Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 215 - Go On! Keep lying!” Song Yu Hissed. (Attached with Guan Xiaolin’s Ending)

Chapter 215: “Go On! Keep lying!” Song Yu Hissed. (Attached with Guan Xiaolin’s Ending)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Filled with anger, Song Yu got off his lap and slapped away the hand that was circling her waist.

She did not sit herself down beside him, instead, she marched to the washroom and slammed the door shut. Her face was blotchy and red.

He sat in stunned silence for a few moments, before rising and striding toward the washroom. His long legs swallowing up the distance with ease. Testing the doorknob, he found it unlocked. Pushing the door open he entered.

He found her sitting atop the toilet bowl; lid down. She held up her blouse with one hand as the other pinched the access fat that she had gained. Her face was drawn with disappointment.

“What are you doing?” asked Qi Chengzhi in his rich baritone, as he walked over to her, stopping once he stood in front of her.

Song Yu, despite being a tall person, was at level with his hip. This was because of Qi Chengzhi’s long straight legs.

Song Yu looked up, staring at him dressed in his elegant suit. He tilted his head, looking down at her. An inexplicable anger at this tiny gesture seized her, and she got up and walked out of the room, seating herself once more in the chair.

Qi Chengzhi followed her and once more stood himself in front of her. Squatting down he held her hand and murmured, “The dishes are getting cold.”

“How can I possibly eat when you find me fat?!” she gasped, removing her hands from his.

She had gotten on the weighing scale this morning, and to her utter dismay found that she had gained five kilos.

“Stop being unreasonable,” said Qi Chengzhi as he took her arm. “You’ll feel hungry if you don’t eat. And I didn’t say that you are fat. All I wanted to do was to make sure that your weight was within the normal limits is all.”

“Go on! Keep lying!” Song Yu hissed, not trusting a single word that fell from those lips. It was a known fact that he was a skilled liar; his face often betraying nothing as honied words fell from his tongue.

She had wanted to give in, but decided, in the end, not to. And, so, she turned away from him.

Silently, he drew out his phone and pulled up and application. “Look at this,” he commanded, showing her the phone. “I downloaded it specifically for you. It shows the weight a woman is supposed to maintain during each stage of her pregnancy if she wants to have a safe delivery. I just wanted to ensure that you aren’t too skinny. You haven’t changed much since the discovery of your pregnancy and I was getting worried. Luckily, your weight is within the parameters, so everything is fine.”

Song Yu was speechless.

She looked at the numbers and lines on his cellphone, still unable to comprehend if he was lying or telling the truth.

Qi Chengzhi stowed away his phone and said, “I just mentioned that you are slightly heavier than before. You’re carrying a human inside your tummy, that makes two of you. It’s abnormal if you don’t gain any weight, but you are definitely not fat in my eyes.”

He bent down and swept her off her feet, carrying her like a knight with his princess. “See, I don’t feel a thing.”

Song Yu was shocked. She hooked her hands around his neck and gazed at Qi Chengzhi suspiciously. She only believed him once she saw that he did not look fatigued.

“Okay, put me down,” Song Yu said.

Qi Chengzhi ignored her and carried her to the door. He said, “Open the door for me.”

“Qi Chengzhi...” Song Yu whispered, filled with embarrassment. “I know it already, just put me down. I can walk on my own.”

“Quick open the door,” Qi Chengzhi urged her. He had no intention of putting her down at all.

Conscious of her weight, she quickly seized the knob and swung the door open. She was worried that he would get tired from supporting her.

Qi Chengzhi seated her on the sofa. He tested the temperature of the dishes, it was still warm.

Song Yu’s face was flushed. She did not dare throw any tantrums in the future if he continued the way he did.

Once he saw her eating did he discreetly wipe the sheen of sweat from his brow.

She was rather heavy at the moment.



Cheng Dongge dragged Qi Chengyue from the stairway all the way up to the roof. He led her to a shadowed corner. The two walls beside them strategically shielded them from prying eyes.

