan Sini, Antonio, and others were fighting in Elgeare.

Zhan Sini's identity issue was easily explained.

After all, although she had turned into Paul, she was still wearing the witch's skirt and using spells and martial arts for attack, without Du Ge's iconic dragon sword.

However, there were not only Antonio and Mahamadu and a few other top ten candidates present, but also many candidates who were not in the top ten.

For them, the top ten were all enemies.

No one wanted to be their tool. Instead of letting them leave and go fight Paul, it was better to just kill them and take their place.

After all.

There were six of the top ten present!

The decisiveness of the bartender in making decisions for others and the modesty of the gunner in not dying with a poor road were enough to keep the war going...


King Jon Ludi of the Western Sea finally fell out of the top ten rankings and had to start a massacre, plundering attributes, in an attempt to regain his position.

Until he killed the young man with a low probability of taking the sea chart that Du Ge had snatched: "Jon, our ranking is very low, killing us won't raise the ranking by much. I have the skill to seek good fortune and avoid disaster, and can predict the fortune and disaster within three days, theoretically I can find the place of the decisive battle."

"Seek good fortune and avoid disaster?" Jon Ludi stopped the killing.

"Yes, my keyword is probability." The young man quickly said, "I once found a map of fate and was snatched by Paul. We can ambush in the place of the decisive battle in advance, maybe we can pick up some of the top ten positions."

"Where is the place of the decisive battle?" Jon Ludi asked.

"To the northwest, the place of great disaster." The young man swallowed and pointed in a direction, "I can calculate the fortune and disaster of eight directions, seven of which are good, only the northwest is a great disaster, so the place of the decisive battle must be there."

"The place of great disaster." Jon Ludi frowned.

"The fortune and disaster are for me. With my current attributes and abilities, participating in the decisive battle is a certain death. For me, it is a great disaster, but for you, it's different. You used to be ranked fifth, and your attributes must be very high. It's a disaster for me, but maybe it's a good sign for you!" The young man quickly said.

"Since you can predict fortune and disaster, why did you come to me?" Jon Ludi looked at him and asked.

"I came in the opposite direction. My goal is to get into the top ten, not to avoid disaster." The young man smiled bitterly, "So, for me, the more dangerous the place, the greater the opportunity."

"Since your keyword is probability, can you find the Trident of the Sea God?" Jon Ludi asked.

"Zero." The young man said, "At the beginning, I tried to find the Trident of the Sea God directly. I searched many places and changed directions, but the probability was always zero.

However, the probability changes with my choices and location. Now, the number of people in the simulation field has been decreasing, proving that Paul's side must be fighting. If we rush to the place of great disaster in advance, maybe we can find the Trident of the Sea God..."

"Okay, get ready, we're leaving." Jon Ludi pondered for a moment, and instructed the deputy next to him, "You go and order everyone to inform them that we will be heading in the northwest direction."


First place: Paul Wells; Second place: Zhan Sini; Third place: Sheldon Geese; Fourth place: Dyson Yuri; Fifth place: Teren Bitten...After traveling through the sea for five days and eating raw fish slices for two, Du Ge felt like he was about to dehydrate when the needle on the golden compass finally stopped spinning, and the rankings in the Simulation Field had ceased changing three days prior.

Only 68 people remained in the Simulation Field.

Both Antonio and Mahamadou had been eliminated, replaced by some names Du Ge didn't recognize.

Of course, the Three Swift Musketeers unearthed by Mahamadou were still there; Jansen must have intended to use them for travel, deliberately keeping them.

After all.

Their speed, combined with the Feather of the Sea God, could comprehensively accelerate the fleet.

In the top ten rankings, Du Ge also saw a familiar name, Sheldon Gist, whose mental strength was high enough to have a photographic memory. This Sheldon Gist had once sought a divination from him on Herd Island. Surprisingly, he had also survived and made it into the top ten. Du Ge wondered what kind of Keywords he possessed...

The golden compass's needle stopped over a vast expanse of sea, with no islands in sight, nor the Trident of the Sea God.

Since there were no islands, the Trident of the Sea God must be at the bottom of the sea.

Du Ge commanded the sea monster Encke to dive down.

But after descending for who knows how many meters, when Du Ge felt almost unable to withstand the pressure around him and still hadn't seen the Trident of the Sea God, he had no choice.

He had to leave Encke and quickly swim back to the surface. If he continued downward, he feared the sea would crush him before he found the Trident of the Sea God.

However, the sea monster Encke became excited and shot straight down to the seabed, disappearing into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

Back on the surface, Du Ge gasped for air: "This damned Sea God, she never intended for her daughter to lift the seal, did she? So deep in the sea, with the technology of this world, no one could dive down there..."

Before he could finish.

Du Ge saw two fleets charging towards him from two directions. Leading one fleet was the Lucky Number of Jon Ludi; the other fleet was Mahamadou's Watcher.

The Watcher flew the Feather of the Sea God.

Jansen stood on the deck, looking at the oncoming Lucky Number of Jon Ludi, her fists clenched tightly, her expression complex: "So it has come to this, is it fate? I don't believe it. Damn Paul, how did he level up his attributes? Why can't I surpass him even after killing so many..."

Then, sensing Paul lurking beneath the sea, she wanted to laugh but suddenly remembered previous events and promptly put on a stern face, saying, "No, there's still a chance. He hasn't gotten the Trident of the Sea God yet. Disen, increase the propulsion of the water conversion. We must get the Trident of the Sea God before Paul does, and everyone's ranking will be preserved."

On the Lucky Number.

The Probability Lad's voice trembled: "Jon, it's right ahead, the land of great misfortune, all eight directions are ominous, there are no auspicious signs."

Jon Ludi stared at the opposing Watcher, snorted with a dark face: "No need for probabilities, I can see it too. Why would the final battle be on the surface of the sea, damn it..."


"Disen, convert all the kinetic energy of the Watcher into my magic. Whether we can kill Paul or not hinges on this moment. Don't forget the future I divined for you. If we can't kill Paul, everyone will be eliminated. This is our last chance; we must work together."

Less than a thousand meters from Du Ge, Jansen suddenly raised her hands. Behind her, Disen, who possessed the "Conversion" Keyword, hesitated for a moment, then placed one hand on the Watcher and the other on Jansen's back.

The fleet of the Watcher came to a sudden halt from motion to stillness, and the abrupt inertia sent the sailors running on the deck tumbling over each other, with many falling into the sea.

Jansen stood rooted to the deck, immovable. She chanted a spell, and towering waves rose from the sea, reaching high into the sky, then transformed into countless straight ice spikes, smashing down towards Du Ge's location, creating water plumes tens of meters high.

Seeing the sky full of ice spikes, Jon Ludi's face turned pale instantly. What a joke, who could match This one after just over a month?

To contend with these ice spikes, one would need at least three years of growth!

"The omen of great misfortune, truly misfortune in all directions."

The Probability Lad sat down on the deck, resigned to his fate.


The ice spikes blocked all of Du Ge's escape routes.

None of Du Ge's skills were effective at this time.

With no other choice, he could only dive down, attempting to use the buoyancy of the sea to lessen the impact of the ice spikes…

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