Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 198 Origin Wolf Queen's Awakening (1)

Ye Kai was outside of his house, walking on the streets as he was looking at vendors that were closing down, since in a half hour it would be night.

Ye Kai spend the rest of his day with Ye Ming and doing sex, thanks to that Ye Kai earned a lot of lust points which would help him in his next clutivation upgrade.

Ye Kai would like to spend even more time with Ye Ming and have sex with her to earn more lust points but he sensed that May was at the top of the mountain, and from Ye Ming, he learned that May was going somewhere away from home every day.

Ye Kai was quite curious about where May was heading every day and what she was doing, and also worried about her, hoping she wouldn't end up in a bad situation.

As Ye Kai was thinking about it, he walked in the streets, and soon he walked out of Flower Blossom City and was on his way to the nearest mountain of Flower Blossom City, Green Flower Mountain.

The mountain rose from the ground in a greenery. At the top, flowers of all types gave the mountain a vivid life of its own, it's only green flowers though.

However only green flowers, and there were a variety of types of flowers, some flowers look like roses, sunflowers, lilies, iris, and many more.

All types of flowers only in the green color spread across the shoulders of the mountain as the sun cast its last light of the day, creating a stunning display against the clear sky. The petals blew into the air, carrying with them scents that made Ye Kai want to close his eyes and let them carry him away. A breeze blew over his face, like a breath on the back of his neck.

Ye Kai felt very refreshed coming here, tired from all sex he did today, this scent of flowers and fresh breeze made his mind and body fully refreshed and energetic.

Ye Kai walked into this mountain and went in the direction where he sensed May. When he reached where he sensed May, he saw her and Ye Kai got a bit confused.

He watched May collapse her lean, slender body onto the topmost rock from which a single spruce branch grew. She sat in the cross-legged position, palms flat on her legs, fingers gently curling into her knees.

The length of her silver hair draped over one shoulder and flowed down her front and back, creating a curtain shielding her figure from view.

Her eyes were closed as she meditated, her ears pointed upwards like those of a wolf, and the faint movement of her tail gently swaying behind her only added to the innocence of it all.

Ye Kai only watched her, not interfering with whatever she was trying, but he asked the system about this in his mind.

[May is trying to awaken herself as True Origin Wolf Queen, a Queen who can control every wolf in the world as long as that wolf's clutivation is below Queen]

'Hm, so she is trying to awaken, huh? Yeah I remember mission I have, I have to fuck Wolf Kingdom Queen and Princess, hmm... Is this correct way to awaken?'

[No, doing only meditation is not enough, to truly awaken as True Origin Wolf Queen, she has to go through life and death battle, and this battle should be a real battle, she and her opponent, both of them should have killing intent towards each other, still this is not enough, May should be weaker than her opponent and May should put under extreme tension and desire to kill to her opponent, that is the only way to awaken as True Origin Wolf Queen,]

'Hm... So it's means even I go all out and fight with her, she won't able to awaken since I don't possess killing intent towards her, then how should I find a opponent who have killing intent towards her and so did she also have???'

Ye Kai thought about it and find out that there were some ways to find people who might want to kill May. all I have to do was kill May's mother and pin blame someone who has a strong father, in rage, May would kill this someone and this someone's strong father filed with killing intent to go after May, and since this was someone's father who killed her mother, May would also he full of killing intent.

'there are high chances that this fight will help May to awaken but then should I do this?'

Ye Kai questions himself and decides to think about this later. 

"Kai, why are you here?"

Ye Kai saw May open her eyes and looked at him, and asked.

"Ming'er said you are going out everyday somewhere and she worried and then I sensed you in this mountain, you were here from morning so I thought I check up if something is bothering you," Ye Kai said and he walked towards her.

May looked at Ye Kai and sighed, "I should have told Ming'er about this."

May shook her head and looked at Ye Kai; in the next moment, her eyes wide opened as she saw something fly in the sky that landed on him. It left a trail of red blood behind it, meat chunks, and scattered a tattered heap of clothes on the ground.

May was rooted to the spot, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she watched with incredulity a tall shadowy figure approach the crater where Ye Kai lay. With lumbering movements, it brushed aside bits of debris and took the thing that landed on Ye Kai.

The thing that landed on Ye Kai was a shield that was huge and round, shimmering in the light. It was decorated with intricate designs and symbols, and its edges were sharp. Its surface was painted in various bright colors, and it looked strong and impenetrable.

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