“Why did you suddenly cut off all contact with me? You didn’t greet me or even look me in the eye,” demanded Cheng Dongge, tilting his head to meet her eyes.

The warm night breeze blew carried the scent of her tresses to him, and he could not resist closing the space between them. He lowered his head till she could feel the warmth of his breath upon her.

She knew she was not supposed to be angry. She knew she should not be jealous. But, she could not help it. Turning away, she said, “I saw you with that and that girl. You two seemed to be enjoying your conversation, and I did not want to disturb.”

Cheng Dongge, who had been brooding over Qi Chengyue the entire morning, felt relief flood his veins. His features softened with the gentle breeze.

He leaned in, their noses inches apart.

Qi Chengyue had not expected him to close in on her, and froze; not daring to even draw breath. She could map out the lines of his lips and feel the warm air coming from them.

She trembled with nervousness. As his lips parted, she thought he was going to kiss her. Instead, he asked, “Are you jealous?”

His breath wafted on the tip of her nose and lips. Even though the wind on the rooftop was quite strong, she felt that her whole body burn, from her cheeks to her ears. At this moment, she really wished she could bury her face in an ice pack.

She looked down, feeling her head brush against his nose. She could feel his breath running through her hair, and she imagined that she could almost feel his lips pressed against her forehead.

Surprised she backed away, forgetting completely about the wall at her back. Now her back was pressed up against the wall, and it dawned on her how trapped she was.

“I’m nobody to you. Why would I be jealous?” Qi Chengyue said in denial.

“No,” he said; straight and simple. It was not what she had expected. Then she heard him say, “So, do you want to be someone to me? Do you want to be my girlfriend perhaps? If you were to become my girlfriend then you would have every right to feel jealous. You would also have the right to tell me off if I decided to flirt with another woman. If you were my girlfriend, everyone would see us arm in arm, and, since no one would dare challenge your claim, they would just give up. If you were my girlfriend, I would tell all the others that I was already spoken for, and I would be able to publicly prove it too.

“And when He Cancan brews me a cup of coffee I could decline it. I could say that my girlfriend doesn’t like me drinking coffee made by another, and I could show her a flask filled with coffee that had been made by you, my girlfriend.

“But, since I am single, women are flocking to me. So, Qi Chengyue will you claim me? Will you be my girlfriend? Say yes, and put a stop to the other women. Say yes, and we can travel to and from work together. Say yes, and I will tell the whole world that you are my girlfriend.”

Qi Chengyue’s chest tightened painfully. His words were the words that she had once longed to hear. How he treated her was the way she had once longed to be treated. But things were different now. She was different.

Suddenly, she found her face cradled in his hands. Smooth fingers ran across them lovingly, as he raised her face to meet his. He moved in slowly. And just as she thought he was about to kiss her, he whispered, “If you are to become my girlfriend, all these things will be yours. But now, since you are not my girlfriend, you do not have the right to be jealous. You are no one to me, so you don’t have the right. I won’t begrudge you your anger, but you do not have the right to say a thing.”

He released her and straightened his back. He towered over her, and she realized how far away he truly was. He held her gaze, before turning away and leaving.



Thursday night, everyone was summoned to the Qi family manor.

As it was a workday, the members trickled in; one by one.

All the members of the Qi family, save Qi Youxuan who was at home with her nanny, were gathered in the living room.

Then at precisely 8.30 p.m., the doorbell rang.

Aunt Liu entered the room and said, “It is the Guan family. They have brought Guan Xiaolin.”

Grandfather Qi nodded his head and Aunt Liu returned to the entrance. Shortly after, they heard people talking: the Guan family had entered.

Aunt Liu led them into the house. An old man of similar age to Grandfather Qi was at the front of the group. Even though Song Yu had never met him before, she speculated that he was the Grandfather Guan that had been hospitalized recently.

Standing behind him were Guan Youbo and Yao Huimin. Yao Huimin was holding Guan Xiaolin’s hand.

