Unbeatable Martial Emperor

Chapter 12

C12 – Refining the Demonic Fire

“Keke, you didn’t kill Guo Tao, did you? With your abilities, silently taking him out should have been a breeze,” Min Zhenkang whispered into Chu Keke’s ear.

“I didn’t do it. Zhenkang, you said you wanted to avenge him yourself. Why would I go after Guo Tao? Even though I’d love to be the one to do it,” Chu Keke, startled by Min Zhenkang’s sudden question, quickly denied any involvement.

Min Zhenkang couldn’t help but chuckle at her reaction, prompting Chu Keke to realize he was just playing with her. She pouted and playfully scolded, “You’re terrible, Zhenkang. Such a big meanie.”

Seeing her pout, Min Zhenkang immediately tried to stifle his laughter and offered an apology.

“Here’s your meal and drinks, enjoy,” the server announced, arriving with their order.

The playful banter ceased as they began their meal.

“Have you heard? The Jee family is on the lookout for any unusual flames in Whalespell. If you report any sightings to the Jee family’s steward, you could earn a hefty sum of Mysterious Stones.”

“Flames? What kind of flames? And which Jee family are you referring to?” asked the bewildered person sitting opposite.

“How many Jee families do you think there are in Whalespell? It’s obviously the one from Steelgrave,” the speaker replied with a hint of scorn.

“Why is the Jee family so interested in flames around Whalespell? It’s not like we’re known for any high-grade flames, right?”

“Well, who knows? But if you bring any flame-related information to the Jee family’s steward, there’s a reward in it. We should keep our eyes open; we might just strike it rich.”

“You two might not be in the loop, but a friend of mine works for the Jee family. He told me that someone managed to offend their Second Young Master. Somehow, this Second Young Master learned that this person came into possession of a unique flame, which is why the Jee family put out the word. They’re actually trying to flush out the individual behind it all,” a man interjected, approaching from another table.

“Really? That’s the case? Looks like we need to tread carefully,” the first speaker mused, second-guessing his earlier enthusiasm.

“It looks like there’s a shift in the winds over at Whalespell. First, there was the murder of Guo Tao, and now someone’s managed to get on the bad side of the Jee family’s Second Young Master in Whalespell,” remarked the newcomer.

Min Zhenkang was at a loss for words upon hearing the news. Was he really the one Jee Gong was after? All because he didn’t befriend him? It seemed Jee Gong was going to great lengths to find him, which spoke volumes about his pettiness.

He had hoped to catch wind of some intriguing gossip, yet all the talk seemed to revolve around him. Was he really causing such a stir? Min Zhenkang wondered.

Min Zhenkang and Chu Keke had a quiet dinner, uninterrupted by further news. After the meal, he escorted Chu Keke home before returning himself.

No sooner had he entered the Min estate than a servant hurried over. “Young Master, the Patriarch has requested your presence upon your return,” he informed.

“Understood, I’m on my way,” Min Zhenkang replied, heading towards the council hall.

“Second brother, tomorrow I’ll take Zhenkang and Yuyuan to Steelgrave. You should retrieve the thousand-year Blood Lingzhi from the Treasure Pavilion,” Min Qi instructed Min Huiyu, who was seated at the head of the table.

“Big brother, that’s the only Level Five Herb we have at the Min mansion,” Min Huiyu protested with a pained expression. Known for his frugality within the Min family, it was his thriftiness that had amassed such a wealth of treasures for the household.

“Second brother, a treasure is worthless if it doesn’t fulfill its potential; it’s no better than junk. We’ve had this Level Five Herb for ages, yet no alchemist has been able to transform it into a Pill. Who could handle its potent effects if taken as is? Besides, my trip to Steelgrave is to secure the futures of Yuyuan and Zhenkang. A subpar gift won’t impress the City Lord,” Min Qi reasoned with his brother, hoping to sway him.

“Exactly, Second Brother. Consider this: what’s more significant, a worthless Level Five Herb or the future prospects of Zhenkang and Yuyuan?” Xiao Yin chimed in, urging his second brother to see reason.

“Fine, fine. I’ll go fetch that Blood Lingzhi and give it to Big Brother as he suggests,” Min Huiyu conceded, his frugal nature overridden by his ability to prioritize.

“Dad, Second Uncle, Third Uncle,” Min Zhenkang announced his arrival at the perfect moment.

“Great Uncle, Dad, Third Uncle,” Min Qigang followed closely behind.

“You both have impeccable timing. Tomorrow morning, I’m taking you to Steelgrave to handle some family business. We’ll also explore opportunities for the both of you,” Min Qi declared.

“Thanks, Dad (Great Uncle),” they responded in harmony.

“Now, go get ready. We have more to discuss,” Min Qi instructed.

“Understood.” As they turned to leave, Min Huiyu’s voice halted them.

“You two rascals better represent the Min family well in Steelgrave, or I’ll make sure your legs pay the price.”

With that warning, they scampered off, “Understood, Dad (Second Uncle).”

Once the pair departed, the three men wrapped up their discussion. Min Qigang left to retrieve the Thousand Year Blood Lingzhi, and Xiao Yin returned to his training.

Back in his room, Min Zhenkang brought out the Nine Dragons Cauldron and the herbs he’d purchased that afternoon to begin pill refining.

An hour later, a verdant pill rested inside a Jade Bottle before Min Zhenkang.

Next, he extracted the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire he’d acquired at the auction. The flame pulsated within the jade, morphing between the forms of a fierce tiger, a blazing sun, and a dancing fire. This Sun Devouring Demonic Fire was the Sun Devouring Tiger’s native flame.

With meticulous care, Min Zhenkang used his profound strength to crack the jade’s exterior, leaving just a slender layer. The scorching heat of the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire washed over him, uncomfortably searing his skin, his clothing threatening to ignite.

