Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 324: The Slap

Chapter 324: The Slap

Marianne pov contd

Everyone's eyes on Isabella as they started whispering around. I kept my face hidden in Cassius' chest as if I was heartbroken.

"I think there is some misunderstanding.." Isabella's mother started but her father put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from speaking further.

He knew that the seal and her writing could not be called a misunderstanding just like that.

"I apologise, but we need to go home and sort this matter properly. I am ashamed of what happened and I would make sure that she would be punished for her childish act." said her father as he held Isabella's hand.

'Tsk tsk.. Calling the act done by 25year old girl as childish. This man sure was manipulative.'

"Why won't she marry even after this long if it was just a misunderstanding? She must be trying to get into the duke's bedroom even now." said a noble and many others started looking at Isabella with disgust.

"We need to go home now." said marquees Wiltshire as he held her hand and dragged her out. Followed by her mother who looked back at me with a glare and followed her husband with hasty footsteps.

"Are you done?" I heard Cassius whispering in my ears and it shook my head.

"This is just the start, your highness" I replied back as I continued the fake sobs.

Many came forward to sympathize with me.

"She is just a naive girl, i wish she gets married so that she would not think about others." Said one noble.

"Ha! She had tried to ask Cassius even when he was married to her own sister." another said and the fire i wanted got ignited well.

"Well,  I did not want my anniversary party to get ruined because of this small accident. I request all of you to enjoy your meal ``I said with a polite bow. They all looked hesitant to end the game but nodded and left towards the banquet table.

Cassius looked at me intently and sighed and then he left too.

I saw only Jamie and Katherine were left standing even Charles left with Cassius and Roasmond followed them.

They both walked towards me,

"So shall I take it that the show has ended?"

"This was one greatly planned show, but i think it's not ended yet"

They both spoke together, making me chuckle. They both looked at each other hesitantly.

"Your majesty" he bowed and she pursued her lips but nodded.

"What can I say brother, your majesty? I am a very good actor. And I know even if I make a mistake I have your back.`` I said to Jamie and he shook his head.

"Mother is going to beat you later. And i am afraid i will not  be behind you" he said pointing towards mother who was glaring at me while talking to the guests to smoothen the atmosphere.

"I will handle it later." I said and then looked at both of them. "Your majesty, my brother would be the best to help you in changing your troops of knights and other members around you. When it comes to staff he is very professional and experienced in it.'' I offered and she looked at Jamie hesitantly.

"That's very kind of you, but I think I will manage." 

"If you need help you should command others, your majesty. You are second in rank and power in the whole empire. Never underestimate yourself just because there are a few fools who did not know your value." said Jamie before I could say anything to make her agree.

We both looked at him surprised but he just stood there waiting for Katherine to reply and she nodded.

"I will give you some trouble then." she replied more confidently this time.

"Then I leave both of you to discuss it, I have some important things to do." I said as I saw all the important tasks of the party had been done.

Cassius had already approached the emperor and they were walking towards the dark room again. I gulped. But I took small steps behind them and followed.

They both walked in without knights following them. Opening the door they both entered a room which was completely devoid of lights.

"What do you want to talk about?" asked the old man as he took the seat of the head, and sat on it leisurely.

"I would not be able to convince James to marry Diana. I did it have a close relationship with him." said Cassius and I frowned. 

How and why would he convince James anyway?

The old man chuckled as if he had heard a joke.

"Cassius, my dear nephew.. Did you not just propose to his sister in front of anyone? At least, this much James could do in return. He is an emotional fool anyway. You just have to lay your cards properly.

I must say I am very impressed with the way you are using the new trick. Marianne is completely in your hands. And Isabella had been completely cornered. Now all we have to do is wait for Wiltshires to take a step and fall in our traps, then we will make sure to send them into prison. And you would be free from this hollow marriage.

Then I will take the dukedom and custody of Killian as you always wanted and train him to be the future archduke. You will be free to go to find the peace you always wanted." the old man kept on blabbering as if he was god.

He could plan the future of everyone the way he wanted. I knew I had to go out and create a scene but I was actually shocked at how far he had planned for all of us.

"Is that so?" I finally said coming out of the dark corner and he looked at me with a frown.

"I apologise, your majesty but I did not agree with your plans." I said as I moved towards Cassius and slapped him hard.

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