Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 132 132 Eisheth’s prison (Part-6)

Chapter 132 132 Eisheth’s prison (Part-6)

[Lucy's POV: ]

The chimera was no easy opponent, that much was certainly true.

It stood its ground against both of us for five whole minutes before not being able to hold on to his life any longer and return back to his origin.

He was formidable, not just the terms of strength but in also many other ways.

He first endured the pressure of authority from both of us even after only being a fake replica of a legendary creature. He then endured all of the attacks from our weapons, something that had enough sharpness and strength to slice the limbs of a lower grade <B> rank creature with his tough skin.

'It was a good fight, and would have been better and impossible to win if he had been even a real version of his original form.'

A chimera, as noted in mythologies, is a rare legendary creature only found in special parts of this Worldline.

Its true form, the original one, is comparable to the higher beings with a higher authority, and it is far above even the gods.

Its original body is only one, and calling it a body is wrong since it's not physical so, aside from that original body, there are many other 'fragments' of it all over some parts of the Worldline, and, what we can find on this planet, and most other planets, are only a lower grade variations containing a hair of its original bloodline.

And still, the chimera here, the original ones that looked like this one, not the one that alchemists and dark sorcerers make, are <SSS> rank and above creatures.

'They are still beings of legends though. Even this planet should only have nine to twelve of them.'

We weren't even close to creatures like them, defeating them was a joke if we ever said it was possible.

Even if we used all of our weapons and trump cards, there was no way for us to actually go against a being of that level. A being that could rip apart the body of this dungeon's boss in a matter of minutes.

Chimeras are strong, stronger than the artificial homunculus. If there is ever a chance, they could even survive a fight against an original dragon with their mobility. Therefore, winning against something like that, or any other legendary creature like that would be difficult in our current state.

But, these fake recreations were easy to deal with.

"That's it~. With this, the outer area is done~."

It didn't take us long to clear out all the remaining creatures in the outer area after the chimera was done, hardly a few minutes. And, it had only been a little less than an hour since we entered this place so, this was a pretty good pace.

'We finished the first area an hour earlier than we expected. We can be more cautious about the last fight we will have with Eisheth now.

Hmmm. This is good.

"Alright then~. Towards the traps and treasures we go now~."

"Calm down, miss. It's fine to take our time."

"Awwww. How cute~."

She was happy after killing everything here and wanted to finish this up quickly. But, even if we go as fast as we can, there is nothing good that will come out of this.

It will take us the same time as we calculated in the area with the traps up ahead now, it will take us the same time to get that hidden treasure that 'she' couldn't find even after these hundreds of thousands of years of imprisonment in this place.

Perhaps it will take less time to finish the two min boss monsters in the area after that and the small tentacle shits but if we consider that there will be unexpected events during our last fights, then all the time we gathered here would be wasted over there.

And, not rushing things will anger the demoness who is waiting for our arrival in her room so, the chances that she will make rational decisions will lessen even more.

'She knew when I said to slow down, when I, someone who valued time more than even her said to slow down, what it actually meant.'

And, she was happy that I was suggesting this mental torture method without hesitation. She liked it.

She liked it so much that she put her weapon back, came close to me, right before my face, and looked me in the eye with a smile.

"Hehe, let's do that then~."

She wanted to kiss me, those horny eyes said it all. I knew she was holding back a lot already, but, even though we couldn't do most of the things still, there were some things that she could do with me. Things like biting my face…


"Sorry, you're just hot, I couldn't hold back, hehe."

This was her usual action, that much was understandable, but we were in the middle of an important thing here. She knew it herself.

The reason she did that was probably because of the influence of this dungeon itself.

'This place increases the 'desires' of a person, especially lustful ones that they try their hardest to block or not show to others.

It was pretty good that she was ending it with just one bite, her mentality had gotten a lot stronger compared to her past self.

If there was someone else inside this dungeon aside from the two of us, they might have fallen to the temptations and their desires, ultimately falling victim to the creatures of this place.

