Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 361: Have an affair

Chapter 361: Have an affair

Marianne pov 

I looked at the door every five seconds. Why was she taking so much time? Or have I been too impatient? Who would have thought that I would get such great news after so many bad days.

What felt like an eternity, I finally heard the footsteps coming closer.

"What took you so much time?" i asked but the girl did not listen. She was looking in a daze.

"Roselia. Roselia?" i stood up and moved towards her and snapped my finger only then did she blinked and looked at me.

"You.. Why were you encouraging him so much? I thought you were my friend! You should have taken my side." she accused me with a glare.

I looked at her with an amused face, "alright, then tell me, what is your side?" 

"Huh. My side is." she had no words to complete her sentence, but when she looked at my widening smile, she glared further,  "You should not have supported him, that's it" with that she walked and took a seat looking in the opposite direction.

More than anger, she was trying to hide her confusion and embarrassment. '

Ah! Denial! It was fine and you would learn to accept later'

"I apologise, next time you should tell me in advance what i needed to say, i would only say that. You both came together so I thought you had given your consent to it." i bluffed as i was sure she was ignorant about his feelings

"What, no! He followed me and then that guard was not letting me enter as I was dressed up like this." she looked at herself.

"And what about this blood, how did you get injured?" 

"Oh, this.. That Isabella was too haughty. I kowtowed in front of her to get her apology" though she said with nonchalance, i feel too guilty. As a higher noble we did not even bow more than needed. Kneeling was something that was beyond imagination.

"Roselia, i"

"Oh, are you going to discuss how apologetic you are? Or do you even have any interest in knowing why I was apologising and what have I found" she asked with gleaming eyes, and rubbing her hands.

She only rubbed her hands whenever she was too excited. So, I adjusted the guilt in the back of my mind and looked at her with anticipation.

"Philip, he goes there often, and most probably he has an affair with Isabella. And Marquees Wiltshire treated him like he was their servant. Calling him dimwit and even scolding him in front of everyone."

Though I have doubts that he has ulterior motives toward us. It took me a minute to digest the fact that he was treated so badly after being a prince. 

"But why did he accept such behavior, did he not retaliate?" Though he was not a proud man like Cassius, he still had his self-respect.

"That.. I did not know. They threw me out when he went in. I just heard some gossip that they both are having fun together and the room was telling the whole story. Oh, my! I wonder why Isabella did not marry Philip if she was having an affair with him, he is also a higher noble and a rich person." she said, rubbing her cheeks.

"We need to know more about this Philip. He is becoming more and more of a mystery now. But since I can not use you, I need another ally. And who would be better to tell about him than his own sister."

"You are going to ask her majesty? Why would she tell you about him and what if she alerted him?" asked Roselia as she looked at me horrified,

"Leave that to me. I will handle it. I have a plan in mind. You should go and wash yourself, and then go to the physician for a bandage. I still wonder how sir Edward was able to recognise you and even profess his love when you are looking this ugly." i teased her, she looked at me with narrowed eyes, but could not retort.

"That man was just blind. And I am meeting him this Sunday." she replied with a sigh, making me surprised again. I squealed like a kid.

"Oh my, oh my!! Did You say yes to him?" 

"No, we are just meeting, that's it. And now I have to go. I will see you in the morning." with that she stood up and left leaving me full of anticipation and questions.

I shook my head at my excitement. And then wrote a letter to Katherine. It had been days since I last heard from her.

"Lina, personally deliver this letter to her majesty. Do not give it even to her closest aide." I instructed as I did not want others to know that when we were meeting.

"Yes, your highness" she took the letter and then left for the castle.

"Your highness"

"Yes, Daulla"

"Your new knight that is giving night duties in place of sir Roselia is here. And he is asking for permission to come in." 

"Oh yes, ask him to guard lord Killian for tonight. I am going to sleep with my son today." 

We still need to talk a lot.

"And Daulla, I want to spend some alone time with Killian. So ask all the maids and servants to leave his chamber for tonight." i added, though they are all trusted staff, i still did not believe that the words would not go out.

"Yes, your highness" I signed the last file that Cassius gave me last night. I had thought that when I would be here, I would get rest and enjoy my vacations. But each night, he brings all the files of my work that Ian needs consultation for. 

I hope he would have realised my importance by this. I stood up and walked towards Killian's chamber.

"Daulla, serve our dinner in Killian's chamber and inform mother we are not going to join her. And that we need privacy, so she did not need to follow us." 'which i have a doubt that she would surely do'

"Yes, your highness"

'Killian, i will tell you everything tonight.

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