Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 255 Meeting Again.

Scarlet was watching this news update in her office, the governor's office with Fey. She was sitting in a chair with her arms folded across her chest while Fey stood besides her, shaking her head while the news anchor narrated the gruesome details of the death of the ministers, Samael Rogan and the injuries of the crown princes. 

"Can you believe it?" Fey asked when the news showed a censored image of Samael's body. Even though most of the body was blocked, bits of burned body could be seen. 

The bodies of the ministers too were showed, one had his head partially decapitated by the spikes of the Draco. 

"I really can't." Scarlet answered. She meant it seriously because she had reaped one of the souls. Ramslin had beaten her to the other souls. 

In death, there was no difference between the rich and the poor because Samael's soul was just like all the others. He was a very proud and extraordinary man in life, but in death he was extremely ordinary, his soul was not even special. 

While over there she happened to over hear what Esong and his men said, so when she said that she couldn't believe it, she really didn't.

"I say, good riddance." Fey said with a slight scowl on her face. "That bastard spent years cheating other scientists, stealing recipes and claiming them as his own, buying political power and recently trying to influence others to destroy everything related to food. If he had lived any longer, he would have been a big threat to us."

"Well, we might as well close that chapter and move on." Scarlet switched the channel from the news to the soap tv. 

"But, are we really safe?" Fey asked, with a hint of worry in her eyes. "Should you be telling the citizens to head back inside because it doesn't look like winter is ready to say goodbye to us yet." 

"We are safe." Scarlet said, confidently. Neither Severus nor the mecha warriors had detected any hidden mutated beasts on the planet. 

There was much work to be done, the vegetables in the green houses were ready to be harvested. Even the cola fruits had ripened, waiting on a new harvest. 

Some of the seeds she got from Maddox's storage bracelet had almost ripened as well and she was waiting for Oak and Bell to tell her so that she would identify them. 

The only thing that she identified so far were almonds, the trees had bloomed towards the end of winter. 

"Sister, take a look at this, these are the businesses in the capital which are requesting for licenses but they have put forward a condition that they would love to first come and tour our star to assess the pros and cons of opening up branches here. I think we should speed up the construction of the new district because when it comes to numbers, we are not winning. Our population is not attractive enough for large businesses." 

"I know that." Scarlet said. "That's why I am taking in the refugees from every star who have nowhere to move and the mecha warriors who requested for citizenship. But, establishing the new district is going to take time, we will work with the businesses which are ready. Grant them authorization to be implemented under the new visa system, they can only be tourists for a month and only those who intend to stay on for business will be granted long term visas." 

She looked through the list, there were game companies, pharmaceutical companies, a new clothing company, a film production company, many hunting guilds and she noted that only one nutrient solution company was asking for a license, Nutri, Lloyd's company. 

The others did not see the potential of the blue star yet. 

"By the way, has Cecily or anybody else talked to you about the suppressants?"

"I heard." Scarlet answered and she looked at her sister curiously. "Why are you curious about it? Are you secretly dating a mecha warrior we don't know about?" Scarlet's eyes widened and she gripped Fey's arm tightly, "Please don't tell me that you are one of those women that willingly offer up their bodies to sleep with mecha warriors." Scarlet knew of such women or men on earth, they loved men in uniforms a little too much. 

Fey rolled her eyes and grabbed her small tablet which was sitting on the table in front of her sister. She thought to herself that between this sister of hers and her mother, everything she mentioned about a man lead down the road of 'are you dating?' 

"Sister, first of all I would not do something like sleep around and secondly I am never going to date a mecha warrior in my life. I do not want to spend my life wondering if my husband is coming home or not." 

"And I respect your choice, since you are leaving, please help me pass along a message the city planning department of city hall. Some kids are vandalizing the unfinished buildings, they should hire people for security or we are going to spend more money repairing what has been damaged." 

"Isn't that something for the RGB to handle?" 

"I think they will take offense to being relegated to the role of ordinary security guards. RGB officers are very proud people." Scarlet made this judgement from the few that she had met, especially captain Zorl. 

"I will pass your message along, and oh, mother says that we are all going to the temple in the evening at five for Illa's official naming and blessing ceremony. We must all be there so do not drown in work sis." 

"I will meet you there." she told Fey.

When Fey left, she ignored the rest of her work, closed her eyes and appeared in the underworld. 

She went looking for the Frost in the hall of guardian warriors. Scarlet was relieved because no one bothered her, it seemed that majority of the reapers were either busy or training for the duo leadership games. 

It was only when she got to the hall of guardians that someone finally approached her. 

It was a young woman, a female reaper who could not have been older than fifteen. Her dark blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and she had the biggest smile on her face. It was Scarlet's first time seeing this girl. But since she called her cookie lady, it was possible that she was the one who bought the cookies she put up for sale. 

"Hey cookie lady." 

Only two people had bought cookies from her so far. 

"Hi," she returned the girl's smile with one of her own. 

As she did, she wondered why a reaper so young, existed. It was her assumption that they all had to be mature to do the job. 

"Pffft!!" the girl chuckled. 

"What's funny?" Scarlet asked. 

"You," the girl said, "You don't recognize me at all , do you?"

Scarlet squinted her eyes and came closer to look at the young girl. But the more she looked, the more she was sure that this face was unfamiliar and new to her. 

"I am sure, I don't know you." she said. 

"Take a guess?" the girl said. 

"I am not good at playing the guessing game dear, you will have to come out and be direct." She responded. 

The girl chuckled again and then said, "It's me, Maddox." 

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