She was doing pretty well, we both were actually. So, this was better, far better compared to the unexpected pain we had to go through before entering this place.

"Anyway, let's go."

We had to go somewhere now, so, I nodded at her, grabbed her hand, and walked deeper inside the dungeon.

There were dungeon mechanisms here as well, things like traps, things that would hinder our momentum, and things that might actually damage us if we got hit by them.

If someone without a good eye, or prior knowledge like us had come here, they would certainly have had a gravely difficult time against these complicated traps present between the outer and inner areas.

But, we had cleared this place a few times, at least we knew the locations of all the things that were present there.

"It should be somewhere here… oh! There~! We found it Lucy~!"

In a certain place just before the middle area with all the tentacle monsters and the creatures I will not describe if I'm fighting with them, we had found the thing we were looking for.

"It's the same as we remember, right?"

"Yup~! Precisely the same."

There were many things inside this dungeon that were solely artificial creations of the dungeon's boss. However, there was one thing that had been present here since the time she was imprisoned in this place.

"Nice. Do your work then Miss genius. And please don't do something like back then. If you think it will be dangerous in any way, don't risk it."

"I know that bastard. Don't you dare doubt this genius brain? I'm better than you!"

She was better than me, certainly, at least when it came to things that required the use of her heaven-defying brain.

"Watch this."

The previous owner of this labyrinth, the one who imprisoned her here, was an original dragon. And, she had used a certain artifact to monitor her while she was still living in this labyrinth.

It was something she had created herself, so, just that fact alone made it a special tool on this planet, but, even by the standards of the Worldline, it was a <A> grade artifact, so there was no way we would miss such a precious thing.

But to get it, we had to bypass the dungeon interface in this area, separate this place from the influence of her territory for a moment, and before taking that thing out of the wall, cover it in a protective barrier.

It wasn't something we could handle naturally so we will have to do some modifications to this thing but, that was a work for later.

Obtaining this here was the only task we had in this area. The tentacle monsters were all still waiting for our arrival beyond this relatively dark area.

'Hopefully, this won't be the same as what happened outside.'

That was a painful experience, but thankfully, as El closed her eyes, focused her attention, and put her hand on the wall before us, nothing not of the place happened.

She focused, went inside the Mana structure of this wall, into the structure of reality, calculated the creation formula, and, used her Mana to temporarily disconnect the area around her from not only the dungeon's space but also the pace under the system interface.

She used quite a lot of Mana in the process but not too much, and, when she was done, a small area of the dark wall before us vanished, revealing the hard rocky wall underneath.

"See, no probs. Now do your work, slave darling."

Her head was spinning, most probably. But, it was nothing compared to the actual headache where her entire mail was melting.

This was pretty mild, normal even. Which was good.

"Excuse me then."

What we wanted was underneath the rocky wall she had revealed, and it was only going to stay like this for a few seconds, which meant I had to finish my work quickly as well.

"Yes, yes. Bastard."

She stepped aside, I stooped before the wall with my white sword in my hand, took a stance, gathered Mana, channeled it to the edge of my sword, and made three deep precise cuts on the wall in a triangular shape.

I knew where that thing was so, when we removed the section of the wall which had been separated by the triangular cuts I made, there was a certain triangular ball-like object resting at the end of this triangular cross-section.

"Store this and let's move. She will take a few moments to understand what we just did but if she catches on, things might get a little more difficult."




What the fuck? Why did she slap my back?

"Let's move before I slap your pretty buns as well."

She was smiling happily, or was she trying to hide the desires that were becoming more intense as we walked towards the core of the dungeon?

Perhaps she herself wanted something but was shy to not say anything. Or perhaps it was nothing at all. I couldn't tell… and, I didn't like this fact.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

She had been weird since earlier…

'This is concerning.'

She doesn't do this often, but when she really tries this hard to hide something from me, it only means she is hurt in some ways, and she doesn't want me to worry since it is something she can handle on her own.


But she doesn't have to do things on her own. She wasn't alone in this world.

We were ONE, and we did everything as one.


Even if it was something that was as easy as existing.

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