Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 991 Rematch (III)

Chapter 991 Rematch (III)

"Me? Defeated? Never!"

Despite struggling from the debuffs inflicted, King Arthur can still move. But because his self-healing ability is not working on clearing the debuffs inflicted by the Love Stack, despite healing over and over again, the debuffs remain constant, hurting King Arthur more than he is healed. He is regenerating endlessly to remove the debuffs and yet those things persist. Due to this, it made King Arthur less threatening than he should have been. He is still a big threat but not as threatening as earlier.

"This is our chance, everyone! Let's go!"

I continue firing my gun at him and although he is now blocking my attacks, due to his agility getting hampered by constant stun and sometimes the paralysis kicks in, he is sometimes not able to do so which allowed me to stack more Love Stack at him. The more Love Stack he gets, the worse his body will be.

"Don't let him get another chance to recover! Attack!" Pandora shouted as she unleashed her chains and herself, wrapping King Arthur with it. She then proceeded to pierce his body with her greatsword and used her chains to attack various parts of his body. But because it was healing faster than she could damage, it still didn't work much.

The others also did the same thing. Lucia, Avos, Riko, and Sora are attacking King Arthur with multiple magic spells and King Arthur is no longer capable of blocking everything.

Queen Tanya angrily attacks King Arthur and proceeds to use her scythe to rip off his head. However, it seems the scythe can't even cut through his neck.

"So that is how it is huh? It seems you won't die with decapitation at all."

"Ha! Even if I am struggling to move here, do you think that scythe of yours is enough to cut off my head? Perhaps I can help you cut off yours," King Arthur responded despite being under a barrage of attacks.

Despite struggling, he breaks off Pandora's chains and proceeds to grab the scythe of Queen Tanya. But Queen Tanya is quick at manipulating her scythe and before King Arthur can even disarm her, she easily spins around with her scythe and pulls it over, dragging King Arthur before punching him in the face which then sends him flying in the distance.

"Freeze, murderer!"

Izmir floats in the air and proceeds to fire a freezing spell towards King Arthur. He was frozen from the spell but he managed to break free immediately in which an arrow came out of nowhere and pierced through his skull. I looked in the direction where the arrow came from and in the distance was Renatta who was aiming and was looking for the right opportunity to kill King Arthur. It was a big bull's eye. But even that is not enough to kill him.

After getting pierced by an arrow, he pulls the arrow off of his head and the big hole on his head starts to return to normal.

"You guys are getting annoying now. And these debuffs won't get cleared no matter how I heal. I hate this feeling."

He stood up and although he was suffering from the effects of the debuffs that were inflicted by the Love Stacks he still managed to continue walking.

"I may be suffering from whatever things you inflicted on me, but I will never die, no matter how hard you try!"

"F*ck this, enough of your high horse Arthur!" I flipped my Versatile Weapon from its gun form into its sword form and attacked King Arthur. He should be not parrying but he catches my blade with his weapon and clashes with it.

Although I am certain that he does not wield any of his signature weapons, the sword that he uses in battle right now resembles the Caliburn so much. According to his tales, the Caliburn is the sword that was stuck in the stone and the sword that King Arthur pulled out from it. When he became a king, another sword appeared from the rock where the Caliburn was stuck, and like usual, he pulled the sword again which is what was the fully well-known weapon of his, the Excalibur.

During the early years before King Arthur became the king, the Calibur was his main weapon and I have seen it in the past timeline. Although I have not seen it in this lifetime, the sword of his resembles too much on that weapon. One thing different about this is that it doesn't bring out the usual brilliance that the Caliburn carries. The weapon when being swung around by anyone would make it glow with a bright light.

But the sword he is using does not, instead, it is not glowing at all. The more I look at it, the more dread I can feel. Is this perhaps the reason why he is always carrying something that would cause me to feel dread?

"What's wrong? Don't tell me that you are not even capable of killing someone who is getting weaker due to the debuffs I am getting?"

King Arthur proceeded to increase his strength and started to overpower me, although I was still able to hold my ground.

"I don't know what happened to you for you to go down the path of this madness but we will have to put a stop to it. You already died once, we can do it again," I declared as I increased my pressure on his attempt to power me down.

"Heh, a blessed person like me cannot die. I am a destined person for greatness!"

Sparks start to fly in the air as both of us continue the clash. Both weapons grind their edges in an attempt to overpower the other and bring them down. Then, I saw a gap in his attempt and used that to my advantage as I tilted my sword for a bit before proceeding to hit his sword once and then proceeded to stab his abdomen with the Blood Morgan.


King Arthur is shocked and blood starts to flow out of his body. That's when I suddenly realized something wrong with King Arthur. At first, when we are fighting, he is attacked a lot and he receives a lot of wounds, wounds that are considered fatal for him and some that even pierce through his body and yet there is one thing missing that I didn't notice until now.

He doesn't bleed.

Yes, one crucial thing that should be present every time he is wounded should be blood. Whether he got the normal red blood, or maybe he got a weird blood color, it doesn't matter as he should have at least some blood. And yet, he didn't have any blood before...until now.

"Guhuk! W-what? How come...?" King Arthur's blood bubbles up with his blood. Black blood. He coughs a lot of it as he staggers backward. The gaping hole in his abdomen is enough to tell the story that King Arthur is not really immortal and even if he was, he is not invulnerable to anything.

"How come...another weapon is causing me to bleed like this...? I should have made sure that I won't be killed by it again..."

I glanced at the sword that Almira had given to me and King Arthur once again. Whatever she has done to this sword, it is working properly for King Arthur, and for once, his wounds are not healing at all. Or should I say, they refuse to heal at all. Although the sword stab isn't that deep and fatal for him, it is enough for King Arthur to bleed.

"King Arthur... it's time to put you back to your eternal rest."

"I refuse. Seeing as you lot are already on your way to kill me, then I shouldn't bother holding back."

He raised his sword into the air, before stabbing himself multiple times in his heart. He didn't die from it but he instead slowly transformed into a grotesque beast that I wasn't expecting to see. He only got bigger and bigger and soon, his size is now reaching the roof. I thought he would continue to grow but he stopped when his height reaches the roof.

One thing is certain. Despite seeing it first hand, I didn't expect to see it again this time albeit in a smaller form compared to what I have seen before. As King Arthur's new form roared, the summon's portal opened and Cath Palug angrily comes out of it, landing on my shoulder.


The others are also in awe at the new scene we are seeing. We have driven King Arthur to his last phase like some kind of multi-phased enemy. One thing that made me not like it is the fact that I am seeing one monster that I have a few nightmares in. And it is also the reason why Cath Palug is angry.

Because the form that King Arthur uses is the form that Cath Palug had if he wasn't under Merlin's spell and one of the raid bosses that will cause the grief of many NPCs and deaths of many players and NPCs alike.

The Whie Calamity, Cath Palug.

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