World Development System

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

John continued and roared at his men who were hesitating after looking at the hostages, "Shoot your enemies, it would be a bigger crime from our part if we can’t eliminate such pests who take civilians as hostage . Don’t hesitate and remember your training, keep the belief in your training and it will be possible . Remember this, you don’t have to fear anything, you have my back even if anything goes wrong . These guys will only create a bigger menace when they invade our lands . Do you want to see such massacres again? Shoot them to protect your beloved ones . Remember they are the same guys who did the Greenwoods Village massacre . "

After hearing John’s roar and speech, all of the guys who were hesitating previously shivered as they got goosebumps hearing their General and the fate of their loved ones . Without any hesitation, they roared and shot immediately, "Yes, Sir . These pests will be a bigger danger . They can’t be left alive . Shoot them to prevent future massacres . "

The Enemy Head cursed as he heard John’s roar and looked at the death of his colleague who had a hostage on him, He looked at John’s cold smile and cursed, "Damn, why would I have to face such a ruthless general . How the fuck did Jim thought that this guy will not use his ballistas . They are insolently using ballistas without any remorse . Doesn’t that count loves his civilians?"

He ordered with an irritated face to his men, "These hostages will be a burden . Drop those hostages immediately and focus on our enemies . We would face a bigger loss if we continue with this farce . FAST . "

John switched to his sword as he smiled and charged alone into the enemy camp, his men only followed behind him after looking at their General charging straight to the enemy’s head .

One of the subordinates roared and charged as he followed his General, "We can’t be left behind . Follow General Anak . Leave the enemy Head for General Anak . This time, they will pay a bloody price for underestimating us . "

The commoners ran for their lives as they freed themselves from their enemies .

This time, during the clash, a lot of enemies were frightened as they ran with their horses for their lives in another direction where Head Jim was raiding .

The enemy general clashed with John as he was slashed by John’s space slash in no time . The General never knew what hit him . He immediately fainted as the other mercenaries around him were flabbergasted as they saw Anak fighting alone with numerous enemies . With incredible movements, John was able to dodge the attacks and attack his enemies at the same time . Each Slash of John reaped the life of his enemies as the soldiers on both sides were flabbergasted and surprised to see such super fast skills of John . Like a Ghost, his movements were barely seen by his enemies while they never knew what took their life . His feet could barely be seen as it seemed that a ghost had entered a battlefield . The battlefield was in a lull whenever John moved .

One of the guys roared as he tried to stab John from behind, However, before he knew, he already had his throat slit, "Woah, Woah, How did I get slit in my throat . Help, Heal me fast . " He spoke hoarsely only to die later on as no one came to his help .

One of the guys at back remarked as he observed Anak, "Fuck, is this guy a monster? See his frigin unbelievable movements . Can we really fight such a guy who has such skills and weapons? I don’t think even boss Jim can fight this guy . "

Another guy nodded and spoke, "No Wonder, Count John made this guy his Chief general . I think he might be comparable to the strongest man in Aelius, General Leo, the Ruthless . Fuck it, I ain’t fighting an army of such a monster . I heard, last time he killed all of his enemies . I don’t want to face the same fate . You can die in this battlefield if you want . " He immediately left after watching the carnage which John was leaving behind on the battlefield .

One of John’s subordinates remarked as he watched Anak in surprise, "hahaha, It seems these guys really managed to piss off General . From the looks, it seems that the General is usually only toying with us in our training . "

One of the newbies was surprised as he watched the show, he exclaimed, "So these are real skills of a top-level Ghost, I never knew that General was this strong . He is completely owning the enemies when in fact he is actually surrounded by them . These guys are actually taking their steps back in fear whenever General charges forward . They can’t even get ahold of him . So this the Strongest Ghost of our Domain, Coming like a wind within dark creating havoc and terror for his enemies . " He marveled as he watched his General slashing his enemies with his Pure dark red sword without blinking his cold-blooded eyes . He was barely able to follow his General as he grew excited and charged at his enemies after watching his general .

The veteran nodded and charged, "Come, don’t lag behind . Charge, these guys will certainly pay for their insolence . Our mission is not over yet . Ohh, he already left . I guess this is the work of hot blood . " The veteran nodded as he saw the rookie charging with the vanguard .

A lot of the people in the enemy camp deserted the battle in panic after Watching the fate of their Captain and their other colleagues . There was no order in their camp after John took the enemy’s head while John’s army charged at them with incredible furor . Very soon the enemy’s army collapsed as many deserted the battle and headed towards Jim while others died .

John roared at the conclusion of the battle, "Ok, stop chasing . Come back . "

At the conclusion of the battle, 300 people were able to escape while 700 of his enemies died . While John’s men were only injured (some gravely while some lightly) as they had the advantage of Healing magic and other accessories which clearly showed the difference in battle power .

John healed the head of their enemy and immediately got back to heal the villagers and the hostages who were near death because of the raid of Gold Rush mercenaries .

