Twin Soul

Chapter 11: (5/11)

Chapter 11: (5/11)

An Executioner Wind Mage quickly casted [Wind Walk] on Vonda allowed her the ability to fly and landed on the vessel safely. Etgars [Wind Blades] have been halting the advancement of Vondas [Hell Fiend], but it seems like the Hell Fiend was about to fight back. Etgar deactivated his [Wind Blades] spell and allowed the Hell Fiend to come closer to him.

Etgar thought to himself, Her lava explosion didnt burn any of my clones but turned them into stones, there is no logic in this. I should put this thought to the side and focus on the Hell Fiend. If Vonda couldnt kill me, I doubt that the Hell Fiend will be able to kill me while I am in my [Abyssal Flesh] form. Its better to get rid of this Hell Fiend so I can concentrate on getting back fighting with Vonda while figuring out if her [Petrification] spell can turn me into stone as it had done to my clones.

But Etgars was wrong about the true power of Vonda Hardy. There is a reason why she was chosen as the Lord of Red. It was because of how many unique self-created Saint-tier Fire Magic spells she had created. Vonda had a secret self-created Saint-tier Fire Magic spell that no one has known about before today. The only one who knew about it was the former Lord of the Red who had traveled to the higher realms after stepping into the God-tier.

Vondas Hell Fiend laughed hysterically. It got into physical attack range then suddenly it's right arm turned into a giant magma arm and punched directly into Etgars face while he was still in his [Abyssal Flesh] form. Etgar saw it coming but he refused to move because he wanted to know how powerful it is. Estimated damages cant be exactly correct compared to the actual damages. Etgar wanted to receive the Hell Fiends magma punch at full force so he can learn how dangerous that spell can be. The moment the magma punch landed on Etgars face, it burned his entire body and then blew Etgar into the sea. Ten layers of [Gust] were stopped since Etgar had fallen to the bottom of the sea and could no longer use his blood pools to maintain it.

[Magmanian], another Saint-tier Fire Magic spell created by Vonda Hardy. It can rectify the caster's body parts into gigantic extraordinarily powerful magma.

Kain was too busy fighting with a Saint-tier warrior when Etgar was blowing into the bottom of the sea. But when he heard loud cheering from the enemies, Kain looked around to find Etgar and could not locate him anywhere. What is going on? Where is the Guild Leader? Kain thought to himself.

Keep fighting! Nothing can kill our Guild Leader! Still being busy fighting with Executioner Lynchfield, Master Ballard screamed out loud to put Kain and other Guild Members out of their confusion.

Master Weaver had just killed another Legend-tier Executioner. He calmly said with a smile on his face. Master Ballard is right. Our Guild Leader is unkillable.

After hearing the confirmation from Master Weaver, Kain and other Guild Members laughed at the enemies for their ignorance. They cheered too early without having any idea who Etgar Revenmar truly is. He is the worlds strongest and smartest Blood Mage who had been planning each and every step ahead of the Mages Council to slowly crumble them in the future. Etgar is the one that will bring Blood Mages back to their golden age to govern the world of Toria Continents once again.

In his [Demon Anatomy II] form, Kain fought equally with the Saint-tier warrior who used a big steel hammer as his primary weapon. To be exact, Kain received several life-threatening attacks from the Saint-tier warrior but he could easily heal himself using [Life Drain]. Kain had enough Blood Equipment to fight with three of those Saint-tier warriors at the same time.

Repeatedly swung at Kain with his big steel hammer, the Saint-tier warrior said, Do you actually believe that your Leader is okay? Our Lord Vonda is one of the strongest magic casters in the Mages Council.

Still defending against the strong attacks from the Saint-tier warrior, Kain answered, You had no idea how strong my Guild Leader is. If you experienced what I have gone through, your balls will sweat in fear just by hearing his name.

Kain went on the offensive and the Saint-tier warrior changed his fighting stance to defense. After being unable to kill each other for more than five minutes, they have gained enough mutual respect to make small talk.

Vonda knew her Hell Fiend was not powerful enough to defeat Etgar in one punch and she wanted to use the time while he was down at the bottom of the sea to quickly wipe out all Blood Mages. Because Hell Fiend could not be controlled, Vonda asked it in a respectful tone, Hell Fiend, would you please go fight with the other Blood Mages for now?

The Hell Fiend was waiting for Etgar to fly back up but when Vodna asked it that, it thought for several seconds and nodded its head then flew toward Master Ballard since he was the only one in Vampire Lord form. The Hell Fiend recognized him to be the strongest Blood Mage and went for him regardless of whether Executioner Lynchfield was still fighting with him.

Master Weaver saw the Hell Fiend headed for Master Ballard, he asked, Mival, do you need my aid?

Robert, dont interfere with any of my fights. I can take care of myself.

As you wish, little cry baby.

Shut up!

Master Ballard activated [Soul Bridge] ability and casted [Soul Mate] spell. A male Celestial Angel appeared and that was unusual. Normally [Conjure Celestial Angel] spell could only conjure a female Celestial Angel. Its unusual for a male Celestial Angel to appear. This means this male Celestial Angel is special and could probably cast more than just [Health Generation] and [Mana Generation] spells. Because [Soul Mate] was activated, the male Celestial Angel gained the power equally strong compared to its Soul-Bound Conjurer Mage.

The Hell Fiend saw the male Celestial Angel appear, he changed his direction from heading toward Mival to heading toward the Angel to fight him. Both of the Hell Fiends arms grew into gigantic magma arms and threw a powerful right fist punch toward the male Celestial Angel. To its surprise, its punch went through the male Celestial Angel and caused no damage.

Maetheus, teach that Hell Fiend a lesson! Mival shouted toward the male Celestial Angel.

Maetheus casted [Angelic Avatar], level 50 Light Magic spell, to transform itself from celestial into physical. Furthermore, a bright shiny platinum plate armor appeared to cover his arms, body, legs, and feet. A flying icy greatsword appeared in front of Maetheus, he grabbed it and swung at the Hell Fiend at full force, cutting down its right magma arm.

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