Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 233: Raiding the Zoo

Chapter 233: Raiding the Zoo

Chapter 233 – Raiding the Zoo

Beijing Zoo, inside Monkey Mountain...

A metal arch suddenly appeared out of thin air, frightening the dozens of tourists outside the glass barrier.

Subsequently, Chen Yu, who was wearing a mask and a wizard’s robe, walked out of the arch with a pillow in hand. He then smashed the pillow onto the head of a monkey that was staring at him in a daze.


The monkey fell to the ground and fainted on the spot.

“Eek! Eek!”


Seeing their companion getting attacked, the other monkeys nearby immediately panicked and fled the scene.

A few of the bigger monkeys also picked up fruits and stones to throw at Chen Yu in retaliation.

However, before any of these projectiles could land on Chen Yu, Little Peach promptly struck them down.

“Check its condition.”

“Yes, sir.”

Little Peach nodded. The next moment, two red beams of light shot out of her mask, the lights doing a full-body scan of the unconscious monkey.

“What’s that?”

“Is it a show?”

“Crap! It’s Transdimensional’s UP! It’s Transdimensional’s UP!”

“Quick, quick! Help me take a photo! I want to get a shot with the UP!”

“Host! Look over here! Look at me!”

At this time, the tourists outside the enclosure also started stirring.

However, Chen Yu paid the tourists no heed. Instead, he remained still as he waited for Little Peach’s scan results.

“Nothing’s wrong with it.”

One minute later, the light coming out of Little Peach’s eyes faded. She then turned to Chen Yu and reported, “A special substance is currently balancing the bacteria strains inside the monkey’s body and slowly improving its physical fitness.”

“Is that special substance the microbial bacteria mentioned? Will it cause any damage?”

“It is only adjusting the bacteria strains inside the body, so it shouldn’t cause any damage. However, my scan can’t find out for deeper chemical changes.”

“Is that so...”

Chen Yu fell silent for a moment. He then approached the glass barrier and tapped his finger on it.

Tap, tap, tap.


Many of the people beyond the barrier were frightened by Chen Yu’s approach, and they promptly backed away from the glass.

“You.” Pointing at a bespectacled young woman, Chen Yu said, “Help me contact the zookeeper or someone from management.”

In response, the young woman clenched her backpack tightly in fright.

“UP! I’ll help you!” At this time, a young man ran up to the barrier and excitedly volunteered himself. He then asked, “Can I take a photo with you?”

“No problem.”

Nodding, Chen Yu straightened his back and gestured a ‘V’ with his fingers.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

After taking over 10 group photos, the young man was finally satisfied and left to search for the zoo’s manager.

In the meantime, Chen Yu picked up his pillow and knocked out four more monkeys.

According to the Fight Pillow’s introduction, the pillow could enhance the human body’s physiological functions. However, as this was a product produced at the end of the 24th century, Chen Yu wasn’t sure if 21st-century humans could bear such a significant “supplement.” Hence, he decided to first experiment with live animals.

After ascertaining that the pillow was harmless to humans, he would then conduct a live review with the product.

“A family should be neat and tidy...” Little Peach mumbled as she arranged the five monkeys in a neat row.

Shortly afterward, a few middle-aged people looking like leaders entered the enclosure together with many staff members and police officers. These people then stopped five meters away from Chen Yu.

“A-Are you Transdimensional Review’s host?” the man standing in the lead of the group asked tentatively.

“It’s me.” Nodding, Chen Yu went straight to the point and asked, “I need these few monkeys. Can I take them away?”

“N-No problem.” The leader nodded without hesitation. “We just need to go through some formalities. Can you sign here?”


Under the crowd’s respectful “service,” Chen Yu stepped forward and accepted the document offered. He then wrote “Wang Chun” on the signature section and patted the middle-aged man’s shoulders. “Thank you.”

“N-No problem. This is what we should do.” The leader was flattered. “May I ask what you’ll be using these monkeys for?”

In response, Chen Yu closed his mouth and fell silent for a moment as he tried to sort out the words in his mind.