Though she was dressed in a loose T-shirt and jeans meant for expecting mothers, Song Yu could still spot the baby bump. Guan Xiaolin’s stomach was not large by any means but it was interesting to see that tiny bump, judging by how only three days separated her baby from Song Yu’s.

It was perhaps due to the differences in their bodies. Some women had bigger bumps, whilst others smaller.

Qi Chengzhi, who was rather observant when it came to Song Yu, noted that it was quite natural that nothing would show, as she had not completed her first trimester. So, it was possible that Guan Xioalin belonged to the group of women whose stomachs would balloon out.

The rest of Guan Xiaolin’s frame remained slender and delicate. One would not have thought her pregnant save for the tiny bump. It was, however, rather concerning that her face was pale and haggard.

Her skin was rough with pimples and blemishes. Maybe they were present because of the lack of makeup, or, perhaps, it was from the strain placed on her by her family and society.

“Dad,” said Guan Liya in greeting. He had not bothered with the rest.

Grandfather Guan did not look very healthy. He still had the sickly parlor of a recovering patient. Gripping his walking stick for support, he hobbled forward.

The bright light of the chandelier reflected off his shiny head. Grandfather Guan had shaved off all his hair, finding that he could no longer be concerned to dye it any longer.

The Guan family had deteriorated. Guanyu had lost quite a substantial amount of deals, and customers were complaining about the quality of workmanship in the construction projects; complaints of corner-cutting were common.

The entire series had placed Guanyu in a precarious position. The departments had even demanded an investigation to re-audit their company.

“Have a seat,” Grandmother Qi said in a neutral expression.

Grandfather Qi sat down, but Guan Youbo, Yao Huimin, and Guan Xiaolin dared not sit down and remained standing.

Yao Huimin was worried that her pregnant daughter would be tired; she had been standing for a long time. However, she did not dare to voice her concern.

Qi Chengyue gave Guan Xiaolin a cold glance, but she did not feel any hatred towards her, not anymore.

Guan Xiaolin was of no concern now that she no longer bore any feelings towards Jian Yi. Now she felt a flare of sympathy for the poor girl carrying Jian Yi’s child.

To Chengyue these people, Guan Xiaolin, the child in her womb, Jian Yi, were strangers to her, strangers from another life. They had no effect on her.

“Liya, I have brought with me my disgraceful son and daughter, and Guan Xiaolin here to apologize. It is clear that I have failed in my duty to educate them since they have committed such a despicable crime against your family. I am truly sorry.” Grandfather Guan had stood up, and he now offered both, Grandmother and Grandfather Qi, a deep bow.

“Old Qi, Madam, Zhongxun, Liya, Chengyue, I am sorry,” Guan Youbo’s voice sounded especially sorrowful. He dragged Yao Huimin and they bowed together.

“Xiao Lin, kneel down!” Grandfather Guan roared angrily.

Guan Xiaolin shuddered, but upon seeing Qi Chengzhi, Song Yu and Qi Chenyue she bowed.

Grandfather Guan’s expression drew into a stern frown. He walked over to her, and, raising his stick, he struck the back of her knee. Guan Xiaolin cried out as her knees struck the floor. Slowly, she rubbed gentle circles into the inflamed flesh.

Regaining her balance, she covered her belly with her right hand. She feared for her baby. Had her fall impacted the child?

“I didn’t properly educate the younger generation,” said Grandfather Guan as he struck the ground with his stick. “Granddaughter you did a terrible thing. Liya is your aunt and Chengyue your cousin! And, yet, you decided to seduce your cousin’s husband! Are all the men in this world dead! How dare you threaten Chengyue?! How dare you demand that she divorce her husband?! Do you take pride in your bastard child?!

“Did I teach you to betray your family? Did I teach you to be shameless? Tell me what is so good about Jian Yi that you decided to betray and hurt your own family for him? Can you not tell who is your true family?! You are going to apologize to Chengyue and your aunt and uncle!” as he thundered he struck the floor with his cane.

