Villain Steal the Heroines

Chapter 3: Reborn as a Villain

Chapter 3: Reborn as a Villain

[Welcome To the world of Arcedia]

This was the first thing I noticed after gaining consciousness in this new world.

However, before I could even react to the identity of my new world, I experienced a push as everything began to squeeze around me and push me from my back towards my head.

Fortunately, after a few minutes of relentless effort, I was finally able to feel the surrounding air and the hands of the person who was holding me up.

Though, before I could properly settle the news of my safe birth in my mind,


My back ached with a burning sensation.

I began crying reflexively, and tears began to run down from my blurry eyes without my control.

When I was crying my eyes out nonstop, I heard several individuals laughing and talking about my situation, and even though I knew that they were just happy about my safe and successful birth, I still couldn't help but curse them in my head.

After my anguish subsided and no more tears flowed, I tried to open my eyes, but all I saw were blurry colours, which reminded me that newly born children take some time before they are clearly able to see anything.

[The World's Destiny Net has been successfully located]

[The system needs to go into hibernation for 6 months.]

'Hibernation, why? What happened suddenly? Hearing the system prompt, I asked nervously in my mind.

[The system needs time to connect to the world's destiny.]

[This world has more than one protagonist, and the next six months are absolutely safe for the host. The host doesn't have to worry in the system's absence]

[Connecting to the world...]

[Time remaining (2231:59:58)]

'Wait! Isn't there only one protagonist in the world of Arcedia? wait! System! System?'


I sighed inwardly as the system went into hibernation before I could get my answer.

There was nothing I could do about it, and nothing harmful was going to happen to me in the next six months anyhow, so I might as well enjoy my time here and find out exactly where I was born.

When the system claimed that I would become aware of the world and timeline after birth, I couldn't understand at the time, but now I finally understand what those words mean.

Surprisingly, I am familiar with this world.

This is the world of Arcedia, or more specifically, the world from the novel "Reincarnated Hero of Arcedia."

A dog-sh*t novel, and the one on my list of novels that I despise the most.

The novel was about a man who died on Earth and was reincarnated in this world.

He was born into a poor family in a no-name village that was invaded and destroyed by demons on the night of his first birthday.

However, the extremely lucky protagonist Bastard survived the ordeal because his parents hid him in a cabinet; he was later discovered by an old man who was a retired sword grandmaster living in that village and was spending the remainder of his life in peace and quiet.


'Absolute Nonsense!!'

I have no idea where people acquire so many brain cells to write nonsense like this in this ridiculous setting, which makes no sense.

To begin with, how did the demons' powers and superhuman senses fail to detect the child hidden in the cupboard?

Second, why didn't the elderly man save the village from the demons and instead let it be destroyed?

There was no explanation! The author did not describe anything and allowed the plot to continue as if everything was normal.

'F*cking B*stard.'

The protagonist was then given the name Kevin by the old man, who then took Kevin away to live in a faraway region in the deep mountains, where the old man trained Kevin in swordsmanship.

The old man died when Kevin turned 18, but not before leaving several extremely valuable items for Kevin, including a marriage contract with a girl from a noble family, a recommendation letter to the world's greatest academy for aura users, and many other valuable items.

The novel truly begins when Kevin leaves the mountain and joins the academy.

The nobles didn't like him at first and looked down on him as a hillbilly and a commoner, but everything changed when he began to show what he was truly capable of.

The actual reason to be outraged is that he himself acts like a tiger in sheep's clothing while accusing others of cheating.

Even after he gets power, he lets minor characters, who are just there to move the plot along, hurt him. Then, he pretends to be a victim and beats them, which impresses the heroines.

Bastard Hypocrite!

Now, I don't mind individuals acting however they want, but how can a hypocrite like him become a hero?

He abuses his abilities, fights powerful individuals solely to impress girls, and then survives by chance when things get nasty.

Later on, he always has a series of fortunate encounters, through which he discovers treasures and grows stronger by chance.

