Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 280: Captured again!

Chapter 280: Captured again!

His hands moving on my back playing with the threads of the dress and my grip on his neck tightened my eyes closed as I started feeling his calloused tongue creating different sensations over my skin.

I tried to protest but Cassius was already licking me as if I had turned into his best meal, he was savouring the taste with a 'mmm' sound and I did not know what to say.

My heart was pounding because of the worry that someone might come in and see us, but part of the reason was actually because of what he was actually doing to me. His tongue was hot and it was creating a lot of sensations. I did not know how to keep my mind clear and talk to him.

I pulled away, blazing red, as I bit my lip. However, he didn't let go. He lifted me and made me sit on  the bed, putting himself between my legs.

"You do not have to worry about that my wife, the door is closed" he said as he leaned towards me.

My first reaction was to look at the door and he was right, it was closed. The man chuckled looking at my reaction and then shook his head in amusement.

"Marianne, you never fail to surprise me by how innocent and clever you are at the same time." he whispered as he leaned to kiss me again.

His hands moved, and held the zip of my dress.

His lips moved to my ears and bit it lightly.

"Since we are going to stay till evening. Let me give you a chance to serve you again" he whispered in my ears and I shivered under his touch.

I was about to lose myself like last night when we heard a knock on the door.

"Let it be. They came last night to invite us too. After knocking some time, they left" he said shamelessly.

'Only god knows what they would have been thinking about us'

"Open the door brother. There are knights with swords on the border of the village. It is an emergency' shouted the men as the intensity of knocks increased. Finally bringing us out of our worlds.

"See, i have told you, your brother would be here soon if you did not leave the place." he commented and then left me from his arms.

I could see annoyance on his face, as he loft the threads he was just about to open. He looked at me one last time and sighed. With that he moved towards the door and opened it.

"What is it?" he asked in a grumbling tone making the man on the other side chuckled.

"It is alright brother. She is your wife. You can anyways start again, just wait for the right time." he said so casually that he was sure we were going to do the deed.

The other man whom I was seeing for the first time was not that friendly or nosy. He came straight to the point.

"Our guards are spread all over the area to protect our family. They have been informed that they have seen a big tropop of knights looking everywhere in the woods for a young couple. They have two portraits with them that ate yours. So, it is time to tell us, what have you done. As I am sure they were not ordinary knights but the first order of knights that is reserved for war and emergencies." said the man as he looked at Cassius with a narrowed gaze.

His tone was threatening but I could understand his fear. The first order of knights was the most powerful troop of knights in the whole empire. Even the emperor had hardly any chance to go against them and use them for personal benefit.

They only serve emergencies. And if they were finding simeone ,that person ,must have done a big crime that they personally come to catch the culp;rit./

"I understand that you are worried that your village could be in danger because of us. But do not worry, we are leaving and going to meet the knights. Just tell us where have you seen them and we will be at this place at once." said Cassius and I bit my lip.

Though I wanted to argue and meet the oracle, I knew it was not possible. We had to go before the attack on the village, so I nodded when Case looked at me for my opinion.

But surprisingly the man shook his head.

"We are not here to throw you out. You are part of the clan now. You can stay here for as long as you want. I just wanted to know if there is something you both are hiding. Something you have done to make the first order of knights personally find you." he asked again tilting his head.

Cassius And I exchanged our eyes and he nodded.

"I appreciate that you just want to help. You have taken us as our family so easily. But the point is we have done nothing, and the man you are talking about.. Is my brother. My brother works in the first order of knights. So he must have convinced them to help us." i replied though it was an honest reply i still did not add the position Jamie hold, but it was enough to make the man wide eyed.

"Your brother is in the first order of knights, you belong to the family of the army. Yet you dare to have a blood oath with outlaws. Ha! Don't tell me it was all a trap to capture us. You wanted to find our liar and then bring them there. What a fine plan I must say!" he said with a mocking laugh, but his eyes have long turned cold. 

What a fine plan I must say!" he said with a mocking laugh, but his eyes have long turned cold. All the care and brotherhood they were showing us were lost and only doubt remained making us bewildered.

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