All of the guys were astonished after looking at their General, John roared, "What are you guys waiting for? treat the villagers immediately . And keep that guy alive . He will be useful . I want to ask him some questions . "

All the soldiers answered and immediately got to work and started treating the villagers, With a feeling of pride after looking at their General, the army roared in unison, "Yes, Sir . "

One of the soldiers saw one of the commoners who was smiling while getting treated, "Sir, why are you smiling? Even though we shot at you guys without hesitation, you are still full of life . "

The commoner smiled and answered, "It’s because your general saved more lives by being decisive or else I think more of us would have lost our lives instead of 7 guys only . I am glad that General ordered to shot which gave me and my mates a chance to escape . Or else even you might have lost your lives if you succumbed to their vile methods . I am sure the guys who died would be happy knowing that they were avenged . Meanwhile, Who are you guys that came to our rescue? are you from the capital?"

The rookie was shocked and understood the reason for his General’s order .

The rookie proudly pointed towards their Flag which had a thorny Rose (Rose with multiple colors) with a Sun in the background (The sun signified hope) and answered, "We are men from Count John’s army . He is our General, named Anak who is leading us . "

The villager nodded as he smiled and laid back to rest . he had a calm and peaceful face as he rested .

He nodded and immediately treated the man as he continued doing the same for others .

After healing all the villagers, John asked the enemy General with a face without any emotions, "So I will be asking you some questions if you answer truthfully you won’t suffer any pain . If you don’t answer, I will make sure that Arkon is hell for you . "

The enemy general looked at John with horror as he opened his eyes, "You . . . !"

John ignored him straight and placed his questions, "So who ordered you guys to hunts any villagers who escaped the Greenwoods village? I want straight answers . "

Upon not getting an answer, John immediately thrust the Black Miracle potion into his mouth which increased his sensitivity and proceeded to cut one of his fingers .

The enemy General screamed as soon as he found that he lost one of his fingers, He screamed madly which could raise the hairs of anyone as John ordered his men, "Keep healing him . I will make sure this guy answers me today . Don’t let him faint again . "

Everyone shivered as they heard John’s order and obeyed immediately . .

John asked him again as he showed a cruel smile, "Are you sure you want to keep your mouth shut because I would like torturing you for quite some time? Who knows what sort of body parts you would lose, You see I previously worked in Ghost division and I won’t mind doing gory stuff . As far as your body parts are concerned it would depend on my mood and which one is more annoying . "

The guy soon came to his senses and spoke hoarsely, "No, No, I will speak . Please don’t, not that pain again . It was on orders of Prince Hector and Baron Antonio that we decided to do the previous bidding and killed the escapees, it was solely for business . We wanted you to take the blame for that incident . Unfortunately, some people were able to escape that massacre . "

A lot of villagers were shocked to find out this revelation and crushed, "How could that prince do this to us? I lost my childhood friend because of you guys and I always blamed the count for this deed . I can’t believe this, Kill this bastard, he can’t live . "

One of the old men roared as he heard him, "Yes, this is a clear betrayal . I ain’t trusting my life to that brat, Antonio . No wonder Baron Mendez was nowhere to be seen when that incident took place . It looks like those papers made a correct assessment that Antonio was Prince Hector’s lackey and it was quite a big coincidence that Greenwoods village massacre and his appointment as an heir coincided . I am sure these guys did something to Baron Mendez so that they don’t face opposition . "

The old lady at the village fumed as she almost lost the life of her son, "I will be heading to North-frontier city straight thing right now . Previously I was skeptical but now after this incident, I am sure that Prince Hector would want us dead . We better leave now . I will make sure that my son becomes a proud soldier of North-frontier city make Prince Hector pay the price for targeting us . "

The other people joined as they heard her, "Yes, Spread this message to other nearby villages as well . Those guys at Dolores any way hate us because of our recent development . Those mercenaries have done a lot of evil-deeds as they have neared the borders of NF city . Just previously one of my friends lost his son and daughter to those bandits . "

One of the old men spoke, "Fuck it, I am bringing my son back from their Knight institute which would only make him do immoral deeds . I won’t let him stay there a second longer . "

The enemy general was getting beaten black and blue by villagers as he died when John penetrated his heart without flinching . None of the villagers showed any remorse as they knew the plans of these mercenaries . Many people started heading to other villages to spread the news .

John ordered his men and got ready to chase the mercenaries who escaped previously, "Come, we don’t have much time . "

One of the veterans smiled as he looked at John and the villagers, "So this was the reason that General wanted that man alive . I guess this will have a snowball effect when the news reaches other nearby villages . "

One of the guys asked, "General, Why are we going in this direction? didn’t they escape to the east?"

John smiled as he looked towards west and spoke with a ruthless glint which clearly indicated that he would be doing something big, "Well, they will, in the end, have to run to their base in the east, I have no doubt on my men . So its better if we try to shorten the distance . We also need to teach that Prince a thorough lesson after his recent conspiracy . We need to attack that arrogant prince’s ego . "

The rookie soldier nodded as he understood Anak’s line of thinking, "Ohh, now I understand . You surely are a genius milord to think so far ahead . "

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