Guan Xiaolin shuddered and lowered her head, her hair covering her face. They only manage to hear her sobbing voice, “Sorry aunty, I’m sorry, Chengyue. It’s my fault, I was not thinking clearly. That... that time... I was blinded by love and didn’t think of anything else. I’m so sorry... so sorry... it’s all my... my fault. I’ve wronged you. I shouldn’t have done such a... such a disgraceful thing to you my family.” Guan Xiaolin curled up on the floor. She buried her face into her palms; her sobs turned into wails. “I know that I’ve made a mistake, please forgive me! I beg you!”

Guan Youbo yanked Yao Huimin and dropped down to their knees, “Grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother-in-law, we kneel down upon you and apologize to you. It’s our fault that we didn’t educate our daughter and notice what she did in time.”

“What’s the purpose of apologizing after the mistake has already been made!” Guan Liya stood up furiously and pointed towards them, “If Guanyu is not in trouble right now, would you kneel and apologize to us, begging for forgiveness? Ptui! I won’t entertain your pretense. I can tell you now that the Qi family is the reason why Guanyu is facing all these problems right now! The Qi family may not be able to destroy Guanyu immediately, but give us seven to eight years, he’ll be gone! Even if Chenglin has to spend his entire life-destroying Guanyu, I would ask him to continue doing it, and to make sure your family is dragged down as well.”

“Sister, why are you referring to our family and yours separately? We are your family!” Guan Youbo gasped desperately. He knew that it was the Qi family that cornered Guanyu. It was the reason why they had come begging for forgiveness.

Guan Liya was, of course, right to had have suspected them. After all, Qi Chenyue’s husband had been snatched away by one of their members and yet they had not come begging for forgiveness. Instead, they had thought it to be of no consequence.

“Guanyu it is your company too, am I right?” Guan Youbo asked.

“What do you mean by my company? I am a member of the Qi family. I signed an agreement upon my marriage after all. The 20 million my family had given me for my engagement doubled as my inheritance, and the remainder now belongs to the Qi family. You’re my brother, and I don’t begrudge you for inheriting the company. It is customary for the male heir to inherit after all. And why would I help you hurt my daughter?! You have bullied her, belittled her! Tell me why should I help you?”

Guan Youbo had wanted to remind her that without the Guan family she would lose her support. He wanted to remind her that without them, she would be at the mercy of the Qi family. Was she not afraid of this?

Her marriage was one of convenience and mutual profit. It was something natural that resulted from a shared family background. Without them, she would not have been able to obtain such a match.

Nevertheless, he kept quiet and did not say a word.

Suddenly, Grandfather Guan who was standing with the aid of his walking stick said, “Tell me then, what should we do to earn your forgiveness? When Chengyue and Jian Yi were getting the divorce, they required the DNA report of the child in Xiaolin. We brought her to get examined even though there was a risk of miscarriage. We even gave you the report. I thought that that was sufficient to show our sincerity.”

Grandfather Qi who remained silent the whole time finally spoke. In comparison to Grandfather Guan’s weak voice, his was full of strength and dignity. “I believe Liya had told you to abort the child. However, you thought this to be unreasonable?”

Grandfather Qi snickered coldly, “It was a decision made by the entire family. Liya does not want to see her niece bear the child of her son-in-law, and we share in that desire. We will never accept the child. So, ask Guan Xiaolin to abort the child and to never marry Jian Yi.

In other words...” Grandfather Qi said coldly, “Jian Yi would never get the chance to become a member of the Guan family. He will not be a beneficiary to the inheritance.”

Grandfather Qi pointed towards Guan Xiaolin’s tummy and said, “Jian Yi’s child would also never ever be the successor of the Guan family. You have to get an abortion.”

Guan Xiaolin’s face became as white as ash.

She raised her head shakily, her lips were trembling uncontrollably..

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