Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 173: it hurts

Chapter 173: it hurts

I started slowly as I could feel their gaze on me, but just when I got adjusted to it, I started riding with full speed.

Before the confused knights and maids could understand what happened I was already at the entrance of the palace. I ordered them to open the bridge, and soon I was moving towards the forest that was at the back of the palace.

"Whoa, whoa."

I, who had been galloping through the quiet forest for a long time, spoke slowly. The horse stopped calmly. I carefully got off the horse.


It was moist in the middle of the forest and far from warm, but i liked the lightness and the freshness felt at the tip of my nose. I thought it would not be so bad to walk a bit  as it could help me in taking the steam off. I slowly moved my feet in riding boots forward.

"There was a place like this."

These were words I muttered to myself after I had been walking for a while.

About 16 years as the previous  duchess, and q years as the present duchess' younger sister. Even once during that time, I hadn't even known there was a place like this.

For some reason today made me feel lonelier than before, why was it so frustrating, i knew that this was going to happen yet i invested in them. I walked and ran a hand in his soft skin, at my touch the horse made a neighboring sound, and at one point bit her hand.


I screamed loudly without my knowledge and pulled my hand out of the horse's mouth. It wasn't seriously painful, but the wound seemed to be quite deep because the blood flowed out as I was bleeding.

"Only that was left to happen, even horses are against me now" i really wanted to curse, i just I just wanted to, I moved my hand on my collar and tried to loosen it a bit, as if I could not take a breath.

"Are you less trained yet? Ugh No matter, how do you bite someone like this?" I complained to the horse, though I know it was a waste, yet I felt like I could only take my frustration out on him now.


Then a familiar sound of the galloping of a horse caught my ear. My body hardened without realizing and my hands moved to the hidden dagger on my boots. There was someone else in this space. But who in the world?

I looked around her surroundings with a tense look. Who was it? But then I relaxed when I realized the only person who could enter this space, besides her

"Surely" I looked around to see if my hypothesis was correct though my grip on the dagger still remained. I could feel the sound getting closer so I decided to go back to my house and flee from here too.

I walked towards the horse again, but he moved back as if he wanted to wait for the intruder and did not want to leave.

"Even you are against me" I muttered as I tried to hold him again, but it was too late.

I bit my lips without my knowledge and looked up at a man who appeared in front of me. The man in the horseback riding clothes was also looking down at me with an anger filled expression, as if he would beat me any moment. Naturally, his title flowed out of my mouth.

"Your highness "

"What are you doing all the way out here?" his voice came out through gritted teeth, i could feel the pressure that his body was emitting

I replied with an expressionless face, trying to sound strong. "I was riding a horse." He jumped from his horse and moved towards me with so much  force I could feel the pressure he was using by the sound of his boots stomping on the land.

I had come here for a stress reliever, but it appeared that I was going to get more stress, if the argument happened. The biggest source of stress that I had received was right in front of my eyes.

"Damn, Marianne, we were going to ride together. Did you forget that and even if you wanted to ride, there are many places in the palace, why have you come to this weary forest. You know how dangerous it could be." he growled as he held my hand.

"Wait a moment."


I asked him with a clearly apparent bad look. "What is the problem?"

"That hand."


Ah, I had shown a side that I shouldn't have, now he could accuse me further for my naivety. So I exaggeratedly pretended that it was nothing.

"I am fine."

"It does not look okay." he looked at my hand as if it was something major that could kill me anytime.

His face was sheathing and I couldn't understand his expression. Whether I was hurt or not, it was none of his business.

"Why are you here anyway. And where is Killian, where have you left him." i shouted, though i don't want to, but there was something that was hurting me more than before, before i thought they were together but now that i knew they were not so why the hell she was coming here every time like a proud peacock to show her feathers.

"He is fine but just look at your hand, its bleeding profusely. I told you you are a novice and you should stay with us"

"It's just a light bite. It's really nothing."


He stared blatantly at me with no response as if he hadn't heard me, or maybe he had heard me but was pretending he hadn't heard it,

"I am really curious when the meaning of 'light' has changed."


I turned my gaze silently in another direction. The sound of his sighing reverberated in my ear. I waited for him to argue but there was no voice after that.

A familiar white handkerchief came into my eyes.

"I see that handkerchief often."

" "

He grabbed my hand toward himself without responding back. I tried to get my hands out of his grasp but it wasn't easy. He did not let go of my hand. I grumbled in a voice to complain.

"It hurts."


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