Villain Detective is a Chaebol

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Hyunsoo's car was heading to the Seongri City Police Station.


Hyunsoo's car stopped at the signal. Still holding the steering wheel, he recalled an incident that had flashed through his mind a while ago.

* * *

A quiet intersection.

A car was stopped.

Inside, a woman is looking around the crosswalk in front of her as if she were waiting for someone. And a man who came into her field of vision and a child holding his hand and walking together.


Then, as if she had been waiting, the woman started the engine. At the same time, the child ran away, shaking off the man's hand.




With the man's scream, the child crossing the crosswalk was hit by a car and collapsed.

The car door opened and the woman slowly got out.

A crossroad where there were hardly any people. There was only one eyewitness.

The man who walked with the child in the accident.

The man hugged and shook the child who had fallen on the crosswalk. The man caressed the child's face with tears streaming down his face.

Soon after, however, despite his despairing face, creepy words came out of his mouth.

He's probably dead, right?

Words that make you doubt your ears.

Soon after, an even uglier voice came from the woman's mouth as she got out of the car.

He has to die. If he received this much.

* * *


[Seongri City Police Station]

Hyunsoo, who arrived before he knew it, turned the steering wheel and entered the parking lot of the police station.

You devilish bastards.

It was a scene of an accident, but it was possible to grasp the truth to some extent.

Terrible result of dirty greed. And a child fell victim to it.

He didn't know the exact reason or the whole story, but Hyunsoo, who had seen the criminals' tactics so far, was certain.

Soon after, Hyunsoo quickly organized the case in his head.

-On circumstances, the accident is intentional.

-The victim is a child, the perpetrator is a woman driving the vehicle, and the accomplice is.

Hard to believe, though.

The man with the child, who looked like his father.

He didn't know the reason, but it was clear. The man who was with the child, seen in the case.

His face was crying, but his voice was very excited. Watching a young life fade away, he was happy as a devil.

Hyunsoo closed his eyes tightly.

The prediction was that the purpose of the intentional accident was.


A faint sigh was uttered.

In his mind, he wanted to catch these demons right away and tear them apart.

But reality was reality.

He couldn't make these bastards pay for their sins with only the emotions he was blessed with. Only accurate evidence can catch them and put them in jail.

Hyunsoo opened his eyes wide and slowly got out of the car.

* * *

Im sorry Because I haven't been able to sleep lately.

Seongri City Police Station.

The perpetrator of the incident who came to the police station was holding her head down and swallowing her tears.

I thought there would be no one around me because it was so quiet Im so sorry.

Beyond the door, Hyunsoo was watching the woman shamelessly shedding tears. If he hadn't seen the scene of the incident with his ability, the acting of the woman would be able to fool Hyunsoo for a moment.

Eyes burst with blood vessels, loose hair, and a head that was always lowered.

It was when Hyunsoo burst into laughter as if he was amazed by her performance.


Police Officer Kim Yoojoon, who was coming down from the second floor, saluted Hyunsoo.

Uh. Police Officer Kim. What did you find out?

The only case that has been received so far is the one I mentioned earlier. That woman sitting over there is the perpetrator.

Personal details?

Ah, here.

Police Officer Kim Yoojoon handed over the post-it with the memo to Hyunsoo.

[The driver of the offending vehicle]

[Full name: Kim Seoyeon]

[An ordinary office worker, claims to have been drowsy driving due to overwork.]

What about the victim? You said it was a child, but he didn't have a guardian?

Ah, yes. The child who had an accident was Jung Jihoon, and his father's name was Jung Taeyoon. I think they got into an accident while he was walking home with his son. Hes currently in the hospital with his child.

The relationship between the victim and the man was father and son.

Of course, if you listen to the words at the scene of the incident, you can doubt whether he is his real father..

Hyunsoo turned his head.

Is that all? Any other peculiarities?

Ah His wife has been in the hospital for quite some time. So it seems that he spent most of his time with his child alone.

When Hyunsoo nodded, Police Officer Kim Yoojoon continued.

However Looking at it still, it seems like a big incident, isn't it? I don't think the perpetrator hit it on purpose. Seeing that she's crying and reflecting on herself.

It was then.

That I got a call from the hospital.

The police next to the crying woman put down the phone and continued.

The child has passed away.

