USSR 1941

Chapter 850: system

  Chapter 850 Regime

  It was already noon the next day when Shulka woke up, and the surrounding area seemed particularly quiet, with no cannon or gunfire, and even the noise of the troops was much quieter.

   Shulka hadn’t slept so comfortably for a long time until he woke up naturally. He stretched lazily and called Denisokov.

   "What's going on?" Shulka asked.

"We have successfully recovered Milove, Comrade Shulka!" Denisokov replied excitedly: "The Supreme Command sent us a congratulatory message, and Comrade Zolotarev said to let you rest, so there is no wake you up!"

   "Did you call your father?" Shulka casually took out the black bread from his backpack.

   "Yes, Comrade Shulka!" Denisokov replied: "He said he was proud of me, and told me that I must continue to follow you and learn your enemy-killing skills!"

   Shulka saw the light of excitement in Denisokov's eyes.

For a child, nothing can be more proud than getting his father's affirmation, and Denisokov is no exception. It can even be said that he needs his father's affirmation more, because his father is a political commissar, and he has been demanding a lot from him since he was a child. It's very strict.


   "If you want to learn more!" Shulka said while nibbling on bread: "Comrade Denisokov, I don't think you should stay with me!"

   "What?" Denisokov was stunned, he did not understand what Shulka meant.

   "I mean, you can't learn as a guard!" Shulka said: "You should fight with the others in the army!"

   "But... Comrade Shulka, do you really think I'm ready?" Denisokov asked.

   "Of course!" Shulka replied.

  Actually, Denisokov’s quality is no worse than others. After all, he came out of a military academy, so he is much better than others. It is a bit inferior for him to be a security guard.

   "So, where should I start? I mean... Which army can I command, or should I start as a soldier?" It can be seen that Denisokov still has some expectations.

   "I think you can become a company commander!" Shulka said: "Of course, if you wish to become an instructor!"

   As Denisokov, he has the right to choose.

  Although the instructor is not at all safer than the company commander on the battlefield, he has more power than the company, at least for now.

   "No!" Denisokov made a decision immediately: "I choose the company commander, Comrade Shulka!"

   After a pause, Denisokov added: "You won't call me out of the 82nd Infantry Regiment, will you?"

   "Of course not!" Shulka replied: "The third battalion, are you satisfied?"

   "Of course, Comrade Shulka!" Denisokov saluted Shulka excitedly.

  The third battalion is also the recruit battalion. Those recruits came from the same batch as Denisokov, and they were of similar age.

   "Perhaps you should ask your father!" Shulka said.

   "No, no need, Comrade Shulka!" Denisokov replied: "I obey your arrangement, and at the same time I am very satisfied, thank you very much!"

   Shulka knew why Denisokov would not want his father to interfere.

   On the one hand, this is because Denisokov is unwilling to rely on his father's relationship to take the position, and on the other hand, the reputation of the political commissar system in the army is not very good.

But what Shulka didn't know was that the reason why Denisokov was so determined was because Shulka was not a member of the political commissar system... Shulka had long been a role model for the troops, especially those recruits in the new barracks. Shulka as a standard to ask yourself, which even includes some small habits in life.

   Denisokov once told Shulka that the soldiers in the new barracks were trying to imitate Shulka's smoking action.

   This left Shulka speechless.

  But the soldiers in the boot camp are all sixteen or seventeen-year-old children, so it’s not surprising that this is the case... People at this age will always set up god-like idols in their hearts and imitate everything, just like modern groupies.

   It's just that in these war years, Shulka is the shining star.

   After eating half a piece of black bread and drinking some water, Shulka walked out of the dormitory with a full belch and went straight to the headquarters.

  He saw Mikhailvich and Andrianka discussing something with telegrams.

  Andrianka saw Shulka coming in, and immediately walked up and handed the telegram to Shulka, saying: "Comrade Shulka, something serious happened! The Supreme Command canceled the political commissar system!"

   "The political commissar system has been cancelled?" Shulka took the telegram and looked at it, and it was true.

  Shuerka was not surprised by this, and it can even be said that this was originally Shulkati's opinion.

   It's just that the Supreme Command abolished the political commissar system immediately after the Battle of Stalingrad, which still surprised Shulka.

Perhaps, the Supreme Command wanted to take this opportunity to stimulate the morale of the troops without hurting the enthusiasm of the political commissars...According to the order, the political commissars have no command power in the military, and are only responsible for the ideological education of the troops and political struggles, etc. question.

  So, to be precise, the political commissar system is not abolished, but its power has been weakened by its reform.

   Regarding this point, Shulka believes that the political commissar system, especially Khrushchev, will be very unhappy, but this can indeed conform to the will of the people and the situation.

   "So, can we ignore the political commissar when we fight in the future?" Mikhailvich asked: "Or, does the political commissar have no right to order the troops to charge?"

   It’s no wonder Mikhailvich said that, because the political commissar’s most human fault is to order the troops to charge regardless of the situation.

   But Shulka shook his head and remained silent.

Mikhailvich's thinking was too simple. The political commissar system had existed in the Soviet army for many years, and its deterrent power over the troops had long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. What's more, Stalin actually only "weakened" the power of the political commissar in a limited way... The power that was reduced was only At the command level, it is just a question of who can call the shots when there are disputes and differences with the chief officer of the army.

  Although the power of the political commissar is limited to ideological education and political struggle, if the scope is expanded, it will be wider.

  For example, the chief officer thinks to retreat, and the political commissar thinks to attack.

  The chief officer can take out a telegram, saying that the political commissar must follow the command of the chief officer.

  But the political commissar can also take out a telegram, saying that the political commissar is responsible for ideological education, and the chief officer’s command is a capitulationism that is greedy for life and afraid of death...

  In addition, most of the political commissars hold the real power, and the chief officer will voluntarily hand over the command power in normal battles, or at least the political commissar must approve before he dares to act.

  So it was called abolition, but the actual political commissar system still played a role in the Soviet army.

  (end of this chapter)

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