World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 177: Cruel candidate battle

Chapter 177: Cruel candidate battle

Do not trust anyone!

This is the second item in the teaching outline.

Mikarox promised Vito a reserve warrior quota, but used domineering means to prevent him from investigating the truth with flattery.

At that time, Vito became suspicious of him.

In the past few days, there have been more than forty candidates who have joined Mikarox.

Admiral Mikarox used the title of "Paul Expeditionary Team" to attract many candidates who were unable to reach Silver Mountain Port in time from other ports.

Most of the candidates play a minimal role in combat, such as peace, tranquility, obedience, beauty, inferiority, optimism, and so on.

They went with the team just to join in the fun.

Of course, it is also possible that they disguised their keywords in order to take others by surprise and reap the final victory.

After all.

Until the simulation field ends, anything can happen.

For example, isn't he also planning how to use Mikarox and Paul's trust relationship to seize a top ten spot?

Vito's flattery was unstoppable, and he took the opportunity to contact the candidates recruited by Mikarox, and then discovered a terrible fact.

Almost all the candidates were promised reserve warrior quotas by Mikarox.

And except for himself, everyone believed it without a doubt, until the moment he woke them up, they realized that they had fallen for Mikarox's skills.

Mikarox's promises are full of loopholes.

The alien battlefield has never been fair, and it requires the spirit of striving for first place in adversity.

Paul fought to the top of the simulation field by his own ability.

Moreover, the first place itself bears great risks. How could the instructor interfere with the exam in such a despicable way, in order to let others exercise and use external means to deprive the first place of its position...

Are the means used to select still elite?

So, there is only one possibility left, that Admiral Mikarox's keywords are related to fraud, charm, and temptation, which can invisibly influence others' thoughts and make them serve him. He wants to use everyone's strength to take the first place in the simulation field.

Usually, in a scam, the victim who is not intervened or awakened by external forces is often deceived without knowing it, just like being brainwashed.

Vito speculated that his resistance might be related to his flattery attribute, or it might be related to the fish name he gave himself. At that time, his flattery became ineffective after he changed the fish's name.


Seeing through Mikarox's conspiracy.

Then it's time to plan for himself.

Mikarox is the fragrant second place, of course, there is also Vaden Bus, who became the deputy commander of the Royal Navy with the keyword "rapid"...

With his friendship with Paul, as long as he helps him grab the Golden Compass, he will definitely protect himself and maintain a top ten ranking!

Paul looks much more sincere than Mikarox.


On the seventh day.

Barry came to report to Du Ge: "Captain, Erge Ale is just ahead, it will be about three hours before we arrive."

"Pass the order, everyone change into their outfits in an hour." Du Ge had already planned his strategy to leave the examination room two days ago. At this time, he was relaxed and focused on ending this simulation field.

Of course, he dared not take it lightly.

Mans reminded him that Mikarox and the others were summoning candidates with divine abilities. If they found the right person, they might catch up with him. The candidates' skills are sometimes more useful than magic weapons in specific situations.

Sometimes, ranking does not necessarily represent strength, just like Feng Jiu in the first simulation field. If he holds on until the end and transforms into a Glutton, it is possible to reverse the situation in one fell swoop.

For example, he still doesn't know who leaked the news of him collecting the Destiny Chart, and even the destination Erge Ale was leaked.

Janet's expression changed and she came to Du Ge's side: "Paul, I don't know what you mean by the so-called candidates and rankings, but I can tell you for sure that there are many people on Erge Ale Island right now."

Before she finished speaking.

The personal panel in front of Du Ge flickered, and he and Mans did the same thing, opening their personal panels.


He saw the name of the second place on the panel changing rapidly...

Mikarox's name disappeared and was replaced by someone named Rodrigo; but Rodrigo's name only stayed for three minutes, and then it changed to someone named Duran Mins; and Duran Mins only persisted for five minutes, and then changed to someone named Luqiao Vidal...