However, thinking that he had angered Chen Yu, the leader hurriedly bowed and apologized, “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to pry into your business. I just wanted to ask if just five capuchin monkeys will be enough. If not, we still have more.”

“Huh?” Chen Yu was pleasantly surprised by the middle-aged man’s words. “Really?”

Hearing Chen Yu’s response, the leader immediately started regretting his words. However, the die had already been cast. Biting the bullet, he nodded, “R-Really...”

“That’s great!” Chen Yu immediately grasped the middle-aged man’s hands. “Speaking of which, the floating castle is such a big place. It feels quite lonely to leave it empty. It just so happens I’m conducting an experiment, so just give me a few more animals.”

“N-No problem, b-but...”

“Are you going back on your words?” Chen Yu said in a heightened tone.

“No!” The leader vehemently shook his head. “I just need to ask my superior for instructions!”

“Hurry up, then. I’ll start choosing first.”

“O-Okay...” Gulping, the leader took out his phone with trembling hands and contacted his superior.

“Servants of the people are the best!”

Chen Yu sighed. Following which, he pointed at a zookeeper and said, “Guide me to the other animals. I’ll take my pick first.”

“P-Please follow me.”

The zookeeper in question didn’t know of Transdimensional Review’s existence, and neither did he recognize Chen Yu. However, when he looked at the huge metal arch and the leaders’ fearful performance, he naturally knew that Chen Yu was a super bigshot and dared not neglect him.

Under the staff members’ guidance, Chen Yu and Little Peach headed eastward to the Gorilla House.

“This is good. We can put it in the Forbidden Forest and raise it together with the monkeys.” Stopping his feet, Chen Yu passed the Fight Pillow to Little Peach and said, “Go. Knock out three; one male and two females.”

“Okay!” Little Peach nodded and accepted the pillow. She then eagerly entered the enclosure through the zookeeper’s door and charged at a group of gorillas. With a quick wave of the pillow, she knocked out three of the apes in the blink of an eye.

They should become as smart as humans if I feed them with the “Special Omega-3 Concentrated Lipids,” right?

After coming into contact with advanced technology for long periods, Chen Yu had unknowingly obtained the peculiar impulse of scientific researchers...

After collecting five capuchin monkeys and three gorillas, Chen Yu continued touring around the zoo and “captured” four giraffes, four sika deers, five cranes, two dragon turtles, three camels, five baby raccoons, dozens of birds of various species, and two honey badgers.

By the time Chen Yu was done with his selection, the zoo’s management and many high-level government officials also hurriedly came running toward him and encircled him.

Meanwhile, standing at the outermost part of the encirclement were armed police officers.

“These animals are perfect, but I don’t know how to raise them. Those mages on the castle don’t know how either. So, what I want to ask is, can I borrow some keepers from your zoo?”

Hearing this, many of the leaders’ eyes instantly shined. “No problem! We’ll unconditionally support your decision!”

“Thank you. I’ll pay for their salary.”

“No, no! No need! We’ll take care of the wages, food, and accommodation! You don’t need to be responsible for anything! Just leave everything to us!”

“I’ll take you up on your offer, then.” With a wave of his hand, Chen Yu said, “Let’s tour around the eastern district again.”

“T-There’s nothing to see in the eastern district,” the leader accompanying Chen Yu said in a panic. Hurriedly, he pointed to the north and said, “The animals in the northern district are much cuter. There are elephants, hippos, and rhinos. There’s even an aquarium.”

“Is that so?” Looking northward, Chen Yu said, “But I don’t want to raise elephants and hippos. They’re too big. I also heard their farts stink.”

“But there are many small animals as well! The Eagle Mountain is in the northern district,” the leader said tirelessly. “Don’t you want to keep a few eagles? We have owls as well! They match very well with your castle.”

“Eagles are okay, I guess... Let’s go to the northern district, then.”

“Yes, yes, yes! You first!”

“Wow!” When everyone was about to change direction, Little Peach, who had excellent eyesight, noticed a billboard in the distance. She then exclaimed, “There’s a Giant Panda House on the east side!”

The leaders: “...”

“Pandas?!” Chen Yu was surprised.

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