Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 150 Undefined Emotions

"Who are you?" Scarlet asked her. She used her hands to cover her breasts, outraged by this infringement on her privacy. 

"She is your personal maid in waiting, assigned by my grandmother to take care of you and all your needs." Esong informed Scarlet.

She looked at him with disbelief as if he was crazy, "Why is she in my bathroom then?" 

"I am here to give you a bath my lady." The woman replied.

"Helllll no." Scarlet briefly wagged her finger and recalled that she was naked so her hands quickly returned to cover her breasts." I have two hands, you are not touching me. Please return to your room, I will be speaking with you later." Who gave an adult woman a bath for heavens sake!!

The woman looked unsure as she looked nervously at Esong and Scarlet, she even bit her bottom lip as if she was afraid of something.

"Just let her do it," Esong said and she smacked him lightly on the head. "What was that for?" He whined in a manner that was very much similar to Elroy.

"You want another woman to get into this bath with her clothes off probably and touch my body while you do what, watch the whole thing?" 

He shrugged, completely missing the point she was making.

"Sweetie," she called him sarcastically "I don't know what kind of threesome fantasy you have in your mind but it's not going to happen. You, out." She said to the maid sternly and the woman left finally, scampering almost because Scarlet raised her voice. 

"I am not angling for a threesome," Esong defended himself the moment the maid left. "It's normal for a maid in waiting to give her lady a bath whether her husband is there or not. And before you claim not to be a lady or mention that these are upper nobility things please remember that you are my wife and that makes you upper nobility. These things are part of our way of life, you may not like them but you will eventually learn to tolerate them. That maid is frightened and she is probably out there wondering if she is about to be fired. If you fire her, my grandmother will have no use for her and she will send her back to the capital. That woman has no mental strength like most maids, they are ordinary people who choose to serve in noble and royal houses or the wealthy for a better chance at life. Women with no mental strength suffer more than most people in our empire. Majority of them end up selling their bodies in pleasure houses. It's not her fault that she is here, if you want someone to blame then blame my grandmother and me for not warning you in advance about the fact that she brought you three personal maids." 

Scarlet's frown became softer the more Esong explained the circumstances which led the young woman here. While she understood them, she was completely uncomfortable with someone else touching her body like that. If she was going to accept these maids they would need to rewrite a few rules. Like one, privacy in her bathroom and bedroom unless she sent for them. 

"I don't like it, but I will learn to tolerate it." she told him. "But your grandmother should have spoken to me first before bringing me maids. I seem to recall the last ones the royal family gave me being unpleasant. And my mother also selected maids for me, what am I going to do with..." she counted in her mind the number of maids she had now, "seven personal maids." 

He shrugged and his hand snaked around her waist slowly, "So, no threesome, huh." Esong giggled. 

 "Have you ever visited those pleasure houses?" she put her hand on his arm and smiled. 

Esong looked at her and he laughed, "Why do I have a feeling that this question is a trap? I won't answer it." He turned his face away, to look anywhere else but not at her.

"Why?" she followed the movement of his head with her own head. "Tell me, what was the experience like?" 

"Stop it." he laughed even more.

"Why," she complained childishly, "I am not going to judge you, we all have a past and you know mine. It's so ugly that I want to dig a hole and bury it forever."

"Fine," he nodded, "I will tell you since you are so curious, boys or young males of noble families do not really have to visit pleasure houses. It's done for fun or curiosity but it's not where we have our first experiences with sexual pleasures. Usually your family purchases the services of a mature experienced female and she joins the household as a personal maid but her duty is to sleep with that young noble man."

"Ha!" she exclaimed. "So noble families buy special courtesans for their sons. And I thought I had seen and heard everything in this world, apparently I don't know much. Does this mean you have a personal sex maid?" 

"No way," he shook his head, "You were my first." 

She slapped him lightly, "Don't lie, you didn't develop those skills from nowhere, you practiced somewhere."

"I did some things, I won't lie but my first time was with you. I am a mecha warrior, indulging in sexual pleasures is not my priority, my training is. All mecha warriors must be very strict when it comes to this aspect of our lives, it's also why we are encouraged to marry and have families early. Instead of frequenting pleasure houses it's better to relax at home with your wife or partner when on break."

"No wonder mecha warriors are the number one draft picks of most women in the empire when it comes to husbands. You have no time for philandering."

"Exactly, we are the best men out there." he bragged with a very proud look on his face. "By the way, why is a personal maid not allowed in here but your dog is? It's a male dog at that." 

Scarlet looked at him and she laughed while Severus snorted and turned around, So what if he saw her naked? It's not as if he was interested in her, he only had eyes for female hounds.

"Are you jealous of my dog?" she asked him. "Is it you that keeps asking if dogs can be eaten in my live broadcasts?" 

He scoffed and tickled her waist, "How can I be jealous of a dog? Take that back." As she laughed and tried to evade him, he followed after her and both of them engaged in a fun game of cat and mouse.

In moments like these both of them forgot that their relationship was hovering on the boundary between lovers, friends and a married couple. It was not as if neither one of them noticed the subtle changes over the months, they just chose to ignore it. It was like a dam was standing in between all the emotions and worries and keeping all the turbulence at bay. Scarlet however often wondered how long it would last before the dam burst and they either sunk or swam. 

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