Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 - Zhou Family's Eldest Miss

As Leng Xue finished speaking, Soong Hui's hostility noticeably subsided, but she still spoke with a tone of seasoned experience, “Young people today really have no sense of propriety.”

It was clear that Soong Hui was sarcastically criticizing Ye Hao for addressing Leng Xue by her first name.

“Indeed,” Ye Hao agreed, nodding. “That explains why I overheard you discussing cosmetics when I arrived. As you age, if you don't start using some makeup, you might soon find yourself with a face full of wrinkles.”

Soong Hui's face twisted into an angry scowl. “What did you just say?”

“Are you intending to impart some life lessons to me?” Ye Hao asked, swirling his wine glass nonchalantly.

Soong Hui was seething with anger.

The ladies nearby were struggling to contain their laughter, but they dared not let it out.

Laughing at that moment would surely put them at odds with Soong Hui.

“Cousin, he's bullying me!” Soong Hui cried out as she spotted a group of young men approaching. She stamped her foot in frustration.

At her call, Wang Fengyu and the young men made their way over.

“Are you the one who's been bullying my cousin?” Wang Fengyu asked, fixing Ye Hao with a piercing stare.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Ye Hao simply shook his head.

“You're too timid,” Wang Fengyu remarked, surprised by Ye Hao's apparent lack of courage.

“You're mistaken.”


“I wouldn't waste my time bullying someone like your cousin,” Ye Hao replied, casually tilting his wine glass. “I'd rather reserve that for someone of Leng Xue's caliber.”

The crowd was stunned into silence.

No one had anticipated Ye Hao's brazenness.

He had not only insulted Soong Hui's looks but also challenged the entire Soong family.

Ye Hao was merely a student of Leng Xue's, yet he had the audacity to make such a bold statement.

Leng Xue's expression shifted.

She had always known Ye Hao to be bold, but she hadn't expected him to take it to such an extreme.

“Ye Hao, you're drunk,” Leng Xue stated firmly.

By saying this, Leng Xue aimed to suggest to everyone that Ye Hao's words were the ramblings of an inebriated man.

“How dare you call me ugly? Regardless of your background, I will make sure you pay for this,” Soong Hui hissed at Ye Hao, her face contorted with rage.

For the eldest daughter of the Soong family, quietly disposing of an ordinary person was all in a day's work.

Under normal circumstances, scions of noble families are mindful of their reputation, so no one would publicly disclose matters that could tarnish it. Yet, Soong Hui did just that, a clear sign of her intense anger towards Ye Hao.

”Soong Hui, you're drunk,” came a smooth voice, breaking the tension.

Startled, Soong Hui turned to the young woman in a black evening gown and asked in astonishment, “Wanqing, what did you say?”

The assembled heirs and heiresses shared her surprise, all eyes on the newcomer. Zhou Wanqing's intervention was unexpected. Her standing was a notch above the rest; in all of Glento, only Lin Rou'er of the Lin family and Zheng Wuyuan of the Zheng family could match her status.

Next to Zhou Wanqing's commanding presence, Soong Hui's playful charm and Leng Xue's composed elegance seemed subdued. Zhou Wanqing's formidable aura was unmistakable.

“I said you're drunk,” Zhou Wanqing reiterated before turning to Ye Hao. “Young Master Ye, it's been a while.”

Even Leng Xue hadn't anticipated Zhou Wanqing addressing Ye Hao in such a familiar manner. Ye Hao regarded Zhou Wanqing for a moment, then shook his head slightly, “I don't know you.”

“Now we do,” Zhou Wanqing replied with a smile.

“Fine,” Ye Hao conceded, albeit reluctantly.

Regardless, Zhou Wanqing had extricated Ye Hao from an awkward situation, even though he hadn't needed her intervention.

“Why don't we step aside to talk?” Zhou Wanqing suggested.

“Sure,” Ye Hao agreed, and they walked off together.

The young elites watched them leave, confusion etched on their faces. “Leng Xue, what's the story with your student?” inquired a beauty in a hushed tone.

”I'm not sure,” Leng Xue admitted. Ye Hao's background had always been a puzzle to her, and now it seemed even more enigmatic.

Zhou Wanqing carried herself with the grace of a well-bred lady. Her poise and demeanor were the epitome of elegance, leaving a lasting impression of comfort and refinement.

When chatting with Zhou Wanqing, time seemed to stand still.

Even though Ye Hao wasn't keen on having an extended conversation with Zhou Wanqing, he found himself engrossed in a half-hour chat without realizing it.

“You're a student at Riverdale College, right? Could you check if I'm healthy?” Zhou Wanqing asked as she extended her pale wrist.

Noticing Ye Hao's hesitation, Zhou Wanqing chuckled and asked, “Do you know how to read a pulse?”

“I'll give it a try,” Ye Hao responded, placing two fingers gently on Zhou Wanqing's wrist.

Ye Hao was well-versed in the theory, though he had yet to put it into practice.

He focused intently on the rhythm of Zhou Wanqing's pulse.

“Have you found anything?”

“Your spleen and kidneys appear to be weak,” Ye Hao cautiously replied.

Zhou Wanqing's face showed concern.

Indeed, her spleen and kidneys were weak.

She was surprised that Ye Hao, a freshman, could diagnose her condition accurately.

“This could be causing your back pain during your menstrual cycle,” Ye Hao added.

“What should I do for treatment?”

“Traditional Chinese medicine would help.”

“Could you write me a prescription?”

“You're already taking Chinese medicine. I don't think you need another prescription from me, do you?” Ye Hao observed Zhou Wanqing closely.

“How did you know?”

“Of course, I knew.”

“What else can you tell?”

“I can also tell that you're currently on your period.”

Zhou Wanqing's face registered shock.

She quickly checked her clothing for any signs of blood. Finding none, she asked curiously, “How could you tell?”

“It's something you might not understand,” Ye Hao replied, avoiding the admission that he had detected the scent of blood.

“My condition isn't something that can be cured quickly with Chinese medicine. I'm experiencing back pain right now. Do you have a way to treat it?”

“Yes, I do.”

Zhou Wanqing's eyes brightened. “What can you do?”

“Stretch out your hand.”

Once Zhou Wanqing extended her hand, Ye Hao channeled a thread of vital spirit into her, which would ease her pain for the next three to four days.

By then, her menstrual cycle would have ended.

Zhou Wanqing looked at Ye Hao in amazement and asked, “How did you manage that?”

“I'm not telling you.”

“But you're just a freshman. How could you possibly know so much?”

“Because I'm a top student.”

Zhou Wanqing was at a loss for words.

Just then, two middle-aged men appeared on the stage. They gestured with their hands facing down, signaling for silence, and the crowd promptly hushed.

“Today marks the strategic partnership between the Soong family and the Leng family. I am delighted to welcome all of you here,” Soong Leji announced.

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