Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Chapter 159 Healthy Practice

"When was the last time you had s*ex?"

Ben: " "

"Scratch that—when was the last time you touched a pair of boobs?"

Ben: " "

"Owen, that is so inappropriate," Andrew frowned. "You are making him feel uncomfortable."

"What uncomfortable?" Owen looked at Ben. "Am I making you feel uncomfortable?"

"I—" Ben couldn't say anything. He was still trying to figure out how he was supposed to answer that question.

"Yes you are." Andrew answered instead. "Look at his face, he is all red."

"There is nothing to be awkward about, s*ex is a very healthy practice which I know you are not practising enough." Owen sighed and helplessly shook his head. "We have to fix this."

"When I come back from London, I am going to take you somewhere," he added. "It's a really cool place packed with hot chicks and I am pretty sure, you are gonna get laid very hard in there."

"I don't think it's necessary." Ben awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Oh come on," Owen tried to persuade him. "You are gonna have a blast there trust me. I was gonna take Justin and Andrew there too but well, they got entangled in the trap of commitments."

He then looked at Andrew. "Too bad you will never be able to experience how heavenly that place is."

"Ben, just ignore him." Andrew got up. "Let's go for the meeting."

"Wait, I am not done talking to Ben—"

"We have a meeting to attend," Andrew interrupted him before gesturing Ben to follow him.

"Excuse me—" Ben quickly got up and followed his boss.

"You people are so boring," Owen yelled at them. When they showed no signs of stopping, he scoffed, "Fine, I will go there myself."


p [Watson Mansion]

Reeta looked at her son who was humming a song while doing the dishes and smiled. "Someone seems to be in a very good mood today."

"Well—" George grinned. "It's a lovely day and my mom is so beautiful."

"Or should I assume that everything went well and you have finally found me a daughter-in-law."

"I guess but don't mention the 'daughter-in-law' part in front of Emma, it will definitely freak her out." They had been officially dating only for a day. He didn't wanna throw things at Emma which would make her feel pressured, even though he was very sure that she was the one for him she was someone he would willingly wife up someday.

"That's great," Reeta exclaimed. "I can't wait to tell your dad about this and—"

"Oh no mom—" George wiped his hands and quickly approached her. "You can't tell this to anyone."

"Why not?" She frowned.

"Emma and I have decided to keep it a little low until she figures out a way to tell Rachael about it," he explained. "But until then, you have to keep it to yourself."


"Please mom, if Rachael finds out about this from you before Emma tells her, it's not gonna look nice."

"Well, that does make sense," Reeta sighed. "But don't make me wait for a long time, I can't keep such a big thing away from your father for a very long time."


[Rachael's Room]

After Tina and Emma left, Elsa and Rachael continued with their gossip.

"You really thought Andrew isn't taking you home because our family has a problem with the marriage?" When Rachael nodded, Elsa sighed, "You are one overthinker."

She then placed her hand on her arm. "Trust me Rach, you are currently the best new member of the Volkov family."

"What do you mean?"

"How do I put this?" Elsa thought for a while before answering, "You are the only angel amongst the devils."

"Devil's?" Rachael chuckled. "That's a really interesting reference."

"No serious, it's a very accurate reference," Elsa stated. "Now coming to why Andrew is not taking you there—How do I put this?"

She thought for a while before continuing. "You know how something that is very unique and different attracts everyone's attention?"

When Rachael nodded, she said, "Well, then that's it. Andrew is worried that the angel will grasp the attention of all the devils. And I think he is right, you are way better off without meeting anyone in our family."

"I-Is it really like that?" Rachael hesitantly inquired. The way Elsa had described it wasn't giving her a good feeling.

"Well, the majority of them are like that except for a few."

"What about your grandma? Is she like that too?" Rachael had heard many positive things about Andrew's grandma. In fact, she had also sent so many gifts for her in Elsa's hand and also via courier.

"I won't say she is bad. I mean, she does care about us and is nice but she is definitely not a good person either," Elsa sighed. "If I start telling you the things she has done, you won't be able to take it. So let's just leave it to she is not a good person."

"What about your parents then?" When Elsa's expression turned gloomy, Rachael realized she might have asked the wrong question. "I—I am sorry, I—"

"No it's okay." Keeping quiet for a while, Elsa answered, "My mom passed away when I was eight. Owen was twelve at that time."

"Elsa, I am so sorry—"

"It's fine, it's not like you knew." She chuckled. "After she passed away, dad brought us to Russia and we have been living there since then."

"So you both were not born in Russia?"

"No, we were born in the States," Elsa answered. "Mom was from Ohio so we spent almost all of our childhood there."

"What about your dad? Is he still around?"

Elsa shook her head. "He died seven years ago.'

"It must have been so hard for you and Owen." Rachael placed her hand on Elsa's arm to comfort her.

"It was but it was harder for Owen." Pausing for a while, she added, "When mom passed away, Owen really stepped up as the big brother and took care of me; later Andrew did the same."


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