Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 157 Time Stop Power Of Ling Ling

Ye Kai looked at Ling Ling and thought now he should end this quickly, although he was already rich Ye Kai still hate to spend hundreds of thousands of gold at once.

Ye Kai used the system and made himself stronger, and he was about to attack the Ling Ling when he felt a powerful feeling from Ling Ling.

He saw Ling Ling's body glowing and suddenly all the sound from the environment was gone, the trees stopped swaying by the wind, and birds that were flying away stopped, everything stopped only Ling Ling legs started moving towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai tried to move but find himself unable to move, slowly his mind was stopping that eventually stopped.

Ling Ling looked at Ye Kai and sighed, she didn't want to stop the time since she could do this once a month, now for a month she lost this power which was hateful and since she had to resume the time fast so she slowly unbuttoned the top buttons of her dress, reached inside and withdrew a long, gleaming kitchen knife in her hand. She took a deep breath as she clutched the handle, walked steadily towards Ye Kai and raised the knife up into the air.

"It would have been great if I can also kill your guardian but well nothing can be done now," Ling Ling said and swipe the knife at Ye Kai's neck to end his life.

As she swipe the knife, Ye Kai disappeared from her gaze.

"What? What happened? where the hell he disappeared?" Ling Ling shouted as she looked around, she jumped tree after another looking everywhere but she couldn't find him, and then she went in the direction where his carriage left but she couldn't find the carriage.

"Aaahhh," Ling Ling's voice echoed through the forest as her face grew red with rage. Her chest heaved, and she could feel the heat of anger coursing through her veins.

She used the attack that was important for her but she still couldn't kill him. It was frustrating, too much frustrating that Ling Ling wanted to kill someone right now but still maintain her sanity she went back.


Ye Kai groaned as he awoke and tried to open his eyes. When his vision finally came into focus, he realized that he was in his bedroom, his neck hurting and buzzing and when this pain and buzzing calmed down he was able to recall what happened.

When he recalled everything he sighed, "I should have take things seriously."

Ye Kai would have been dead if he didn't buy a Lifesaver name thing from the system, this item would save him from any deadly situation that might kill him.

Now that he back in his room meant Ling Ling almost took his life.

"Well, I should tell Sakura what happened," Ye Kai thought and wrote a letter and send it to Sakura.

After sometime later Sakura's letter arrives. Ye Kai open the letter and saw she was asking if he was a chosen one, Ye Kai replied yes and said to her to keep it secret.

Then Ye Kai thought and decided to go out and meet his mother.


Miyu leapt from tree to tree, her feet barely touching the bark before she pushed off again. She gracefully arced through the air, never missing a branch or losing her footing. As she neared the back capital city.

She paused for a moment to survey the landscape and take in the tall buildings before her. Dropping down, she began searching for her teammate however, she couldn't able to find anyone.

"Strange, where are they?" Miyu thought and searched for them and wasn't able to find them.

She scoured the streets for what felt like hours, until she spotted a figure crouching in a dark alley. As she edged closer, she realized it was Ma Gong. Between two tall buildings, there he was—squatting down, wearing a faded gray overcoat with a bow clutched in his trembling hands. She could see him shiver from the chill of the night air.

Miyu saw this as worries filled her heart, she immediately ran to him, and called him out in worry, "Gon, what... what happened? Are you okay?"

Miyu kneeled beside Ma Gong and ran her hands lightly over his body, felt his cold, clammy skin. She gently put her hand on his forehead and confirmed he had no fever. His breathing was shallow and steady, confirming that he was in a normal condition.

Ma Gong grabbed Miyu in a tight embrace and tears rolled down his face. His breath was ragged and heavy and he repeated the words "Sister, Sister" like a mantra as his body quaked with sobs.

Miyu doesn't understand and only tried to console him for now, She watched Ma Gong's tear-streaked face as he wept, his silence broken only by deep sobs that shook his body. lifting him in her arms and wrapping them around his shaking body. Her own heart ached as she made her way to the inn, soothing him as he eventually fell asleep against her chest.

Miyu stumbled into the inn and trudged up the stairs to her room. She placed Ma Gong on the bed with a tenderness in her touch, then knelt beside him, running her hand through his hair. A heavy sadness descended upon her as she could guess something happened to Shao Ren, Kirin, and Yang Guifei.

Miyu slowly leaned against the bed, feeling the cool sheets against her skin. She felt a heavy sigh escape her lips as she grabbed a pillow and buried her face into it. Not a single noise could be heard in the room apart from the sound of Miyu's thoughts racing through her mind, weighing up all of her options.

"Why not save them?"

Miyu heard a voice in her mind, it was her guardian, the greatest female ninja in the God World, Miyu don't know what or where God World was, but she knew her guardian was strong.

"I want but isn't this chosen game is where only one can survive, and we just create team just because other kingdoms chosen one did same, so should I go and risk my life for them?" Miyu asked.

"No, you don't have to, it's your choise to save them or not, just don't choise something you will regret later in life," A voice in Miyu's mind said.

Then Miyu lay in another bed, her eyes closed, yet her mind refused to shut off. She tossed and turned, pulled up and pushed down the sheets, and tried various breathing exercises but nothing seemed to work. After some time, she let out a deep sigh of frustration.

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