Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 284: Identity Exposed!

Chapter 284: Identity Exposed!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Chapter 284 – Identity Exposed!

The interview results were announced amidst the expectations, desperation, indifference, and anxiety of the 600-plus candidates.

In the end, the 88 selected candidates celebrated in joy as they became the Transdimensional Academy’s first batch of students.

As for the remaining candidates, they wore sad expressions on their faces as they embarked on their journey home.

Meanwhile, after the interview, Chen Yu no longer participated in the follow-up student registration, class assignment, accommodation management, and other trivial matters. The ninth official livestream was approaching, and he needed to recharge his energy and prepare in advance.

After changing into a set of casual clothes, Chen Yu teleported back home. And after greeting Little Peach, who was busily working in front of the computer, he promptly stepped out of his bedroom.

Inside the living room, Chen Erke was currently standing in a corner and sobbing.

Meanwhile, Chen Sanke sat on the sofa, eating snacks while watching the fun.

“Oh?” Taking a seat beside Chen Sanke, Chen Yu grabbed a mandarine from the coffee table and began peeling it. While eating the peeled mandarine slices, he asked vaguely, “Got punished again?”

“No.” Wiping away her tears, Chen Erke said, “I got tired of sitting, so I decided to stand for a while.”

“Mom beat her up,” Chen Sanke exposed her elder sister without hesitation. “It was miserable.”

“Third Eldest!” Chen Erke bellowed.

“How many times are you going to get beaten every week?” After devouring the remaining mandarine slices, Chen Yu asked, “Want me to keep count for you?”


“Speak.” Picking up the punishment rod on the table, Chen Yu poked Chen Erke with it. “What did you do this time?”

Chen Erke kept her mouth shut.

“It’s because she’s been playing with her phone non-stop. She didn’t even do her winter homework, so Mommy confiscated her phone,” Chen Sanke continued exposing her elder sister.


Just as Chen Erke had clenched her fists and was about to rush at her, Chen Sanke hurriedly shouted, “Mom! Second Sis is running away!”

Frightened, Chen Erke hurriedly returned to her corner. Unable to control her sadness and frustration, she then began bawling her eyes out. “Wahh...”

“Alright, enough. Isn’t it just a confiscated phone? Big Brother has money...”

“Are you going to buy me a new one?” Chen Erke suddenly stopped crying, her big watery eyes full of expectation as she looked at Chen Yu.

“...Even if Big Brother has money, it shouldn’t be spent blindly. I cannot buy another one for you,” Chen Yu added.


“Alright, stop crying. I’ll discuss it with Mom afterward...”

“You’ll get Mommy to return my phone to me?” Chen Erke stopped crying once more.

“...I’ll discuss giving the phone to Sanke. You should stop playing in the future and focus on studying.”


Chen Yu and Chen Sanke hurriedly high-fived in celebration.


Chen Yu: “Ahahaha!”

Chen Sanke: “Hahahaha.”

The husky: “Hahaha...”

“Wahhh!!!” Chen Erke dropped to the ground and rolled about while crying.

“Brother!” Hearing the noise, Chen Yike came out of her room with an English vocabulary book in her hand. Her face filled with dissatisfaction, she said, “You’re causing a ruckus as soon as you come back! Just stay on your floating castle! Don’t interrupt my studies!”

“How is the castle more interesting than home?” Chen Yu said, waving his hand nonchalantly. He then pointed at Chen Sanke and laughed, “See? She’s crying herself to tears! Ahaha...ha... Um...”

Chen Yu’s laughter gradually stopped. He then turned to stare at Chen Yike in a daze.

“Ha!” Tossing her vocabulary book away, Chen Yike narrowed her eyes and said, “It is you! I finally caught you!”

“Uh...” Chen Yu’s brain spun rapidly.

“Anything to say for yourself?” Chen Yike said with her head raised, her eyes gleaming with excitement and wisdom.


After a long silence, Chen Yu sighed deeply and stood up from the sofa. He then turned to look at the crying Chen Erke and gloating Chen Sanke before waving his hand at Chen Yike, “Let’s go. We’ll have a proper talk.”

“Sure.” Revealing a victorious smile, Chen Yike pushed apart the door to her bedroom and invited Chen Yu in. “Let’s have a proper talk.”

After entering the room, Chen Yu locked the door and sat on the chair before the study table. Taking a look around the room, he said, “I haven’t entered your room for more than half a year. It’s still as clean as before.”

“Uh-huh,” Chen Yike responded noncommittally.

“This is truly unexpected.” Leaning back against the chair, Chen Yu visually inspected his little sister. “Before I knew it, you’ve already grown up. You actually learned how to strategize.”