The name of the second place changed like a revolving lantern, and with each change, the total number of people in the simulation field decreased by one, and finally settled on someone named Gaul Peda.

Although the second place was settled, the total number of people in the simulation field continued to decrease, and it didn't stop until more than thirty people were eliminated.

"Poor Mikarox, in the end, he made a wedding dress for someone else." Mans looked at the constantly changing names, shaking his head in emotion.

"I said earlier that he shouldn't have gone too far. He should have stayed in Silver Mountain Port obediently. Maybe he could have kept a top ten ranking." Based on the changes in the names, Du Ge had already imagined how intense the competition on Erge Ale Island was.

He sighed and reminded himself in his heart that when he stepped onto the alien battlefield, he must be cautious and not be as high-profile as he was in the simulation field.

The top ten are just live targets, and who knows how many people are waiting to take their place. The more high-profile, the faster they die.

Nan Youlong was right.

"He couldn't have stayed in Silver Mountain Port." Mans shook his head, "It's only been a month, and everyone's attributes are similar. The closer to the main line, the greater the change in ranking. It's very likely that you were at 100 in the last minute, and then because of interference with the main line's progress, you directly rushed into the top ten. Smart people won't have this kind of wishful thinking, and risks and rewards have always been directly proportional."


It's just that I have experienced too few simulation fields.

Du Ge smiled and didn't argue with him.In the first Simulation Field, he knew nothing, relying purely on passion to blindly develop Keywords, and somehow stumbled into first place;

In the second Simulation Field, he created a trade that snowballed until it collapsed, still clueless about what the main storyline was;

In the third Simulation Field, he forcefully advanced the main storyline with his own strength...

Putting himself in the shoes of other candidates, he really couldn't adapt for a while.

According to Du Ge's understanding, if Mikaro and Mahamadou didn't play tricks and went for the speed Keywords instead,

they would have smoothly obtained the Trident of the Sea God, handed it to Jansen, and their ranking would theoretically remain unchanged. This is probably what they call being too clever for their own good!


On Erga Ale Island.

More than thirty bodies lay scattered in disarray.

A young man with brown hair, holding a golden compass, stood on the rocks by the shore, looking at the nine people standing before him: "Mikaro used his instructor's identity to deceive us, attempting to control us all for his service, his death is well deserved. But I am not like him, I am more ruthless and more trustworthy.

Now, with the golden compass in my hands, it means we control the world's main storyline. Next, as long as we join forces and kill everyone in the Simulation Field, we will be the top ten of the Simulation Field. I believe no one will object to my proposal!"

No one spoke.

The young man with brown hair surveyed the crowd: "Anyone who objects can leave now, and I can send you to reunite with Mikaro. If no one leaves, then in the upcoming battle, I expect everyone to be united. If I find any of you betraying us during the fight, I will eliminate you even at the cost of not taking second place. No objections? Then I'll take it as everyone's agreement."

Vito sighed silently, having long known that this group had ill intentions, Mikaro was too confident.

It's a pity his skills weren't combat-oriented, he was at too much of a disadvantage in this game.

"Next, we have to challenge Paul, everyone knows, he's the first in the Simulation Field, and he has all sorts of unimaginable methods. His Keyword is likely chaos, and his awakened ability is probably related to smiling."

The young man with brown hair, Galu, continued, "We will still follow the plan previously set by Mikaro, Vito will lure Jansen away from him, Jimmy will use his freedom to release his control over the sea monster, preferably causing his soldiers to mutiny as well, which should be easy for you;

Waden will use Aggression as Fire to boost our attributes, Kafi will use Peace to stabilize everyone's emotions... especially to prevent anyone from laughing.

Several battles have proven that laughter can trigger bad luck, we must avoid this at all costs.

As long as we take down Paul, with the Feather of the Sea God, the Horn of the Ocean, the sea monster Enke, and the Dragon Sword in Paul's hands, then no one in the Simulation Field will be our match..."

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