World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 161: King of the North Sea

Chapter 161: King of the North Sea

The famous Luo Lang Swan had his head cut off?

On the Avenger, all the crew members were stunned, standing foolishly in place, at a loss.

Passing through the crowd, Du Ge agilely climbed to the top of the main mast, raising Luo Lang Swan's head high: "Luo Lang Swan is dead. From now on, I am the King of the North Sea. Those who submit, lower the pirate flag, and I will lead you to conquer the world. Those who are unwilling to submit, you can leave now. I declare that you are free."

The wind was strong at sea.

Du Ge's words didn't carry far.

But the pirate ships around the Avenger heard and saw.

The captains of several ships hesitated for a moment, looking at Paul on the mast, then at the sea monster Enke surrounding the Avenger, and ordered their men to lower the pirate flag.


They ordered the signalman to relay Paul's command.

One by one, the pirate ships lowered their flags and chose to submit.

No one left.

A wise man knows when to yield.

At sea, no ship could outrun the sea monster Enke.

Even those who wanted to avenge Luo Lang Swan would not choose to act at this time.


Du Ge jumped down from the mast and found the first mate on the Avenger, asking, "What is your name?"

"Remo Bral." The first mate sighed silently and answered.

"Do you want to submit to me?" Du Ge asked.

"I do." The first mate glanced at Luo Lang Swan's head in Du Ge's hand, standing straight, with a determined look in his eyes.

"Good, from now on, your name is Remo Bral Tigerfish." Du Ge looked at him and smiled, "Now, repeat your name."

"Remo Bral Tigerfish." The first mate's brow twitched, and he blushed as he shouted his new name.

"Good." Du Ge grabbed his hand and raised it high, "From now on, you are the new captain of the Avenger. You will give orders for the fleet of the King of the North Sea to set sail for Herd Island."


An hour later.

Antonio, the great general stationed at Herd Island, Ed, the former first mate of Luo Lang Swan's Avenger, and all the leaders who participated in the naval battle, met on the Avenger at Du Ge's invitation.

The navy and pirate fleets guarded the surroundings, and no ship left.

All the cannons on the ships were aimed at the Avenger. Although they knew that the cannonballs could not harm Enke, it was better than doing nothing.

On the ship.

Everyone's mood was complicated.

No one had expected the battle to end in this way. The final victor turned out to be the leader of a small pirate group.


He was now the new King of the North Sea.


"The era of fish has come. I wonder if you are interested in adding a fish suffix to your name?" Du Ge looked around at everyone, smiling, "You have seen it too. Since I changed the name of the pirate group to the Fish Pirate Group, in just a few days, we have gone from one pirate ship to five, and now I have ascended to the throne of the King of the North Sea, even Enke the sea monster is very close to me.

This can no longer be simply called luck. I even have a feeling, as if I am sitting in the arms of the goddess of luck, being fed by her, and one day, if the trident of the sea god jumps into my hands, I won't be surprised..."

Everyone fell silent.

It had to be said that Paul's experiences in recent days were truly a miracle, completely inexplicable by normal logic.

But they were unwilling to believe in that damned fish era that Paul tirelessly praised, which must be a conspiracy.

"I bear the honor of the Royal Navy and will not change my name." Antonio said seriously, "Captain Paul, before boarding the ship, I have given the order. If anything happens to me, my deputy, Cecil, will give the order to attack your fleet with all our might. Perhaps we cannot defeat Enke the sea monster, but we are confident that we can sink at least half of your ships. A pirate king without a fleet is nothing."

"General, whether you change your name or not, there's no need to be so nervous." Du Ge looked at Antonio and smiled, "And, don't you think your threat to me is like a joke? Just an hour ago, I only had five ships, and one was sunk. Even if you destroy half of Luo Lang Swan's ships, I will still have at least fifty left. But what about you? You lost a navy fleet and also created a powerful enemy for the navy. Who do you think is at a disadvantage?"

Antonio snorted coldly, "In short, there are only dead navy soldiers, no surrendering navy soldiers. I'm just telling you, if you attack me, you won't get anything."

He paused and said, "Captain Paul, I have all your information. Before this, you and your Skysoar No. 1 did not commit many atrocities. I invite you on behalf of the navy. As long as you give up your pirate identity and lead Luo Lang Swan's fleet to join the Royal Navy, I can guarantee that you will at least have the rank of rear admiral.""Antonio, are you an idiot? Paulo is already the King of the North Sea. Do you think the mighty King of the North Sea would be inferior to a mere Navy Rear Admiral?" Ed scoffed with disdain. "Captain Paulo, there's no need to negotiate with him. We have the sea monster Encke, and the Navy's morale is low. They wouldn't dare to strike at us. Now is the time to strike with full force and swallow up this naval force. Once you defeat Antonio, you will truly become the King of the North Sea."

Antonio's face suddenly changed.

"Ed, would you pledge allegiance to me?" Du Ge smiled, looking at Ed and asked.

"I am a general under Mahamadu," Ed frowned, "If I pledge allegiance to you, Mahamadu will pursue you relentlessly. Although there are frictions among the Kings of the Four Seas, there has never been an actual war."

"No, it's different now. The moment Roland Swan appeared on Hurd Island, the balance among the Kings of the Four Seas was already broken," Du Ge shook his head, "Moreover, I'm going to attack Mahamadu next, to seize the Destiny Sea Chart from him and avenge my good friend, the Witch Martha. There can be no peace between us. If you refuse to join me, then among the three of us, you will be the first to perish."

"If you attack Mahamadu, you will be targeted by Safra and Jon Ludi together. They won't just watch you devour Roland Swan's territory and then Mahamadu," Ed stood up, "Even if you have the sea monster Encke, you can't possibly be enemies with three Pirate Kings at the same time…"

"That's my problem," Du Ge smiled and then turned to Antonio, "General, I can let you and your fleet leave, but I need the Royal Navy to hold off Safra and Jon Ludi for me when I attack Mahamadu. No problem, right? I think Admiral Mikaro would also like to see the Kings of the Four Seas fight among themselves."

Antonio was silent for a moment, then nodded: "No problem."

Ed's expression changed drastically: "Paulo, if you cooperate with the Navy, you will be the enemy of all pirates."

"I don't care. As I said, five days ago, I only had a pirate ship. I really have nothing to lose. If it comes to it, I'll just start over," Du Ge shrugged and smiled, "Besides, I firmly believe that Lady Luck is on my side."

He winked, "Ed, are you really not considering joining me? Defeating Mahamadu, we will have the power of two seas, plus Encke, and with the Navy's assistance, flattening Safra and Jon will just be a matter of time. Then, I will truly be the Pirate King. Under my command, perhaps you'll have more than just the poor Hurd Island to guard. The victor is king, the loser the outlaw. Don't you want to take a gamble?"

"Fine, I'll join," Ed looked at Du Ge, then at Antonio, and then at the writhing octopus tentacles surrounding the Avenger, his eyes showing struggle, but in the end, he agreed.

"Smart choice," Du Ge snapped his fingers and asked with a smile, "So, are you willing to add a suffix with 'fish' to your name? Sea fish really do bring me luck…"

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