Soon after, the woman burst into tears.

Im sorry. Really Because of me, a child.

To the detectives, it was a truly unfortunate incident. They felt sorry for the child who had an accident, but it was not common for the perpetrator to apologize with such guilt.

Most of the perpetrators were in a hurry to make excuses, such as saying that there was not much fault on their part, or that the brakes did not work.

But this woman was different. The perpetrator sobbed and apologized.

To the victim, to the perpetrator, why this happened to them.

It was when the detectives' sad sighs filled the police station.

She puts on such a great show.


At Hyunsoo's small voice, Police Officer Kim Yoojoon turned his head to him.

Then Hyunsoo spat out his words.

Where is the hospital where the child was taken?

* * *

After a while.

[Daesang General Hospital]

In front of the hospital building, on a bench was a woman who looked like the mother-in-law. A man was sitting with her.

The man's name was Jung Taeyoon. He was the father of the child who just got into an accident.

Jung Taeyoon was crying incessantly with his head down, and his mother-in-law patted him on the shoulder and opened her mouth.

You go home and get some clothes. It takes a few days to go through the funeral.

At that moment, the mother-in-law was speechless due to the rising sadness. However, she soon cleared her throat and continued speaking.

You need to get your act together. I know that you have been struggling to pay for Hyeyeon-ies hospital bills and raise Jihoon-ie, who is not your own child. So, let's let him go well.

At her words, the man nodded and trudged toward the parking lot.


And a shadow followed him.

It was Hyunsoo.

* * *

I can taste the alcohol now.

How many hours had it been? The sun had already gone down outside the window.

Ha, sh*t I was nervous.

A rooftop bar located near the hospital.

In the standing seat, Jung Taeyoon, who had been crying in front of the hospital earlier, was sitting drunk.

Gulp! Ahahahaha!

While muttering to himself, he suddenly burst into laughter like a madman.

Ah, I've finally gotten rid of him, that brat.

The man didn't look like a father who just lost his child. He moved his petty mouth, rolling his devilish-looking eyes.

The insurance How many were there?

Even snorting, Jung Taeyoon turned on his cell phone and tapped the calculator.

Even if she agrees and goes to criminal punishment, if she gets a suspended sentence.

All of this was actually Jung Taeyoon's plan.

Jung Taeyoon and Kim Seoyeon, the perpetrator of the accident, were having an affair.

I've got several insurance policies under the kid? My stupid mother-in-law liked saying that I was the only one taking care of the kid..

Jung Taeyoon's son, Jung Jihoon, was the son of his wife and her ex-husband.

Jung Taeyoon seemed to sincerely care for his wife's son, but when his wife suddenly collapsed from cancer, the child was nothing more than a burden to him.

If you do as I say, the insurance is worth hundreds of millions! I'm the beneficiary.

Kim Seoyeon agreed to Jung Taeyoon's devilish plan, and the two carried out a murder case disguised as an accident.

Ah, Seoyeon is no ordinary person either. I told her to hit him really hard, so just once. As expected, I have an eye for it.

Jung Taeyoon, who was mumbling while turning the glass, drank.


Putting down the empty glass, his gaze turned to the bartender in front of him.

Give me another drink.


Soon after, the bartender brought a bottle and poured the drink into his empty glass.

Are you new?


I've never seen you before.

When Jung Taeyoon stared at his face, the bartender nodded.

Ah, yes. I came a few days ago.

There were a lot of pretty sisters, but where did they all go, and only dark guys here like this?

Jung Taeyoon continued to talk and looked around.

Fewer customers today, and unfamiliar bartenders.

It was when that Jung Taeyoon was about to frown at the awkward air.

I sent them all away.

Jung Taeyoon's head swung at an unfamiliar voice.

You spent all your money not on your wife's medical bills, but on drinking.

A man naturally sat next to Jung Taeyoon.

It was Hyunsoo.


Jung Taeyoon's expression seemed to say that he was displeased with the young man who suddenly appeared and smiled with a smirk on his lips.

However, Hyunsoo's gaze was directed to the bartender, not Jung Taeyoon.

It's done, right?

Yes, it's all done.

The bartender took out something under the table and handed it to Hyunsoo as if they had made an agreement with each other.

Who am I?

Only then did Hyunsoo's eyes turn to Jung Taeyoon.


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