Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 62: Millennium Term 1

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Millennium Term 1

Translator: 549690339

When Shen Yuan first entered this timeline, he instinctively thought that this was just an illusion.

But as he had interactions with the Water God and the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch and saw with his own eyes what the Primal Chaos Realm looked like ten thousand years ago, Shen Yuan began to realize that this place was not ordinary as an illusion.

As for the thought that Yunmeng Dragon Monarch’s power brought Shen Yuan back ten thousand years ago, Shen Yuan dismissed it right after it surfaced.

If Yunmeng Dragon Monarch had the incredible power to cross ten thousand years of spacetime, he would have taken control of the water systems of the Primal Chaos Realm and put the Four Sea Dragon Kings under his foot long ago. Why would he disappear for thousands of years, leading to the Yunmeng Swampland drying up and becoming what we now know as Lake Dongting? After excluding these two possibilities, there are not many answers left, but what truly confirms for Shen Yuan that this is the dream state of Yunmeng Dragon Monarch is the performance of the Dragon Monarch afterwards. Without batting an eye, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch saw through the betrayal plot of the First Deputy Turtle Minister, the Twelve Water Gods, and the Thirty-Six Angry Waves Generals. He foresaw every upcoming crisis. Even the appearance of Prince Ji Du was completely within Yunmeng Dragon Monarch’s grasp.

But the most important point is that when Prince Ji Du appeared and tried to engage Yunmeng Dragon Monarch in conversation, he was interrupted by the Dragon Monarch.

“No need to waste your breath. I’ve heard it all too many times.”

Yunmeng Dragon Monarch seemed too familiar with everything, as if… he had been through this scenario countless times before.

Considering Yunmeng Dragon Monarch’s behavior, Shen Yuan thought of the Yunmeng Swampland legend mentioned by the ancient ship owner.

“It’s said that in ancient times the Yunmeng Swampland was so vast, and often shrouded in an ethereal fog that transformed into an Immortal Realm, attracting countless people to Yunmeng Swampland in search of this fairyland. But in reality, this fog was transformed from Lord Dragon Sovereign’s dream state while he was in deep sleep, hence the place was given the name Yunmeng Swampland.”

Among the many True Dragons of the Dragon Tribe, there is one particular dragon with this incredible ability, that is the Mirage Dragon, one of the Ancient True Dragons.

If Yunmeng Dragon Monarch is a Mirage Dragon, and if the scene in front of me from ten thousand years ago is formed from his dream state, and everything I am experiencing is just part of Yunmeng Dragon Monarch’s dream, then all of this makes sense.

When Shen Yuan revealed the truth about the place, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch was not surprised.

On the contrary, if Shen Yuan could not say that this place is his dream state, he would instead doubt Shen Yuan’s true identity.

With a sweep of his wide sleeve, the incomplete Dragon Palace beneath the feet of Shen Yuan and the Dragon Sovereign became a flat boat. Standing on the boat, they floated in the swampland after the aftermath of the great flood.

The transformation of the damaged Dragon Palace did not cause any ripples at all. It seemed to be changed directly at the basic level of matter and turned into a flat boat m a blink of an eye. This has already exceeded the range of a usual cultivator’s Divine Skills.

Only an illusionary object could do this.

With this act, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch was in essence admitting to Shen Yuan the truth of the dream state.

The flat boat drifted aimlessly in the floodwaters which looked like an open ocean, and everything that came into view was murky yellow.

In the swampland, even those lofty mountains were mostly submerged, leaving only a small piece of land visible.

Countless pieces of debris, destroyed and bloated remains were floating on the muddy floodwaters, the scene was so heartbreaking it appeared as hell on earth.

Underneath the extraordinary power of calling the rain, even the aquatic deities were lifeless, let alone the humans who were supposed to live on land.

Even though Shen Yuan knew these scenes were just Yunmeng Dragon Monarch’s dream state, he couldn’t help but frown instinctively.