Min Zhenkang acted with utmost urgency, immediately placing the freshly refined Pill into his mouth. It dissolved upon contact, its potency swiftly coursing through his body via his meridians, forming a thin protective layer along them. This seemingly delicate barrier was crucial for Min Zhenkang to fend off the ravaging effects of the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire on his body. Without it, he would have been reduced to ashes the moment he ingested the fearsome flame.

Once ready, Min Zhenkang tossed the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire into his mouth and crushed the final jade layer between his teeth. A sharp hiss filled the air as the jade crumbled, releasing the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire to rampage uncontrollably inside his mouth, its chaotic movement punctuated by the sound of tiger roars.

Min Zhenkang’s face turned a deep crimson, and smoke billowed from his head. Wasting no time, he quickly enveloped the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire with his Profound Qi, guiding it through his meridians towards his dantian.

With a sizzling sound, Min Zhenkang’s clothes succumbed to the intense heat and disintegrated into ash. Clenching his teeth, he bore the scorching pain as the medicinal strength within his meridians dwindled alarmingly, giving the impression it might vanish at any moment. Yet, it held on tenaciously. Despite the medicine’s insulation, the escaping heat still seared his skin, causing it to crackle ominously. Soon, a burnt odor wafted from his body.

As his flesh seemed to cook, the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire was still only halfway to his dantian, and the medicinal protection was on the brink of collapse.

With a steely resolve, Min Zhenkang mobilized all his Profound Qi, focusing it on the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire to propel it forward. In doing so, he left his meridians unprotected. Should he fail to transfer the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire to his dantian and assimilate it before the medicine’s effects wore off, he would be instantly incinerated.

Harnessing the Profound Qi throughout his body to maneuver the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire, Min Zhenkang found his speed greatly enhanced. Just in time, before the effects of the medicine wore off, he successfully relocated the volatile fire to his Dantian. The Sun Devouring Demonic Fire was exceptionally volatile, causing his Profound Qi consumption to skyrocket. Without a moment to lose, Min Zhenkang fervently set about refining the fire, as the medicinal power that lingered in his meridians had fully dissipated. He could only hope to complete the refinement before his Profound Qi was depleted.

Aware of its impending refinement, the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire grew increasingly agitated. Yet, no matter how fiercely it raged, it couldn’t break free from the Profound Qi’s grasp, and it gradually diminished in size.

At last, with just a trace of Profound Qi remaining, Min Zhenkang succeeded in fully refining the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire.

With a soft “puff,” Min Zhenkang opened his palm, revealing a flame dancing at his fingertips, unaffected by the wind. Remarkably, he felt no discomfort; the flame morphed effortlessly, responding to his thoughts.

Min Zhenkang retracted the flame, but the sight of his scorched skin brought on a fresh wave of concern.

Before he could address his burnt skin, a surge of Profound Qi burst forth from his Dantian, swiftly restoring all that he had expended. But this was merely the beginning. As the Profound Qi continued to flow, Min Zhenkang’s cultivation levels surged upward.

“Bang ~” He reached the third level of Martial Cultivation.

“Bang ~” Then the fourth.

“Bo ~” The fifth.

“BO ~” The sixth.

“bo ~” The seventh.

“Bo ~” And finally, the eighth level of Martial Cultivation.

“Boom!” The ninth level of the Martial Cultivator.

After breaking through to the ninth level of the Martial Mortal Realm, Min Zhenkang’s Profound Qi within his dantian gradually settled. In under two hours, he had soared from the second level directly to the pinnacle of the Martial Mortal Realm. His next endeavor was to condense his Martial Spirit and truly enter the realm of Martial Spirit.

In Suanikos, the martial cultivation realms are categorized as Martial Cultivator, Martial Spirit, Martial Warrior, Martial General, Martial King, Martial Emperor, Martial Sovereign, Martial Immortal, Martial God, and Martial Emperor. Each of the first nine realms is further divided into nine sub-levels, symbolizing the unity of all nine.

After a staggering seven-level advancement, the quantity of Profound Qi in his body surged by over a hundredfold. This explosive increase was merely the result of refining the lowest grade of accompanying flame. Had he refined a higher-grade flame, Min Zhenkang could have continued to advance, but even this low-grade flame nearly cost him his life. A higher-grade flame would likely have reduced him to ashes before he could even begin the refinement process.

With his cultivation level skyrocketing, Min Zhenkang was both thrilled and apprehensive. He feared potential adverse effects due to the rapid increase. Without a solid foundation laid during the early stages of cultivation, future breakthroughs would become increasingly challenging, and his combat effectiveness could suffer significantly. It was clear that he needed to reinforce his foundation before attempting further breakthroughs.

The skin that had been scorched by the Sun Devouring Demonic Fire had now completely shed, revealing fresh, baby-soft skin underneath. Min Zhenkang was somewhat taken aback by the overnight transformation of his sun-darkened skin from the past seven years.

The night deepened, and Min Zhenkang rose to straighten up his room before sinking into a deep sleep on his bed.


Before dawn broke, the rooster’s call signaled the start of another bustling day at Min’s mansion. Min Zhenkang rose early, freshened up, and stepped outside. As he did, he noticed the curious stares from everyone he passed. Unperturbed by the odd looks, Min Zhenkang carried on without giving them much thought.

“Zhenkang, what happened to you?” As soon as Min Zhenkang entered the council chamber, Min Qi and all those present couldn’t help but notice his unusual appearance. Lang Huan hurried over, her concern evident as she questioned him.

“Mom, I’m okay.”

“But how did your skin change so drastically in just one night?”

“Big brother, there’s something off. Zhenkang’s cultivation level—” Min Qi and Min Yin approached with furrowed brows.


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