Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

Chapter 58: Prosperous Era for Thousands of Yearsi

Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Prosperous Era for Thousands of Yearsi

Translator: 549690339

Shen Yuan was taken aback.

He first learned of the title Immortal-ascending Taoist from a huge stone stele in the Falling Clouds Grotto Heavens.

The previous Falling Clouds Sect Master attempted to lead the whole sect to ascend to the Upper World with his Earth Immortal body. Yet, influenced by the Great Schism, he was met with divine punishment leading to the eradication of the entire sect.

In his last words before his death, he mentioned the Immortal-ascending Taoist.

According to the former Falling Clouds Sect Master, the Immortal-ascending Taoist was a peerless genius, divined by the Sect founder after countless efforts, who could rescue the Falling Clouds Sect in times of crisis.

Yet, until the Mortal Emperor’s Absolute Heaven and Earth Passage event occurred, and the way to ascension ceased to exist, the former Sect Master of the Falling Cloud Sect still couldn’t meet the legendary Immortal-ascending Taoist. Instead, he was met with divine punishment for forcing his disciples to ascend.

Regarding the Immortal-ascending Taoist from the prophecy, Shen Yuan wondered if it could be him.

After all, his late arrival by ten thousand years somewhat coincided with the disappearance of the Immortal-ascending Taoist.

Moreover, the starting mission of the flawed Artificial Intelligence System also pointed him to the Falling Clouds Sect. With the benefits granted by the system during his cultivation within the Sect, it was not impossible for him to become the Taoist.

But the problem at hand was… how did Yunmeng Dragon Monarch know about the Immortal-ascending Taoist?

Shen Yuan was filled with doubt.

He certainly didn’t travel back to ten thousand years ago, implying that the Falling Cloud Sect hadn’t witnessed the appearance of the Immortal-ascending Taoist.

Even if he were truly the Immortal-ascending Taoist from the prophecy, he had no connection with the Dragon Monarch in front of him.

” Why does he act so familiar with me?”

As Shen Yuan was engulfed in confusion, intending to ask for clarification, he noticed a profound smile on the face of Yunmeng Dragon Monarch.

“Although I’ve not met you before, sir, I’ve long heard of your deeds.”

“After returning from a ten-thousand-year journey, sir, you must miss the scenery of this world.

Why not accompany me on a tour around the Dragon Palace?”

While speaking, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch extended his hand and made an inviting gesture.

Despite the confusion, Shen Yuan had no room to refuse the generous invitation from Yunmeng Dragon Monarch, the lord of the aquatic system.

Under the guidance of Yunmeng Dragon Monarch, the two slowly walked out of the magnificent palace.

Soon after their departure, the void twisted, and a small black fluffball fell directly into the empty palace.

Bai Xue struggled to get up from the ground, clutching her head with her white gloved paw. Her big, teary eyes were filled with dismay.

Before she could recover, her gaze swept across the empty palace. Bai Xue’s fur stood on end, and her little face was filled with fear and anxiety.


The kitten’s tender call echoed in the empty palace hall.

Outside the palace, Yunmeng Dragon Monarch who was walking along the outermost corridor of the Dragon Palace with Shen Yuan, paused for a moment, his eyes flickered toward the direction of the great hall of Dragon Palace with a thoughtful look.

But this only lasted a moment – even Shen Yuan did not notice it.

At this moment, all of Shen Yuan’s attention had been attracted by the scene outside.

They were standing at the edge of the giant turtle’s back, surrounded by a long, circular balcony that enveloped the entire Dragon Palace.

The giant turtle that carries the Dragon Palace resembles a moving mountain, slowly swimming in the broad river channel. Countless fish follow the giant turtle’s lead, leaping high against the waves, attempting to rush onto the turtle’s back and into the Dragon Palace.

Surrounding the giant turtle are numerous Water Gods, each standing a thousand feet tall. Holding spirit treasures, they control the surging waves. Amongst the waves they manipulate, countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals stand at the ready.

High in the sky, the Twelve Water Gods each reveal their divine essence and form the Incense Fire God Realm, transforming into a water realm paradise condensed in the void. Countless streams of incense smoke and fortune gather here from the earth.

The ancient scrolls once recorded that when the Dragon King went on a patrol, local deities accompanied him and suppressed the monsters in the waterways.

Shen Yuan had thought that the accounts in the scrolls were already grand enough, but when he firsthand witnessed the patrol scene of the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch, he realized that the Dragon King mentioned in the scrolls might only be a junior Dragon King governing a tributary river area.

A powerful being like the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch, who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Dragon Kings of the Four Waterways, had a patrol scene that was beyond the knowledge recorded in the ancient scrolls. Even after tens of thousands of years, one can still feel the might of the Yunmeng Dragon Monarch.

When Shen Yuan’s gaze passed over the patrolling river to the lands on both sides, the scene once again changed.

On both sides of the river channel, a multitude of villages gathered, all of which were human gathering places as far as the eye could see.

The layout of these villages was well-organized, on par with modern society. Shen Yuan could even see many buildings resembling electric lights, driven by Spirit Energy and spells in this era.

Perhaps it was because of the impact brought about by the Dragon King’s anger previously, the oppressive waves of terror had caused most of the villagers who had gathered on both sides of the shore to disperse. Still, quite a few followers continued to pray and watch by the shore.

In the distance, several massive tower ships hovered in the sky. Some were small flying magic artifacts that could only fit a dozen people, the largest were nearly the size of a small city.

On the tower ships, countless magic inscriptions were etched in, allowing the weight of millions of tons to fly in the air. Numerous cultivators controlled the formations on board.

Each tower ship had several powerful presences monitoring the Dragon Palace. The Dragon King’s earlier wrath had already alerted them, and they seemed ready to take action at any unusual movement.

With just a glance, Shen Yuan caught a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of this flourishing age of cultivation tens of thousands of years ago.

Whether it was the common folk at the very bottom, or the cultivators high above, they all displayed to Shen Yuan a prosperous era where humans and gods coexisted.

Suddenly, atop the slowly moving Dragon Palace, a large treasure pearl akin to a round moon projected a colorful glow.

The radiant light took flight, quickly locking onto a dense forest nearby along the shore.

An eye of General Furious Waves, a Water God who controlled the waves, opened. An invisible barrier around the forest appeared in an instant.

Within the barrier, crimson spirits seemed to linger, monstrous power was trapped without any leakage. But still, it was captured by the eye of General Furious Waves.

“A mere demon of the Demon Path dares to set foot in my vast river territory?”

“Follow my command, all soldiers, exterminate the demon!”


Huge waves swept up, and General Furious Waves led tens of thousands of shrimp soldiers and crab generals towards the direction of the dense forest.

In a flash, the mighty barrier shattered, and a vast number of monstrous demons with bizarre shapes were slain by the shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

An elderly man, dressed in a dark red robe with a gloomy look, soared into the sky, his aura pulsating, and his voice hoarse.

“As a venerable Spirit Refining cultivator, I have been here for dozens of years. I have only killed a few ants, and it brought about an extermination? Don’t push too far, you of the Aquatic Tribe!”

General Furious Waves remained unmoved, his expression solemn. He raised the Trident in his hand, and the power of the surrounding river poured down instantly.

“Die, vile demon!”

It was as if a Heavenly River poured from the sky, the endless river-force immediately crushed the Spirit Refining cultivator.

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