“How does Taoist think about my actions?” Yunmeng Dragon Monarch skimmed over the hellish scene and asked Shen Yuan.

Your actions, Dragon Monarch, are against the natural order,” Shen Yuan responded in an indifferent tone, not minding in the slightest about offending Yunmeng Dragon Monarch.

“Disrupted the heavenly order! Hahaha, disrupted the heavenly order! ” The Yunmeng Dragon Monarch laughed wildly, unreservedly scornful. In the waters that had transformed into a great marsh, monstrous waves rose again and again, demonstrating the power of the Water Monarch in response to the Dragon Monarch’s amusement.

Only where the flat boat was located was the last bit of undisturbed land left. After a while, the Dragon Monarch’s laughter subsided, and he turned to Shen Yuan with a serious look.

Ten thousand years ago, I once had the same thought as you do.”

The Dragon Sovereign seemed to have shed a great burden, casually sitting on the flatboat, beneath him the dark golden robe which echoed his inherent nobility, a stark contrast to the simplicity of the boat.

Watching this, Shen Yuan too sat down cross-legged. Between the two of them suddenly appeared a small table and a pot of boiling tea. A faint fragrance wafted from the teapot.

Like a man long isolated and finally finding someone to pour his heart out to, the Dragon Monarch spoke solemnly to Shen Yuan:

“Ten thousand years ago, the Mortal Emperor severed the connection between the Primal Chaos Realm and the Upper World.”

“Ido not know why the Mortal Emperor made such an extreme decision, but this act brought unimaginable calamity to the Primal Chaos Realm.” “Among the many calamities, the most severe issue was the depletion of Spirit Energy.”

He paused, an air of regret permeating his words.

“The Primal Chaos Realm is too vast, even among many lower realms it stands at the top. A flourishing civilization of spells and powerful cultivators all need the supply of Spirit Energy.”

“However, by severing contact with the Upper World, the Primal Chaos Realm lost a massive source of Spirit Energy. The Spirit Vein of the mountains and land, the Natural Spirit Pools of the major waters could not supply the entire Primal Chaos Realm.”

“It is foreseeable that the Spirit Energy will one day be completely exhausted, and even Immortals who have long life spans will fall in this disaster.” The tea water on the stove has already boiled. The Yunmeng Dragon Monarch filled Shen Yuan’s cup with tea. A delicate tea leaf floated on the top of the slightly yellow tea, similar to the flat boat that they were riding.

The Dragon Monarch took a sip of his tea, then continued.

“Taoist, you come from ten thousand years later, having personally experienced the depletion of Spirit Energy, you must understand its implications more than me.”

“Realizing the crisis of Spirit Energy depletion, all the local deities and Immortals of the Primal Chaos Realm joined forces to discuss, deciding to sever the Spirit Vein between heaven and earth to allow the Spirit Energy to recover.” ‘Afterwards, it would be opened once every thousand years to maintain the balance of Spirit Energy circulation.”

“A thousand years?” Shen Yuan, who had been calm all this time, finally showed surprise.

“Is the Dragon Sovereign sure that the period of time these Immortals and deities discussed for the recovery of Spirit Energy was indeed a thousand years?”

Shen Yuan’s question took the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch by surprise.

“This matter is known to all, could something unexpected have happened in the following ten thousand years?”

Shen Yuan remained silent for a long time before saying:

“After the Mortal Emperor’s Absolute Heaven and Earth Passage, in the succeeding ten thousand years, the Primal Chaos Realm experienced three long periods of Spirit Energy depletion.”

“Each period of Spirit Energy depletion lasted for three thousand years. In these ten thousand years, there were only two cultivation periods in the Primal Chaos Realm, each lasting for a few hundred years.”

“After ten thousand years, the civilization of spells had long deteriorated, and no one could witness the prosperous era of cultivation from ten thousand years ago.”

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