Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 297: The Most Improbable Possibility! Intelligent Creation!

Chapter 297: The Most Improbable Possibility! Intelligent Creation!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 297 – The Most Improbable Possibility! Intelligent Creation!

Chen Yike sat on the living room sofa as she stared at her phone. When she saw Chen Yu’s figure appearing on the screen, her eyes lit up immediately.

“It finally started!”

Chen Yike stood up abruptly. After starting the screen recording software on her phone, she carefully placed her phone on the table and picked up a rubber chicken. She then made her way toward Chen Yu’s room.

“Big Sis, what are you doing?” Chen Erke, who was playing with her phone while lying on the sofa, asked.


After making a shushing gesture, Chen Yike walked out of the living room and arrived before Chen Yu’s bedroom. She then listened carefully for any movement inside the room.

“Big Sis, what exactly are you doing?”

“I’m exposing a big secret?”

“What?” Chen Erke reacted in surprise.

“Shh. Stop speaking and stand behind me.”


“Huh?” Chen Yike suddenly fell into a daze. “Don’t you think this scene is a little familiar?”

“How is it familiar?”

“It’s a bit like reading a novel. It’s like an author rewriting a plot that has been mentioned before...”

“Really? I don’t feel anything strange.”

“Am I just overthinking things?” Chen Yike mumbled as she stuck her ear to the door. After failing to hear any noise coming from the room, she smirked and held up the rubber chicken.

If Chen Yu was inside the room, he would definitely be frightened once she squeezed the rubber chicken.

However, if there was no reaction coming from the room even after she squeezed the rubber chicken, this proved that there wasn’t anybody inside the room!

“Second Eldest, cover your ears. Don’t be afraid,” Chen Yike whispered.

“Are you playing a prank?” Licking her lips, Chen Erke covered her ears excitedly.





The rubber chicken cried out loudly.

However, the next moment, the door actually opened without warning!

“You...” Before Chen Yike could react, a bat came descending from above and landed squarely on her head.


Upon seeing Chen Yike collapsing, Little Peach hurriedly raised the Amnesia Bat and sent it smacking into Chen Erke’s head.



Chen Erke also lost consciousness and collapsed limply to the ground while still covering her ears with her hands...

Bending down and picking up the rubber chicken, Little Peach said in admiration, “Mr. Chen must’ve expected this, right? Amazing.”

“W-Who are you?! What are you doing?!”

After hearing the commotion, Mother Chen came walking out of the master bedroom. When she saw Little Peach standing before her two unconscious daughters, shock immediately colored her face.


As if teleporting, Little Peach arrived beside Mother Chen in a flash. She then sent Mother Chen collapsing with a smack. “Take the initiative to attack!”

Afterward, Little Peach proceeded with knocking Chen Sanke and the husky unconscious as well. She then rested her hands on her hips and said in delight, “I am truly reliable...”


At the same time...

Super Floating Castle, Headmaster’s Tower:

Chen Yu solemnly explained everything about Tabby’s Star to his audience.

“As we all know, if a star has planets revolving around it, then when these planets ‘block’ the star, they would cause the star’s luminosity to drop. This phenomenon is called a transit. Modern astronomers use the transit method to obtain information such as whether there are planets in a star system, how many planets are there in the star system, and the mass of the planets.

“However, under normal circumstances, a star’s luminosity would only drop by around 1%, with some cases being even lower.

“Yet, strangely enough, KIC 8462852, or Tabby’s Star, has seen a drop in luminosity by as much as 22%! This is completely beyond common sense. According to existing star systems models, a star’s luminosity can’t drop by such a drastic degree.

“Hence, after 2011, the astronomy community has made some more authoritative hypothetical explanations for this phenomenon.”

Flipping to the journal’s seventh page, Chen Yu then showed the page to the camera and said, “The first hypothesis is that the star is surrounded by a cloud of disintegrating comets. After eliminating factors such as equipment and data problems, the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society believes that the Tabby’s Star’s luminosity may have declined because gravity from a nearby star caused comets from the Oort cloud to fall closer into the system, thereby obstructing the spectra of Tabby’s Star.

“The evidence to support this hypothesis is that there is indeed a red dwarf star 885 astronomical units away from Tabby’s Star. It is very close and can affect comets in the Oort cloud region of Tabby’s Star.

“But then, in 2016, two Chinese astronomical agencies calculated and ruled out this hypothesis. The gas of Tabby’s Star’s comet cloud is disturbed by gravity; therefore, it should orbit the star in an elliptical orbit. The cloud simply doesn’t have enough mass to cause the star’s luminosity to decrease by 22%.”

Chen Yu paused slightly, giving his audience ten seconds to process his words. He then flipped to the eighth page and continued, “The second hypothesis is a collision between planets may have occurred around Tabby’s Star, and the warm dust created would, in turn, block the star’s light. However, a collision between planets would emit strong infrared light. Yet, even after the astronomical community has conducted several years of spectral energy distribution analysis through high-resolution spectrometers and the Nordic Optical Telescope in East Spain, no excessive infrared energy has been observed.

“Hence, the planetary collision hypothesis can be ruled out as well.

“Aside from these two hypotheses, there are still many other hypotheses with a much lower probability of being true. For example, instrument data errors, variable Be stars, companion stars, possession of protoplanetary disks, and so on.

“Every hypothesis has plenty of evidence to prove it wrong.”

Placing down the journal, Chen Yu looked at the camera, his tone growing deeper and deeper. “This leaves us with only one seemingly ridiculous but impeccable hypothesis that can explain the drastic decline in Tabby’s Star’s brightness. Since 2015, more and more astronomers have tended to this hypothesis. Not because evidence proving it has been found, but because all other theories have been proven wrong.

“As Sherlock Holmes once said, once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the answer.

“Meanwhile, this answer is—a civilization’s creation!”


[Stop joking around...]

[Why does this feel like a joke?]

[Many people in the industry really think so, and I am one of them. You guys might not understand it, but the various governments and astronomical circles worldwide are paying a lot of attention to this star!]

[I still don’t quite get it. Does this mean there are aliens? Can they come here?!]

[Is it a Dyson sphere?]

[It’s only a little over 1,400 light-years away. It’s very close.]

[The more I think about it, the scarier it feels.]

[Exterminate human tyranny! The world belongs to Tabby’s Star!]

After waiting for the bullet comments to settle down, Chen Yu lifted up the Civilization’s Shining Moment journal once more. He then flipped to the tenth page and pointed at the photo of a white man. Speeding up his speech, he said, “Many astronomers agree with the hypothesis of a civilization’s creation blocking Tabby’s Star. However, this person here is the first to publish a related professional paper. He is the astronomer Jason Wright of Pennsylvania State University. He is still active in the industry even now. In that paper, he hypothesized that Tabby’s Star’s luminosity change is very likely caused by a colossal structure built by an alien civilization. For example...

“The Dyson sphere.”

Closing the journal, Chen Yu stood up and opened his arms. “Jason Wright should also be watching my livestream at this time. Congratulations to you and Pennsylvania State University. Half of your reasoning is correct.

“The non-periodical luminosity changes of Tabby’s Star are indeed caused by a giant structure made by a certain intelligent life.

“Next, I will present a series of undisputed evidence, including several new discoveries made in 2019, to prove your hypothesis.

“As for the reason why I say only half of your hypothesis is correct...”

Stepping out of the camera’s view, Chen Yu picked up the journal’s delivery box, which also came with an astronomical telescope from the 22nd century, and said, “It is because this giant structure isn’t the so-called Dyson sphere.


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