With how many stupid things Kevin did, he could have died hundreds of times if it had been any other person, or even a normally lucky person.

Sadly, this nonsense doesn't end here.

It gets so ridiculous that at one point he discovers the first hero's legacy while leisurely strolling through a forest.

And as a result, he becomes the hero candidate after successfully completing the trial.

However, the hero's will mandated that the hero candidate must be a virgin and must not have even touched a lady for lascivious purposes until he becomes a sword grandmaster, and only then would he become a true hero and get the true inheritance.

Kevin initially finds himself in a difficult situation, but eventually accepts the condition since he has overconfidence in himself.

He thought he was a lucky protagonist because of his talent and reincarnation, and that he'd definitely become a sword grandmaster within a year.

The funny part was that Kevin was never able to become a sword master because the author of the novel died of a heart attack before completing the following volume.

The novel was only written up to 8 months after Kevin discovered the legacy and was just about to become a sword grandmaster.

'Truly a deserving end for such a hypocrite.'


Rivers flow, the sun rises and sets beyond the horizon, and the seasons change.

Since my reincarnation into the world of Arcedia, six months have flown by in the blink of an eye.

At first, I found it hard to believe, and even now, it's a little hard to digest the idea that I somehow ended up in a world that I always believed to be only fictional.

In the last six months, I discovered that I was born as Luke Steeline, the only son of Duke Brandon Steeline and the sole successor to the Steeline family.

A weak and ignorant second-rate villain who was killed by the protagonist in the original novel due to a betrayal and his own ignorance.

In the original plot, Luke had a childhood infatuation with someone whom he adored and who subsequently became his fiance due to political circumstances.

Selina Greenberg, who was his fiance, on the other hand, never liked him and had only used him since childhood.

However, Luke was so enamoured with her that he became such a fool that he didn't even recognise how she manipulated him, betrayed him, and eventually joined the protagonist's party.

A B*tch!

That's exactly what she was.

Even the Steeline family was destroyed by the protagonist with the assistance of Selina and was later divided in half between the two of them.

When I read that part in my previous life, my blood boiled, and I smashed my smartphone on the floor.

Normally, I would not have reacted in such an extreme manner, but I was always a meticulous reader who tried to analyse how things could have been from the perspectives of many individuals.

That's when I realised how awful Luke's life had been and how he had been misled by Selina since childhood for her own gain.

If Selina had wanted, she could have provided him with such a good life that even taking enough benefits from him to finally breach the marriage contract was possible, but she didn't do it.

She proceeded to mistreat him, misleading him into thinking that they both had a future together, treating him like a dog, and eventually abandoning him to die alone.

Worse, the novel was written in such a way that it attempted to show Luke as a nasty and filthy villain who was pressuring Selina and causing her problems.

These intricacies would not have been apparent to someone who had only read the book once or twice, but I was someone who used to read everything with extreme focus, and so I was able to quickly discern the truth.

Actually, a few more readers also discovered the truth and even commented on how poorly written the book was, but the author deleted all of their reviews.

I won't lie; I was ecstatic when the author passed away, and I didn't even feel sorry for him.


Anyway, that was all in the past.

Things would be different now that I am here.

You know.

At first, I wondered why I wasn't born with a better character than Luke, but when I thought back on Luke's life, I realised that his character was a perfect match for mine.

And that's when I swear.

'Everyone who was opposed to the original Luke in the novel would suffer, and even that b*tch Selina would be unable to live a decent life, as I would make sure of that.'

I knew every detail about her, and I plan to make her and the protagonists' lives so miserable that they will despise their parents for bringing them into this world.

They will regret meeting me in this life.

Of course, I won't forget to properly enjoy my dear fiance in bed before teaching her how to respect her man.


"Haww!!, look honey, our Luke looks so cute when he laughs."

My laugh instantly stopped after hearing my mothers words.

'Mom! This was supposed to be an evil villain's laugh, not some child's giggle.'

Sadly, I could think about it.

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