Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 805 - A human or a ghost?

Chapter 805 - A human or a ghost?

Under the starry night sky, construction equipment and vehicles stood their ground on top of the grass like a maze. The petite man and the robust man that snuck inside Yue Ling and Lu Tian’s property were at a loss about what they had just witnessed.

From the moment their boss laid eyes on Han Yue Ling, he (the boss) had become infatuated with the woman. He ordered all his men to search high and low for the retired model. However, no matter how much they searched, they couldn’t find a single trace of her, except her workplace.

Only by chance was the petite man, who was leaving a restaurant, spots Yue Ling inside a black car at a red stoplight. He didn’t hesitate to inform his boss of what he found.

His boss then ordered him to follow the car Yue Ling was in to find out where she lives.

And he did just that.

He followed behind without giving away his intentions and was soon led to a secluded residential area. Knowing that the more he followed, he would be found out, so he parked his car on the side of the road and continued on foot.

It took him a while, but thanks to the familiar black car parked on the driveway, he was able to find the right house.

He wrote down the address and quickly fled from the area to report back to his boss.

"Bro? Bro? Did you hear what I said?"

The robust man whispers to the petite man and interrupts the man’s train of thought.

"Was that a human or a ghost? Could it be that this place is actually haunted?"

He (robust man) stares with a quizzical frown and scratch the back of his head. He turns around to look at the sumptuously luxurious house behind them and felt a little weirded out.

"Are you sure this is the right address? From the looks it, this place looks like it is going to be demolished."

The petite man looks around at the scene in front of him. When he found the house, he did hear loud construction work going on, but he didn’t think much. Unless he was found out at the time and was led to a random house to trick him.

No, that can’t be.

"It’s the right house. I’m sure of it."

He reassures the robust man with a stern expression and looks back at the spot in front of the metal scraps. His brows wrinkled as he was sure the figure they saw earlier was human. However, how could a living person move that quickly?

All they did was blink, and the figure vanished with the wind.

"Should we come back in the morning?"

The robust man suddenly whispers again, and the petite man flashes him a sinister glare.

"Are you stupid? Boss wants us to bring Han Yue Ling to him. He gave firm instructions to get the job done tonight, or we’re going to kick out from Red Moon."

When Yue Ling’s location was known, Tao Meng couldn’t sit back and wait. He stated that the person who brings Yue Ling to him will receive a large amount of money and women. Anyone who fails this task will be disowned.

At first, he didn’t want to volunteer as he heard the others mention Yue Ling being friends with the Mad Reaper. However, the news of Xiao’s death came, and he wanted to seek revenge for his comrade.

Since he knows that he can’t face Mad Reaper head-on, he will kidnap Yue Ling and have the woman pay the price of making them lose a member of Red Moon.

Oblivious to the petite man’s reason for being here, a begrudging pursed appears on the robust man’s face. He had asked because the more he stared at the house, he felt an unexplainable feeling rise inside him. It was as if his guts were telling him to leave or else he’ll regret it.

However, the petite man was right.

He and the others that came to kidnap Yue Ling only volunteered for the job because they wanted to get on Tao Meng’s good side. If they succeed in this, a hefty reward will be given to them.

Thinking about the reward with his name written all over it, he felt determined and looked away from the house.

"I guess we don’t have to come back in the morning. There are six of us. She can’t possibly escape from us once we have her cornered."

To be precise, only four of them snuck in over the fence, while the other two waited in the car. Once they have Yue Ling, all they had to do was get in the car and storm off.

He licks his lips, and a malicious grin curls on his lip as he chuckles evilly.

"I heard this woman is truly one of a kind. Since she is this great that boss is obsessed with her, do you think he’ll share her with us when he’s done?"


The moment the robust man’s last word fell, a voice answers him. However, the voice didn’t belong to the petite man standing to his left.

It came from behind, in the house’s direction, and sounded as cold as the night. So cold that it made all the hair on their bodies stand on ends.

The robust man slowly turns around to see who it was, but his eyes shot open in surprise.


A fist comes into view, and he could feel the breeze that came with it. He tried to dodge it, but like he had become a locked target, the fist collided against his right cheek.


He sounds a groan as the punch nearly sent him flying but stumbles sideways before losing his balance and falls.

The petite man had been focused on the metal scraps and trying to figure out where the mysterious person had gone. He needed to make sure that this person would not sneak an attack on them.

When he heard the voice of another person, he also turned around to see what happened. He was quickly met with the robust man being punched away.

He takes a small step back in surprise, and his eyes widen.

"What the hell?"

Quickly as the surprise came to him, it was replaced with alert and grimace. He stares with unblinking eyes at the dark figure. This person was not as tall as the robust man, but taller than him (petite man).

As he sized this person up, it didn’t take long until he realized that this person was the same figure that disappeared moments ago.


He roars a curse in a slight panic and his right-hand reaches behind him for his gun. Taking the gun out, he quickly takes aim and fires a shot.

"Go to hell!"

However, before his finger could pull the trigger, the dark figure was faster and moves.

Qi Li was close enough as his left-hand stretch towards the hand point a gun at him. His hand grabs hold of the petite man’s wrist and pull the man forward to evade any bullets.

Without letting go of the wrist, he spun once to the right and swung his right arm. His elbow swiftly jabs against the petite man’s right temple before letting go of the wrist.

The petite man felt a sharp, blunt trauma to his head as his body flung to the left, headfirst. He stares with bloodshot eyes at Qi Li before his vision turns dark and he loses consciousness.


Qi Li stares down at the man he had just taken down. He felt the phone in his pocket vibrate and reach for it.

["Everything good on your side?"]

He had just placed the phone near his ear when Liu Shan’s voice sounds from the other line. He (Liu Shan) had been watching from behind the monitors and saw everything, but he needed to call to make sure.

["Lin Hui said another person is on the run. Take care of him if you see him in the back."]

Liu Shan informs Qi Li of the situation in the front, and he (Qi Li) looks away from the petite man. He (Qi Li) scans the construction site in front of him. Seeing nothing amiss and no other figures, he turns around to look at the house.

"Everything’s good on—"

["Bro, behind you!"]

Before Qi Li could finish his words, Liu Shan’s voice shouts in warning from the phone and cuts him off.


The robust man angrily roars as he was back on his feet and lunges forward without any warning. His muscular arms suddenly stretch out and wrap tightly around Qi Li’s waist before tackling him (Qi Li) onto the ground.

Qi Li grunts a groan as his back slams hard against the grass. He loses his grip on the phone, causing it to be thrown a few feet away.

Simultaneously, Liu Shan’s panic voice vaguely sounds from the phone lying on the grass.

["Qi Li? Qi Li? Are you alright?! Qi Li?!!!"]

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