Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 191: tricky condition

Chapter 191: tricky condition

"Oh! That.. I have a strong allergy from fools, your majesty. I could not stand them no matter what post they belong to." she nodded, but she had no idea about my next words

"So i would suggest you to not be one or else i would be bound to insult you too.'' I added and she blinked.

"You are forgetting your position, Duchess" she replied coldly and I nodded.

"Glad to know that you still remember your position, your majesty. But I would prefer if you make it remember to others too, who are you!!" i replied looking at the knight who was standing there like a fool.. He did not even move to help his fellow knight. I hate that kind of person the most.

All the knights treated her authority as a joke and here she was reminding me who she was!

Why did it feel like I was dealing with another baby who was needed to hold when he learned to walk from crawling, only this thought created another headache in me.

She followed my gaze and sighed. "You can not force someone to respect you, duchess"

She replied and I laughed and shook my head. Then what were we supposed to do, let them treat us like they are above us.

"You are forgetting that you are an empress, your majesty. If you think that ignoring the people who mock you would be your greatness, your kind heartedness then you are another fool I would not be able to handle for long.

Tell me Katherine, is everyone in your nation fool, or is it just both of you." i said looking straight into her eyes. 

I knew that was a bold move but it was needed to ignite the fire that had died down in the assaults she was bearing.

"Have you lost your mind, Marianne. Do you know you can be beheaded for the words you have used right now"

"Why, I would rather prefer another way. That one I had tried once, it was very painful." i said touching my neck as if trying to find the marks of joining the neck again. I shuddered as the memory of the blade hitting my neck and beheading me crossed my mind. She blinked looking at my strange actions. I could not blame her but I could not say that in front of Cassius or others. So, rather say in front of her.

"You sure have gone crazy. Apologise, and i will forget we ever had this conversation."

"Why should i be the one to apologise here when everyone is disrespecting you, just because i had the courage to say it on your face.'' I saw that the knights were looking at me with worry, they wanted me to stop and apologize as sweat drizzled from their body.

"Marianne" I could see her chest heaving, the rising anger had turned her eyes red.

Eyes that were different from us. Her face was wider and longer, with a red hue complexion, dark eyes that were bigger than us and angled downwards. She looked like a doll, beautiful yet lifeless. Her face though beautiful did not look like us at all, that had created the wall between us and her.

"Why!! Would shouting change the truth? Your husband did not love you, so what if you are an empress once the queen gives birth, she would be the mother of the future emperor, queen dowager, then who would care whether she was empress or not, and you! You are not even among us, you will not even gain sympathy for your pitiful state.'' I mocked as I raised a hand to stop the knights who were moving towards us.

"Leave or i am sure i would not give a chance later." they ran a few steps away, i was sure they had seen the devil in me. I was basking the fear I was getting, the villain in me needed this release. Yet i hope it would be beneficial for this dumb girl too.

She looked at me with sheer anger as she raised a hand! Now should i accept the slap since i had truly insulted her or held her hand and insult her more!! Tch What a dilemma I had!!

"Did you not say that you can't get the respect forcefully, your majesty. Then why are you using force to silence me. I apologize for my mistakes, I really do" with that I kneeled in front of her and bowed my head a bit as I closed my eyes.

I heard a deep sigh, 

"You may rise, duchess."

Her voice was calm again as she spoke and I opened my eyes and smiled. I just survived being beheaded again. I stood up and looked at her with anticipated eyes.

"I got your point, I could not let them mock me, not on my face at least." she said after a pause and I nodded.

Good start! But that was not enough, 


"And I need to use my power and let others understand my authority." 

"Why don't you show me so that i could see what you have learnt.'' I was encouraged and she laughed.

"Are you trying to be my master and my overseer here?" there was no displeasure in her voice so I nodded.

"We did not need their respect. We need obedience. That is your staff, and he was needed to follow you and fulfill your wishes, that was what they were paid for. If you would not point out their mistakes they would treat you  more lightly in the future." 

"But tell me Marianne, how would it be strong without getting the physical favours of his majesty. In the end, as you said, Rosamund would be the mother of a future emperor."

"And you are wrong here as your condition is not like me. If I use my authority a lot and force people to kneel in front of me then I would be taken as a tyrant and that would create hatred in their heart for me. Though they would not be able to mouth it. And when they would get a chance I am sure everyone would stand against me, and this was the chance Rosamund was looking for. Do you think i am a fool to bear all this"

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