Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 107: Thetis (1)

Chapter 107: Thetis (1)

After the events in Babel, or rather Procyon, Hero and I looked around the world once again.

This time, the purpose of our journey was not to defeat powerful monsters, but to explore the world.

The first murder that Hero experienced when the Tower of Babel collapsed seemed to have greatly shocked him, as Hero appeared quite troubled in various ways.

As the virtuous Hero, it must have been a shock to him to have killed someone who was once human.


"The sea!"

I had brought Hero to see the vast ocean.

"Why the sea all of a sudden?"

"Look at that vast sea. Doesn't it make you feel refreshed and open-minded?"

The wide horizon where the sky and sea meet. Just looking at it makes one feel a sense of exhilaration, as if their heart is being cleared out.

I thought this scenery might help the troubled Hero a little.

"Well, it is quite a sight, I suppose."

"Isn't it?"

It seemed to be of some help.

Hmm. If this helps Hero even a little, then it was worth bringing him here.

And the diamond embedded in Hero's sword... I had confirmed that it had no particular effect on Hero.

For some reason, it has been very quiet. Hmm.

Is it because I'm nearby? Or is there some other reason? I'm not sure.

"So, did you bring me here to show me this sea?"

"Well, that's part of it, but..."

I looked at the small puppy and picked up the beast god that was rubbing itself at my feet.

"There's a place I need to go."

Then I threw the beast god with all my might towards the sea.

The beast god, tracing a large parabola, changes its form just before touching the surface of the water.

The beast god transforms into a sleek-skinned dolphin. As expected, whale-type creatures are also included among the beasts.

Wait, does that mean whale beastmen are also possible? Hmm... Let's not delve too deeply into that.

"Suddenly, what's..."

"And one more thing."

As I snapped my fingers, a wooden boat was created on the surface of the sea.

In this era where only rafts woven from wood or hollowed-out logs are common, this properly constructed boat would stand out!

I need to go quite far, and I don't want to travel by raft.

"That's... a boat?"

"Yes, I made it."

I had encountered primitive seafaring humans during my travels, but the vessels they used were only rafts or hollowed-out log boats.

This properly constructed boat would be a first for them!

Well, it's not like other humans can't make proper boats, it just doesn't take that long.

"But why the boat all of a sudden..."

"The being I'm about to meet is out in the distant sea."

It's time to meet Thetis as well.

I'll create a boat and use the beast god as propulsion to cross the sea!

I tied the beast god, which had transformed into a large whale, with a rope to use as the boat's propulsion, and set out across the sea.

Hmm. Even if it's a beast, The sight of it effortlessly cutting through the rough currents of the sea is magnificent.

Since it's boring to just sit on the boat, I'll do some fishing as well!

Honestly, I could easily pull up the fish if I wanted to, but fishing is a different experience, isn't it?

What kind of fish will bite the hook? Imagining that is quite enjoyable as I cast the fishing line.


But Hero, it seems, was not enjoying it.

"You seem to be quite seasick."

"I-I'm sorry. Ueegh..."

I silently patted Hero's back as he vomited towards the sea.

Hmm. Hero, who can slice through any monster on land, is utterly powerless on the sea.

Tch. Maybe I should have just left the Hero on land and gone by myself. Then I could have met Thetis in an instant and returned.

In the end, the only thing I could do for the seasick Hero was to make him a ginger tea with honey.

After putting the resting Hero in the cabin and putting him to sleep with magic, I turned my gaze back towards the direction where Thetis was.

Thetis, left alone in the vast sea. How is that child, who is prone to loneliness, doing?

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A fish, no, a human, no, a fish-human, swimming rapidly across the blue sea, leaving behind white foam.

So, a mermaid.

The upper bodies are human, while the lower bodies are fish, and the mermaids were swimming excitedly around the boat.

Huh. I didn't expect there to be mermaids here.

"What is this? What is this? What is this? What is this?"

"It's hard! Not as hard as a rock, but still hard."

"There's a person up there! She has a horn on her head! Do the people on land have horns like that?"

The mermaids were quite lively, laughing and giggling at the smallest things. They seem to be descendants of humans, judging by the language they're using.

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Hmm... If I meet Thetis, I might be able to learn more.

"Move aside, I've come to meet Thetis."


"Who's Thetis?"

"You idiot! It's the great flow!"

"The great flow! The great flow!!"

The "great flow", huh. Well, it's not wrong, since Thetis seems to control the flow of the entire sea.

The mermaids didn't respond to my words, and instead started chattering among themselves. At this rate, I won't be able to make any progress.

I have no choice but to call out.


The response came quickly.

[Mom? Is that really you?]

[Yes, it's me. It's been a while.]

At that moment,


"The sea current has changed!"

"Everyone, run! The great flow is moving!"

The strong currents started pushing the boat.

The beast god, confused, tried to escape the currents, but its strength was no match for the overwhelming force.

The place they arrived at was a sea with a massive whirlpool.

[Uh, Mom...]

The whirlpool was Thetis' true form.

[I'm sorry... I have so much I want to say, but seeing you, I just can't find the words. I've been thinking a lot, wondering why, why couldn't I stop the fight, why did I disappoint you... I've been regretting it constantly.]

Thetis spoke in a voice moist with tears.

[I'm sorry, Mom. For disappointing you, for not doing better...]

Thetis was clearly remorseful and reflecting.

Good, that's enough.

"It's alright, you've reflected enough."


"Now that I've calmed down, I can't stay angry at a child who has reflected so much."

I smiled and said,

"Let's talk about how you've been all this time."

Let's unravel the stories that have built up over time.

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"Ah, umm... Something feels strange. It's been a while since I've had a physical body, so it feels odd."

I looked at the woman with the sea-colored hair in front of me.

Of course, it was Thetis' avatar.

"But isn't this better than just being your true form?"

"Yes, that's true. It's hard to do anything with just my true form. Even the slightest movement can tangle the currents and make a mess of the sea."

"It's because you're too massive."

Too massive to move easily.

Just being big doesn't mean everything is good.

"Anyway, Mom, you've become quite cute."

"Mmm. You're right. All I have to do is change my appearance and I become this little girl. It's quite troublesome, I must say."

I can change my appearance a bit, but the small girl with horns and silver hair remains unchanged.

Forcibly trying to change it would prevent me from using my full power.

"I think it's cute."

"Well, at least the words are appreciated."

"You really mean that?"

Well, that's probably just your way of trying to comfort me.

"Anyway, I've finished teaching you the magic to create avatar."

"I see, so I was the last one."

"Hmm, it's not a place that's easily accessible, isn't it?"

Since it's in the middle of the vast ocean. It's not easily accessible.

Well, I could come here alone, but... I came to show the sea to the Hero, among other things.

Ah, right, the Hero!

I quickly went into the cabin and revived the almost dried-up life force of the Hero, who was lying there like a half-dried fish.

"Oh my, a human?"

"Yes, this is the human I've carefully raised."

Since the Hero is asleep right now, it doesn't matter if I talk about it.

"Hee hee... So Mom does like to raise someone, huh. I mean, that's why you raised us too."

"It's not that I particularly like it, but..."

I just thought that if I didn't raise them, they might end up loners and get twisted somewhere, so I've been taking care of them.

It's not like I raised them because I wanted to!

"I see. If that's what Mom says, then that must be the case. It's just how things are inside Mom."

This one...

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