Triple Blessings: Mr. Fu's Passionate Pursuit

Chapter 137 - 133: Jealous Master Lewis

Chapter 137: Chapter 133: Jealous Master Lewis

Translator: 549690339

It was early the next day at Roy Lewis’s house when Richelle Dunn received a pile of ridiculing words collected from friends’ WhatsApp Status updates sent to her by Hugo Camrey.

At that moment, Richelle had just arrived at the Lewis, and her eyes met Roy’s icy gaze head-on.

Richelle was puzzled; wasn’t this man quite friendly and pleasant just yesterday?

How come today it’s as if she owes him billions all of a sudden?

She was wondering about this when her phone received a notification from WhatsApp.

Not bothering to deal with Roy for now, she took out her phone and checked WhatsApp, only to burst into laughter involuntarily.

Roy became even angrier, asking her coldly, “What’s so funny this early in the morning?”

Richelle was not paying any attention to him; her mind was only focused on hearing more gossip and follow-ups from Hugo, hoping to feel better.

It was about time for her to get some interest after being oppressed by the Dunns for so many years!

Smiling at Roy, she waved her phone, “Mr. Lewis, I’ll make a quick call!”

Then, she averted her gaze, lowered her head, dialed while walking towards the balcony.

Hugo quickly answered the call, and Richelle asked with a smile, “Hugo, haven’t you slept yet?”

Sitting on the couch, Roy was staring intently at her retreating figure, practically boring a hole through her with his eyes.


Hasn’t slept yet?

Richelle and Hugo, what’s going on between them?

Didn’t she go out with that Hugo yesterday for a wild time?

Roy’s eyes darkened, his mind filled with the scene of Hugo and Richelle talking and laughing together during his last visit to Richelie’s house.

It was an eyesore!

“Daddy, where’s Dr. Dunn?”

Timmy, who had just come downstairs, asked a little nervously, not seeing Richelle in the living room.

Timothy and Tiffany were composed during their mommy’s sudden departure the day before, but he couldn’t handle it.

Roy didn’t notice his son’s odd behavior, gesturing towards the balcony, and stated casually,

“She’s on a phone call outside!”

Timmy glanced at the balcony and let out a silent breath of relief to see Richelle standing there safe and sound.

Only then did he notice the hint of resentment in his daddy’s words. He walked over and stood beside Roy, looking up at him.

“Did you argue with Dr. Dunn again?”

Roy looked at Richelle leaning against the railing and chatting with a beaming smile on her face, feeling a sense of nameless anger bubbling up inside him.

After hearing his son’s question, he turned his gaze away and said indifferently.

“What is there for me to argue with her about!”

Even if he wanted to argue, it would only happen if she agreed to argue with him too!

Roy had no idea that his words with his son made him look like a grumbling housewife who has been neglected by her husband at home.

He only felt annoyed but didn’t know how to relieve it. When Richelle finally finished her call and came back inside, he asked coldly.

“Where did you go yesterday?”

Richelle gave him a strange look, ignored him, and walked over, touching her eldest son’s face.

“Good morning, Timmy!”

Timmy greeted her back, and naturally left his father’s side to lean against her.

The young master had been scared and worried all night, and now, he needed some comforting from his mommy to regain a sense of security.

Poor Master Lewis was actually just like his beloved son, needing Richelle Dunn’s comfort and coaxing, but he was not as lucky as his son, even the question he actively asked with suppressed anger was ignored by Richelle.

Richelle knew she had worried her son last night, so she held him in her lap, rubbing his head with one hand while bending down her head to affectionately nuzzle the little guy’s face with her own, and gently asked him.

“Did you sleep well last night?”

Young master, being rubbed and nuzzled like that, had all his dissatisfaction and gloom dissipated, and reached out his little chubby hand to touch her face.

But he still stubbornly replied, “lust so-so…”

Poor Master Lewis was ignored by the mother and son pair, almost choking with anger and risking a heart attack.

All reason and self-cultivation were thrown out the window in the face of jealousy.

“Richelle Dunn!”

He interrupted Richelle’s intimate moment with her son, and when she looked up, he asked her again, “Where did you go yesterday?”

Only after mollifying her son did Richelle reluctantly spare some energy to deal with Roy Lewis. It was only then that she remembered that this man seemed not too happy since she entered the door.

“There was an urgent task, a matter of life and death, so I had to leave in a hurry.”

Mr. Chapman had just told Roy Lewis yesterday that Richelle Dunn’s international paper had won an award, and that a few well-known organizations had given her several honorary titles. In other words, her status might have risen even higher.

So, the tasks she accepted were only more difficult or more confidential than before.

Although Roy Lewis was still burning with anger, he was not an unreasonable person.

“Next time you go out, tell me!”

He didn’t feel awkward about his position, on the contrary, he felt quite justified in his request.

Richelle gave a puzzled “Hmm?”, “Why? I didn’t delay Mr. Lewis’s treatment, did I?”

In Richelle’s mind, she was nothing more than his doctor, and her private schedule didn’t seem to require reporting to him, aside from providing him treatment.

Roy Lewis had been trying hard to convince himself not to lower himself to arguing with this woman, but Richelle actually looked innocent, seemingly thinking that he was making a fuss about nothing.

The pent-up anger in his chest caught fire like oil being poured on it.

“Richelle Dunn…”

Timmy, nestled in Richelle’s arms, saw that his mommy and daddy were about to start arguing and hastily interrupted his foolish daddy’s words.

“Dr. Dunn, daddy means that you should give him a call before you go out, so he can help take care of the three of us. Although we are well-behaved, daddy would definitely handle any trouble better than Mrs. Walker, right?”

Richelle had to admit, her son’s words made sense.

However, the main reason why the little guy said this was to try to speak up for his daddy.

Obviously, their children’s efforts to bring her and Roy Lewis together hadn’t ceased yet.

Having heard his son’s long speech, Roy Lewis calmed down a bit, and wondered why he always seemed like a fool around Richelle, easily losing his reason?

He hurriedly climbed down the ladder handed to him by his beloved son, “Yes, there are three children in the family, not just one. How would Mrs. Walker handle any special situations?”

Richelle couldn’t refute her son in front of him, anyway, informing him was not a big deal.

“Fine, I can notify you, but I hope Mr. Lewis understands that my situation is special, and it is not convenient for me to disclose my specific whereabouts.”

Roy Lewis’s request was actually not very high, and he was already quite satisfied with Richelle’s promise.

“Hmm, if there’s a similar situation in the future, just let me know.”

So, with Timmy’s clever mediation, the potential argument or even cold war between Roy Lewis and Richelle Dunn was peacefully resolved and everyone was happy.

However, as soon as this crisis was averted, Roy Lewis boldly threw out another bomb.

“Richelle, find some time to help me make an appointment with Hugo Camrey!”

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