Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 - The Reason

“I need to know the details of this incident before I can draw any conclusions,” Zhang Cheng stated gravely.

His words took Lin Gaolin by surprise.

“Allow me to explain,” Lin Rou'er interjected softly.

Without delay, Lin Rou'er succinctly recounted the events.

She was clearly biased toward Ye Hao, yet no one could pinpoint any flaws in her account. The Castoacean language is so rich and nuanced that changing a single word can drastically alter the meaning of a sentence.

“It sounds like Ye Hao was acting in self-defense,” Zhang Cheng mused for a moment before speaking.

“Would this be considered excessive self-defense?” Lin Gaoxiong asked, fixing his gaze on Zhang Cheng.

“There's a condition to that. Did Lin Gaolin insult him first?” Zhang Cheng countered.

“That was just drunken gibberish from Gaolin,” interjected Lin Gaofeng.

“Drunk driving is punishable by law. Everyone must be accountable for their actions,” Zhang Cheng remarked coolly.

It was blatantly obvious to anyone that Zhang Cheng was favoring Ye Hao.

“Mr. Zhang, if you don't provide a satisfactory answer to the Lin family today, we will not let this rest,” Zhang Yufeng declared angrily.

The Lin family's senior members inwardly panicked upon hearing Zhang Yufeng's statement.

Zhang Cheng was not someone they could provoke.

“Do as you please,” Zhang Cheng responded nonchalantly, “We're leaving.”

With that, Zhang Cheng departed, leaving the Lin family's top brass in a state of shock.

Lin Gaolin shot Zhang Yufeng a glare and demanded, “Who gave you permission to speak out of turn?”

“I did it for your sake,” Zhang Yufeng replied, her face the picture of innocence.

Further discussion on the matter seemed pointless.

Persisting would only serve to alienate Zhang Cheng completely.

Despite the Lin family's influence, which extended to the upper echelons of Glento City, no one was eager to antagonize the Deputy Director of their jurisdiction.

Lin Rou'er couldn't shake the feeling that there was something odd about the whole situation, yet she couldn't put her finger on the cause.

She inquired further, but Zhang Cheng never gave her a straight answer.

Reluctantly, Lin Rou'er let the matter drop.

At six in the evening, Ye Hao's phone began to ring.

“Where are you?”

“At Vluwno Group.”

“I'll come to pick you up.”


After Ye Hao ended the call, he turned to Lin Rou'er, who was still busy with work, and said, “Rou'er, I'm heading out.”

“I was hoping to invite you to dinner tonight,” Lin Rou'er said gently, setting aside the documents she was holding.

“No need.”

“Alright then, I'll have May drive you.”

“There's no need. Someone's coming for me.”

Lin Rou'er nodded, taken aback.

Ye Hao turned and made his way to the exit.

“Hold on.”

Ye Hao paused and looked back at Lin Rou'er, puzzled.

Lin Rou'er approached Ye Hao and straightened his collar for him. “There you go.”

Ye Hao gazed at the stunning Lin Rou'er, feeling a stir of emotion. She reminded him of a wife fussing over her husband's collar before work. But he quickly pushed the sentiment aside.

”If anything comes up, make sure to let me know right away.”

Lin Rou'er gave a soft nod.

Ye Hao met Lin Rou'er's beautiful gaze one last time before turning and walking away.

Ye Hao waited outside Vluwno Group for about fifteen minutes before he spotted Leng Xue's car.

Leng Xue stepped out and beckoned to Ye Hao.

He opened the car door and got in.

“Isn't this a bit early?”

“I'm taking you to get a new suit.”

“I have clothes.”

“I can't just let you help for free,” Leng Xue said as she started the car. “Consider this a token of my appreciation.”

Once Ye Hao had departed, Lin Rou'er continued to gaze out the window at the passing scenery.

Soon after, May knocked and entered.

“Did you find out everything?”

“Tonight is the strategic alliance and marriage agreement between the Leng and Soong families. Yet, Leng Xue has invited Ye Hao to join her. I suspect she might ask Ye Hao to pose as her boyfriend,” May said, pausing briefly. “Leng Xue became a teacher at Riverdale College because she's unhappy with her family's arrangements. It's typical of her character to take such action.”

“She's too naive,” Lin Rou'er said with frustration. “She won't be able to defy the wishes of both families.”

“I'm concerned about whether Ye Hao will be able to extricate himself from this situation,” May said gravely.

Lin Rou'er mulled over the matter briefly before calling Ye Hao.

Ye Hao, seeing Lin Rou'er's call, was puzzled. “It hasn't been long. What could have happened?”

“Sis, what's up?” Because Leng Xue was present, Ye Hao refrained from addressing Lin Rou'er as Rou'er.

“I'm not feeling well. Could you come over?”

Ye Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. “Sis, just tell me what's on your mind.”

“Are you going to get involved with the Soong and Leng family's issues?”

“No.” Ye Hao's only task was to eliminate Soong Yu.

“Are you certain?”


“Then there's nothing to worry about,” Lin Rou'er breathed a sigh of relief.

If Ye Hao were to get entangled in the affairs of these two powerful families, not even Lin Rou'er could save him.

Leng Xue glanced at Ye Hao and inquired, “Who was that on the phone?”

“Do you always need to know everything?”

“Who are you calling nosy?” Leng Xue's eyes widened in indignation.

“Are you planning to buy yourself an evening gown?” Ye Hao asked, glancing at Leng Xue.


“Have you prepared yourself to face the censure of both families?”

Leng Xue remained silent.

Eventually, Leng Xue pulled the car over. She looked earnestly at Ye Hao and said, “There's still time to back out if you have regrets.”

“Is it possible for me to change my mind?”


Ye Hao gazed at Leng Xue for a moment before opening the car door and walking away.

Leng Xue was taken aback.

“Why did he leave?” she wondered.

But then, a bitter look crossed her face.

“If Ye Hao and I have no ties, why should he take on such peril? Perhaps he agreed to help in a moment of rashness,” she thought to herself.

Ye Hao, however, was not acting on impulse.

Even if Leng Xue hadn't allowed him to leave the car, he would have found an opportunity to do so, for he had spotted Shao Hua from the Martial Arts Bureau, who seemed to be urgently persuading someone to follow her.

Ye Hao sensed that the individual was both malevolent and formidable.

Concerned for Shao Hua's safety, Ye Hao proactively decided to shadow her.

While Shao Hua's proficiency in martial arts was undeniably strong, Ye Hao doubted she could stand up to that person.

The gap between a warrior and a cultivator was significant, rooted in their fundamental differences.

For instance, no matter how powerful a warrior might be, wielding Divine Power was beyond their reach.

Stealthily, Ye Hao followed closely behind. As he reached an alleyway, he overheard the person's chilling words, “Are you still following?”

“What are your intentions for infiltrating Glento?” Shao Hua emerged from her hiding spot, her voice grave.

“I have my reasons for sneaking into Glento. It would be wise for you to not interfere with matters that don't concern you.”

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