“I’ve always known how to, alright? Stop changing the topic and tell me honestly. How did you become Transdimensional’s UP? You’ve even become famous throughout the world. You really know how to hide a secret.”

“Well... Before I answer you, can I ask you some questions?”

“Sure. Ask away.”

After pondering for a moment, Chen Yu’s gaze sharpened as he asked, “How did you find out? I’ve hidden so deeply. I’ve even fooled countless elite agents all over the world.”

“You might be able to hide it from the world, but you can’t hide it from me.” Raising her head triumphantly, Chen Yike crossed her legs on her bed. “I’ve long since suspected you. The earliest instance was half a year ago. You kept hiding in your room and making all sorts of strange noises. As your smart little sister, how can I not notice it?”

“Continue.” Chen Yu gestured with his hand.

“For the past six months, I’ve been trying to figure out what was inside your room. However, I’ve tried many methods to no avail, that is until Big Sis Xing Biqi came to visit during the Lunar New Year. After finding out about Transdimensional Review from her and seeing Transdimensional’s UP’s speech and behavior, I naturally thought of you.”

“That’s not enough to prove anything, right?”

“Yes. Of course, I can’t prove anything with these subjective guesses,” Chen Yike said. She then pulled out her phone, opened a photo album, and showed the screenshots she took to Chen Yu. “However, I have real evidence. Look at this—Transdimensional Review’s first episode; the review on the Uranium-235 Nuclear Energy Laboratory. This review’s date is only one day apart from the first time I heard a strange loud noise coming from your room!

“Afterward, there’s the Quantum Reading Glasses’s review. The books you used are from our house. That dictionary you used looks especially familiar. I might have even used it before. As for the subsequent livestreams, every one of them took place on a Sunday at around 9 AM. Your room also happens to go silent during these times! It also happened more than once or twice. Aren’t these more than enough to prove my point?”

After hearing all this, Chen Yu nodded and sighed in admiration. “What a wonderful deduction. Your wisdom has defeated 99.99% of the world’s agents.”

“It’s not because I am excellent.” Smiling, Chen Yike said, “Instead, it’s because I have an inherent advantage.”

“However, strictly speaking, this is, after all, just your deduction. If I refuse to come clean and simply say that everything’s a coincidence, there’s nothing you can do about it, right?”

“Yes. Hence, even after securing speculative evidence, I did not act rashly, but instead looked for an opportunity.”


“This afternoon, I reported Second Eldest’s misbehavior to Mom. I even poured oil onto the fire to make sure Mom confiscated Second Eldest’s phone and punished her. I know that with your personality, the moment you appear, you will definitely bully Second Eldest together with Third Eldest for entertainment,” Chen Yike said, her eyes flickering with wisdom. “So, I waited for you to be at your most vulnerable to give you a fatal blow! I would have you expose yourself without forethought and get the most conclusive proof! Heh, and I succeeded.”


Standing up, Chen Yu looked at Chen Yu up and down. “Amazing! What a schemer you are!”

“It’s nothing.”

“Truly amazing...” Chen Yu muttered. He then slowly took out a small object from his pocket, placed it in his mouth, and blew.


The Amnesia Bat extended immediately!

“I-Is this a future product as well?” Chen Yike looked at the Amnesia Bat in surprise. “How magical!”

“That’s right.” Chen Yu nodded. He then smacked the back of Chen Yike’s head with the bat without hesitation.


“...” Chen Yike stared at Chen Yu, her eyes blinking.

Chen Yu, too, stared at her.


Three seconds later, Chen Yike’s eyes rolled back as she collapsed onto the bed.

“Amazing...” After storing the Amnesia Bat away, Chen Yu quietly retreated from the bedroom. He then sat back onto the sofa and continued watching Chen Erke bawling on the ground with interest. “Truly amazing...”


Five minutes later, Chen Erke’s crying awakened Chen Yike.

Getting up from her bed, Chen Yike eyed her surroundings and frowned. “Huh? I fell asleep?”


Chen Yu’s laughter came from outside the door.

Sharpening her spirits, Chen Yike hurriedly picked up the English vocabulary book on the table and crouched by the door. She then took a deep breath, ready to conduct her operation code-named 001!”

According to her analysis, the plan she painstakingly created had a 98% chance of exposing her “stupid” elder brother!

She would soon accomplish the thing that the world’s various governments had failed to do.

This was the wisdom of a younger sister...


After adjusting her mood, Chen Yike knew that she had no time to lose and stopped hesitating. He then opened the door, put on a dissatisfied expression, and waved her vocabulary book at Chen Yu. “Brother! You’re causing a ruckus as soon as you come back! Just stay on your floating castle! Don’t interrupt my studies!”

“Huh?” Turning around with a blank look, Chen Yu asked, “Floating castle? What floating castle?”

Chen Yike: “?”

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