Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 677 Six idiots

Chapter 677 Six idiots

A white Ashton Martin pulls up to Elegancy’s parking lot. Lu Tian turns the engine off and steps out of the car. He closes the door and strides over to the passenger side to help his wife.

"Yue Ling! Child, you’re here!"

The moment Yue Ling took a step out of the car, a woman’s cheerful voice calls out to her. She didn’t need to think and knew right away who it was. She looks at the woman and softly chuckles, while Lu Tian held a look of pure disdain.

"Aunt Zhao."

Madam Zhao was thrilled to see Yue Ling. She didn’t care and push her nephew aside as she quickly locks her arm with Yue Ling’s arm. However, feeling the size of Yue Ling’s arms, she frowns with pouting lips.

"My goodness child. You’re too skinny!"

She eyes Yue Ling’s slender figure from head to toe and her frown deepens more. She already considers Zhao Ya’Er skinny, but compared to her daughter, Yue Ling is not only taller but even skinnier.

"Child tell your aunt here. Is my nephew not feeding you properly? Hm? If he is, how can you be this skinny?"

Her words fell like a worried mother, but she didn’t forget to cast a glare at Lu Tian. She made sure that the daggers within her pupils were not hidden too.

Lu Tian was dumbfounded by his aunt. He swore, if eyes could kill a person, he would have been stabbed to death by her glare.

Seeing her glaring eyes, Yue Ling couldn’t help but chuckle with a softened heart. She lightly tugs the woman’s arms and tries to avert the deadly attention away from Lu Tian.

"Aunt Zhao, I’m eating well thanks to Tian. He feeds me every day, even if I don’t want to eat."

Lu Tian’s disdained expression quickly disappears and was replaced with a look full of pride and confidence. As her man, he can never let her go hungry. Not only that, one should know that food isn’t the only thing he feeds her.

Feeling better by his wife’s words, he reaches down to hold her free hand. However, just when he was an inch away from touching her warm hand, Madam Zhao was one step faster.

She purposely increases her steps and pulls Yue Ling along towards the entrance of Elegancy.

"Aiya, that’s good then. However, I feel you are still too skinny. Come, your aunt here has prepared a delicious meal for you inside."

Yue Ling didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She wanted to wait for Lu Tian, but seeing the way Madam Zhao was acting, she could only turn her head to the man and give him an apologetic look.

Behind the two women, Lu Tian was more dumbfounded than ever. He stops in his steps and pinches the space between his brows as he tries to process the situation.

He had planned the perfect dinner for only him and his wife. He even informed his aunt and uncle in advance. Could it be that his aunt is getting too old that she has short-term memory loss?

Not only that, how dare she steals all of his wife’s attention.

Lowering his hand, he could only pick up his legs and follow after. However, inside, he couldn’t help but wonder if bringing his wife to Elegancy was the wrong choice.

Upon entrance, Yue Ling gasps in surprise at the sight of the restaurant. Elegancy’s interior was already luxurious and one of the few restaurants she has entered that could take her breath away.

However, unlike the other times, she has been here, she has to say, its sudden change is by far as that of a fairytale.

Even Lu Tian’s rose petal dinner when he gifted her the necklace Balance could not compare.

As it was not the floor that was covered, but the ceiling. Branches of plum blossom branches hung like vines and one can see the fully bloomed flowers. Between the little gaps of the branches, decorative lights help light up the entire restaurant.

Yue Ling sighs and looks around, but she was in for another surprise. All the tables that were once displayed were cleared out leaving only one table.

It was positioned in the center of the restaurant with a red tablecloth laid over. The centerpiece held two lit candles inside lanterns and a bouquet of white, red, and pink roses.

Madam Zhao steals a glance at Yue Ling, and she smiles a giggle that can be mistaken for a quiet snicker. She wanted to tell Yue Ling that it was she who decorated the place but stops herself.

"Have a seat. I’ll have the workers bring out the prepared meals."

She lets go of Yue Ling’s arm and glance at her nephew. She gives him a look with twitched up brows then walks in the direction of the restaurant kitchen.

"Do you like it?"

Lu Tian’s deep voice sounds from behind Yue Ling. Unlike its usual indifference, it was soft and full of doting.

He stops next to her and reaches down to hold her hand. He gazes down at her with the look of a child waiting to be praised for doing a good job.

Yue Ling was too fascinated by the decorations that she didn’t turn to look at him. However, her head slowly nods once in response and she raises her free hand to touch her beating heart.

"It’s like something out of a fairytale."

Smiling at her words, Lu Tian tightens his grip on her hand and guides her to the table. He helps her with the chair then walks over to the empty chair across from her.

Just as he sat down, his eyes caught a glimpse of the kitchen entrance that was across from him and behind his wife.

He was beyond dumbfounded as it was not only Madam Zhao poking her head out, but also Uncle Zhao, Zhao Ya’Er, Xu Long, Liu Shan, and Lin Hui.

Six pairs of eyes stare straight at him with the same expression as if asking him, ’Well, does she like it?’

He casually raises his left hand to his mouth and clears his throat like he was trying to rid himself of any unnecessary feelings showing on his face. However, his right-hand slides down to the side of the table and he gives them a quick, yet secretive thumbs up.

Getting a response, all six people exclaim without a sound.

Just as they were about to start dancing in joy, Yue Ling turns around to look in their direction.

Lu Tian was rooted to his chair and inhales a mouthful of air. Luckily those six people had good reflexes and quickly hid from view.

Unaware that she had scared the wits out of Lu Tian, Yue Ling stares at the empty door entrance to the kitchen. She held a frown and question whether her instincts were messing with her.

She swore it felt like someone was looking from behind her. Not only that, but Lu Tian was also looking in this direction. However, when she turned around to see, there was no one.

Shaking these feelings away, she turns back to look at Lu Tian. When she saw his expression, she stretches her left arm out to him and waves her palm in front of him.

"Tian? Tian? Are you okay? Hello?"

Lu Tian’s widen eyes had now turned heavy like they were going at any minute. He stares at the kitchen door and couldn’t believe that his plan was almost ruined.

Good thing those six idiots back there were quick and didn’t get caught in the act.

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