Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 330: Marry again..

Chapter 330: Marry again..

Cassius Pov

In the morning, when I walked out towards the carriage to leave for the royal palace, I saw James. He was sending his knights away. Finally the peace would return, but sadly, the one whom I love would leave with him too.

He looked at me with a smirk as if he was laughing over a joke internally and I fumed. I was sure he would make fun of me for the rest of my life but then if he was going to tease me anyway, why not use it further for my benefit.

"James, i need a favor from you.'' I asked as I walked closer to him.

"And what is that?" he asked, surprised me.

I moved closer to him and whispered in his ears. He laughed so hard that I wanted to beat him. 

"You both surely love each other a lot, yet dumb enough to hurt each other again and again." he commented.

"Would you help or not?" I ignored the comment as I did not have a reply, he was right there.

"Of course, I will. Your highness, I officially appoint you as my knight today" he said, patting my shoulder as if I was a kid under him.

"Then we will meet tonight at Marquees place.'' I replied and walked towards the carriage.

Ian followed me instead of Francis.

"Your highness, the argument at the party. Why don't you tell the truth to her highness" he asked hesitatingly.

"I have already told her the truth about our family death and soon I will tell her about Elizabeth too. I am just afraid, what would happen if she did not accept Killian's reality? She is a proud noble at the end of the day."

"But she loves Killian. Just like you. I remember even you had a hard time accepting at first. But time has the power to heal the wounds and accept reality." he said and i closed my eyes.

I still remember the day when he came to see Elizabeth for the last time. His legs were bleeding profusely and there were injuries and glass pieces on his body, yet I asked Ian to take care of him instead of taking him to the physician myself.

"So, the divorce.." he asked with bewilderment to bring me back from my reverie.

"Is a lie, a caption to know the truth.'' I replied and he looked at me dumbfounded then started chuckling like a mad person.

I just ignored him and concentrated out of the window.

I have to look for the signs in today's conversation and have to find proof if Marianne was right.

"We reached the royal palace, your highness' ' the voice of the knight and I nodded.

We walked towards the lonesome chamber almost separated from the rest of the palace.

The maids bowed as i entered the room, the man was sitting on his chair looking out of the window with bored eyes, but i knew better than blue eyes were no less than a hawk, who kept a close control on every step of his prey, his silence was nothing but the silence before the storm. I walked in further and bowed.

"Hail to the glory of the empire, your majesty" I greeted the old man who was once the strongest man of the empire.

"I am not the emperor anymore, Cassius, my son is' ' he replied, chuckling, but I knew he still enjoyed the address.

"How have you been, your majesty.'' I asked courteously and he shook his head.

"How would I be after knowing that you are getting divorce. I am ashamed to know that you can not handle even a woman, she had guts to slap you in front of so many people. If i would have been at your place, i would have punished her well for her disobedience." he spat in a colder voice though i had expected this much.

"She had the backing of her family. Marquees Essendon has never asked me for any favor, and he is still the richest man of the empire. And James had gained enough control over the military too and they both spoil her a lot.

If I punish her, it may create friction among the nobles' 'I replied in a cold tone full of hatred as if I was also disgusted by her behavior.

He finally nodded with a sigh. "That woman is too arrogant, it was not like you were doing something wrong. You were giving her the love she desired. 

Anyways, what have you decided now?" he asked, looking sharply at me again.

"I will try to convince her, but if she did not leave her arrogance I would divorce her and this time I would not marry again." i replied and the man turned silent, he looked out of the window again.,

"Why did you not marry Isabella. Ask for the properties you have been offered in the marriage as a condition of divorce and then marry Isabella and let her plan something evil. Catch her red handed and get  rid of her too.

I will handle Marquees then. You will get revenge against both women" he said, making me frown.

"Why would i marry Isabella, i hate her" 

"You hated Elizabeth too, yet you bear her for a while. It is just a matter of months. Then we will get rid of her.

And what could be better revenge from Marianne than you taking most of the properties of Esssendson and marrying Isabella?" he asked, tilting his head and I was sure he was testing my loyalty.

"I did not take what is mine, but I want to teach a lesson to Marianne too. But if I marry Isabella. I will get rid of her the way I got rid of her sister. I am tired of playing this cat and mouse game.`` I replied and he laughed.

"That is like my blood. Go and plan for the divorce. Wiltshire's would be at your door, soon, then we will end this long awaited game finally."

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