Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 328: A new knight

Chapter 328: A new knight

Cassius pov

I gave a last kiss on her forehead and stood up ready to go.

I jumped out from the window and took the secret passage that connected me to the outer garden. I took a deep breath of relief when I was finally out without being caught. What had life become, I was behaving like a thief in my own palace.

If this drama continued only god knows what else i would need to do in the upcoming days. I shook my head as I roamed in the garden for a while. The silence and the breeze soothing my nerves, when I heard footsteps.

"So, you are going to meet your own wife like a thief now '' I heard the most annoying voice behind my back and I was not even surprised that he already knew. Like a hawk, he kept his eyes on his sister all the time.

"Why are you so annoying James, do not poke your nose where it was not needed.'' I chided him but he just smirked.

"What are you both planning this time?" he asked, ignoring my words as he stood close to me.

"Cleaning, we are planning to clean my palace from all the hidden bugs. If you want to help, meet your sister, or else just stay away.'' I replied in an annoyed tone, but he just raised a brow, and then left after nodding his head. He did not ask anything further, neither passed any comment even after knowing the truth. What a strange man!

I took a deep breath as I walked towards Killian's chamber. He was the one who was the most hurt after whatever happened at the party.

I walked in and saw him sitting on the railing of his balcony. His legs dangling outside the balcony, the same place from where he had jumped in the past when Elizabeth had died.

"Kilian what are you doing?" I asked in a bit of panic as I walked towards him but he didn't even turn. He just sat there silently as if he did not even hear me.

"Killian I said move from there." I ordered again and he finally moved a bit.

"What happened between you and mother, father. She was happy just the other day. I thought we are a happy family now." he said in an accusing tone, and i sighed.

"It is a long story, son, I will tell you once you will be old enough to understand. But for now I am here to beg you for something." my words finally gained his attention and he turned and jumped in the room, yet his eyes were still blank.

"And what is that?" He asked me without even looking at me but entered the room and sat on the sofa silently.

"I want you to go with Marianne back to Marquees palace for a few days, so stay with her wherever she wants to go."

He finally turned to look at me with pained eyes. "So you are throwing me away too.'' His words were still accusing me.

"No, I thought you wanted to stay with her. You love her more than you love me." I asked as I remembered how he had always taken her side and fought with me for her many times.

"Of course, I love my mother. But you are the one who needs me more. You have always been alone after your grandparents died. Pushing everyone away. Even me too, and this time again, no I would not go." he said in a no nonsense tone, just like Marianne did when she got irritated.

"I promise I will bring you back in a month. You can get good training from James there and other things would be taken care of by your mother. I need this month to do everything right son ``I told him and he looked at me with pensive eyes.

"Would mother come back with me too when you turn things right?" he asked, tilting his head, making me wonder if he knew more than required.

"Why don't you go and convince her everyday to come with you. If she does not agree, you can come and accompany me as you desire." I bargained, he took a pause as if he was contemplating my words and nodded in the end.

"This is your last chance father or else once I leave for the academy I will not come back to any of you." he threatened as he looked towards me and I nodded with a sigh.

He nodded back and then walked to the bed and laid on it, closing his eyes.

Both mother and son could only pass me ultimatums as if I was a mythical being to fulfil their desires. But at least one thing was done.

I walked out when a maid came and passed me the letter. The same red letter with golden borders and rare gems on it.

I took the letter and walked towards my office. Opening the buttons of my shirt i took a deep breath as i opened the letter,


I am surprised at the turn of events, but it did not look natural to me. How did Marianne even follow us there? I want you to come and meet me tomorrow. We need to sort out a few things and need to talk urgently."

And without any name the letter ended. It was earlier than i had thought but my anticipation increased. Was Marianne right? Was there a hidden motive behind helping me or was it just a way to stop me? 

The night had already passed enough and soon it would be morning, and she would leave. I had to do something before that.

I closed my eyes and smiled devilishly. Then I walked towards the cupboard where all my disguises were kept safely. I took out the moustache and beard with a wicked grin.

"Marianne, a new knight will escort you and stay with you to protect you."

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