Why Should I Stop Being a Villain

Chapter 334 Meetup

Chapter 334 Meetup

334 Meetup

As he walked through the waiting room, Asher noticed every student kept their distance from him.

After all, various rumors about Asher were circulating, and these students didn't want to draw his attention.

And after witnessing how Carl had just been defeated, their astonishment grew.

His performance led some to believe that the rumors about Asher Greville might mostly be true.

"You're telling me he's a first-year?" A recruiter exclaimed with a shocked look on his face.

Meanwhile, the recruiters from the Abyss Guild wore proud smiles.

Even delegates from other academies were too stunned to speak. After all, they had just witnessed someone shatter a sword enveloped in aura using sheer physical strength.

The disparity was evident, and such a display of strength was typically associated with third-year students.

In the VIP section reserved for fourth-year rankers, Kiara stood watching the match. It was her first time seeing Asher in combat, and she was left speechless.

"So the rumors were true," Kiara murmured, gazing at the stage.

She recalled the advice her mother had given her before she joined World Academy, and she was fully cognizant of its implications.

"But the balance you spoke of might fall," Kiara whispered to herself.

But Kiara couldn't think of such stuff at the moment, for other Years this was just a tournament, but for the Fourth Years, this was the chance to leave their names behind.

Asher had already received the message from Damian so he was going towards their room.

But before going he looked at the area of the Third Year waiting rooms.

Asher turned his head, as things were going exactly the same as his previous life at least till now.

Arriving at the VIP Section, after getting his Identity Confirmed by the Security System, Asher entered the room where Amelia, Damian and the twins were sitting.

"Nice match!" Damian raised his thumb as he congratulated him.

"It was a good match," Amelia also tried congratulate Asher.

But Livia looked at Asher, and immediately asked him.

"Can you teach how to move like that?" Livia asked.

"Aren't you learning from Grandfather?" Asher asked as he took his seat.

He knew about Livia's training and Arthur even told Asher, how Nathan himself said that Livia was fit to learn his sword art.

And this meant that Livia had already received the Rune of Eirdin, just like Asher, but in her case she had the talent to wield the Greatsword just Nathan did.

At first, Livia wasn't in Asher's plans but knowing how she got the Rune of Eirdin, that both his Father and Late Uncle, couldn't do, made him think about it.

"But Grandpa always said that he will teach me more when I grow up," Livia replied.

She had gotten comfortable around Asher's emotionless look especially after their last spar.

"You will only waste your time learning this," Asher replied.

She couldn't learn Mir Steps that were part of the Node Art, and she didn't need to learn his movement technique.

After all, Livia was the only one that was capable of fully inheriting Nathan's swordsmanship that nobody in the entire Greville Family could.

Asher knew nothing about Nathan's sword art as he had never confronted him, but just from the foundation that Nathan told him, Asher was sure that it was very powerful.

"What about me?" Lucas raised his hand.

"I wanted to learn about the technique you taught me last time?" Lucas asked.

"Sure," Asher replied.

There was no need to reject Lucas. Asher wanted him to become stronger, and the best way for Lucas to get that knowledge was to learn from Asher.

It was not perfect, as Asher couldn't replicate the whole technique, but he was sure that Lucas would find the way around it.

Lucas smiled as Asher accepted his offer, and due to the fact that Lucas barely showed this much emotions, Amelia thought he was very cute at the moment.

"I don't why he looks up to him so much," Amelia muttered with a jealous look at Asher.

Damian who heard her, just chuckled and looked at Lucas.

"He is like a stray cat," Damian told Amelia.

"Wasn't it Asher who found them, so he likes him the most," Damian was laughing when he Amelia kicked his knees.

"Ouch!" Damian spoke out.

"Don't make fun of him," Amelia said as Damian shutted his mouth.

Livia was confused as she didn't hear the conversation, but Asher just ignored it.

"Well, I will go for now, my match will start soon," Damian stood up.

"Good luck," Amelia said.

"Good Luck!!" Livia and Lucas said at the same time.

While Asher just nodded at him.

Early matches were nothing for the Rankers, but going forward the matches would only get more difficult.

And Asher's next match wasn't going to happen soon, as his next match was going to be against a ranker, or someone from Top 15.


Asher got a message in his ID Bracelet and he opened it, and saw it was from Eric Herod.

Eric Herod, who was the Son of the Head Butler of the Greville Family, the same Eric that was the head of the Duel Committee.

<I have gave him the offer Young Master>

Asher closed the message as he looked at the matches that were going on now.

Even Livia and Lucas were watching the matches closely.

At the Fourth Year VIP Section,

"Make sure to give his opponent the artifact he needs," Jayden replied.

He was there to see Asher's match, after all Asher Greville was someone that would later become someone that would stand against him.

Hargrave and Greville were both one of the Strongest Families, and Jayden knew that when he would take over the Family Head position, Asher Greville would be one of the problems.

But right now, there was no need for Jayden to be against Asher, or the Greville family in general.

"Maybe, he might even help me with my Aunt's problem," Jayden muttered after thinking about Asher's personality.

"Those two kids, will be an eyesore for him as well," Jayden said with a smile on his face.

Jayden didn't knew that the very kids he was talking about, were inside World Academy, and they were sitting with Asher and Amelia at the moment.

From outside perspective, Lucas and Livia were only a threat to Asher and Amelia's position, and even if that wasn't the case, people assumed that Arthur's children might not like the twins at all.

After all, it was common in Elite Families, when the one in the Heir Position didn't like the presence of their cousins and siblings.

Just like in Hargrave Family, there was a tradition of the strongest person to become the Heir, there were times that such things happened in other Elite or even some other highly reputed families.

"Well, I can deal with that later," Jayden said.

"They can mess with each other for now," Jayden said.

'They' he was talking about were Asher and Leonard, and he knew that Leonard Tarvian was planning something that involved Asher Greville.

But they could do whatever they wanted, and it wasn't Jayden's concern.

Right now, he had another thing he wanted to watch out for, after all right now his Heir position was not solidified, and his trust in Casie Hargrave wasn't much.

He knew how crazy of a woman she was, and Jayden wanted something stable to rely on.

Like his own strength and achievements, and for that there was two paths he could take.

To be the strongest in World Academy, and show a performance that would make his position firm in the Hargrave Family, or take down others who could be a threat to him.

Eric who was sitting in the Waiting Area watched two Fourth Year student walk out of the room and he ignored them.

His target was inside, so he entered the room and he looked at one of the guys in specific.

Everyone here recognized Eric, as he was one of the Rankers, but Eric sat down beside one of the guys as he looked him in the face.

"These artifacts look fine," Eric said with a smile on his face.

"Huh? Why are you talking to me?" The Third Year student got surprised and Eric grabbed his shoulders making him sit down forcefully before more attention was drawn towards them.

"Let's be civil here," Eric said with a smile on his face.

After a 'friendly' talk for 5 minutes, Eric proudly exited the room.

"I should inform Young Master about this," Eric said as he remembered to update Asher about this.

"And done," Eric sent the message to Asher as he went back to his room.

Eric could partially guess what Asher wanted to do, but it didn't made much sense to him, but he was taught to not questions or think too much about their superiors orders.

And he simply did the task, and went back not thinking too much about it.

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