Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 221: Clean-Up

Chapter 221: Clean-Up

With Magnus' victory, the raid team has finished their task. The normal members also have won against their opponents, after all. After hearing Cricket's motivational words, they fought more vigorously and finally won.

Now they all rest after exhausting their stamina completely. Manba needs to treat them alone because his medical team was also fighting. All team members joined the raid, after all, without exception.

The less skillful fighters were given pistols or rifles. They support the main fighters by shooting from behind. But it doesn't make their jobs less dangerous and less exhausting. The enemies still targetted them and they also get exhausted mentally.

Fighting against 1100 strong enemies surely has exhausted them. But no one died because of the executives' interferences. Enel who has a strong O-Haki supervised the battle and support those who almost get killed by attacking their opponents with his lightning.

He did it happily because he could join the battle and also trained his ability. Controlling his lightning to not hit any of his allies in a crowded battle is very hard. So he needs a lot of training and the raid is the best opportunity for him.

Seeing Manba work alone makes the other executives feel guilty. But they don't have any medical skills, so they are worried about doing something wrong and can't help. Manba sees this and gives them some cups of ointment to be used on wounds.

"Apply this on their wounds after cleaning the wounds with clean water. Just use it on the shallow wounds and leave the deeper ones to me. I will focus on the ones with worse conditions first, so you guys can help the ones with minor injuries," says Manba while still treating a man.

The other executives nod and take the ointment before starting to help. They move in teams of 2 and treat the ones with minor injuries. One person will clean the wounds then the other one applies the ointment.

While the main group treats their injuries, Buggy & Deon are still doing their job. There are many mine spots, so their job is really time-consuming even though the job is easy. The guards that they need to defeat are weak and they just need to give the slave workers their collars' keys so it's easy but time-consuming.

They finally finish their work after some time and then Buggy calls Cricket. He asks Cricket, Palu, and Enel to help him & Deon check the town. They need to make sure that all enemies have been taken care of.

It takes them a few more hours to do the clean-up before they finish and gather in the main plaza. The slave workers also have gathered there per Buggy & Deon's instruction when they freed these people. They need to check these guys first before leaving this island.

Buggy stands in front of the crowd and shouts, "Listen! I know you are confused about what happened and worried about what will we do to you. But don't worry, we won't do anything and will just let you go. It's not out of kindness though because we just want to mess with Beasts Pirates."

The crowd murmured among themselves but Buggy hasn't finished yet. "Our target is Beasts Pirates, so we will eradicate them completely. But we are worried that some of them are hiding among you so we need to check it. I'm sure you guys also don't want any one of them to leave this place alive and tell their group about your whereabouts next, right?"

"That's why I want those from the same mining group to gather together. Check among yourselves and report if there's someone who isn't from your group. They are most likely Beasts Pirates' members who hide and want to leave this place."

After hearing Buggy's instructions, the slave workers immediately splits into some groups. They gather with those who worked in the same mining spots. Then they check their groups and find some people who aren't from their groups.

These people are really Beasts Pirates' members who want to flee. They immediately catch some slave workers as hostages and threaten the Clowns to let them leave this island. There are 16 Beasts Pirates members who hide among these slave workers.

"Let us go and we will not do anything to these guys," says a man.

Buggy laughs hearing the threat, "Hahaha, are you stupid? Do you think we care about their lives? We are pirates, not marines. I doubt that even Marines will care about them, not to mention us. But well, we don't like people threatening us, so we won't let you do as you please."

Right when Buggy finishes his words, the 16 Beasts Pirates get struck by lightning bolts from above. Cricket has ordered Enel to prepare an attack when Buggy talks. Buggy's speech distracts the enemies, so Enel can prepare his attack without anyone noticing.

After the 16 enemies got electrocuted, the hostages run back to their group in fear. The Clowns take the 16 enemies and throw them onto the pile of dead bodies after killing them. The dead bodies are stacking like a small mountain after the Clowns kill them all and gather them in one place.

Buggy tells the slave workers to do another check to make sure there are no other hidden enemies. They don't find anyone and then the Clowns give them food. The slave workers aren't well fed so they are weak.

After eating, Buggy orders the slave workers to help the crew to loot this place. He orders them to take every valuable item including food. The mined resources are also included. They are very valuable and can be sold for a high price, after all.

It takes some hours for them to collect everything in this place even with the help of hundreds of men. The town is quite big and they need to search every crook & nook. Many valuables must've been stored in hidden locations, after all.

Luckily they are patient and search very thoroughly because they really find these hidden storages. They gather all the valuables on the plaza and separate them based on their types. They accumulated quite a lot and of course, they are happy.

Then they put the mined resources on a cargo ship. The treasures & money go to Black Pearl, of course. As for the slave workers, they get new clothes which they got from the loot to replace their tattered clothes.

The Clowns prepare a ship which was Beasts Pirates' ship that has been modified for the slave workers to leave this place. Buggy gives them some money that will be enough for them to live for months. He takes the money from the loots but he doesn't give them the treasures because it's difficult to sell treasures as normal people.

Buggy doesn't just give them the money out of kindness but also for them to keep silent about what happened here. They aren't allowed to say anything about what happened here to anyone even their family and they all agree.

Buggy gives them an Eternal Pose to a safe island which is quite far from here so the Beasts Pirates won't detect them. He gives them enough supplies to reach that island. But they need to manage sailing the sea by themselves.

Before leaving, the Clowns destroy the town using some bombs. Then they activate the wind-blocking wall and get out of the giant cave. Three ships leave the cave. They are Black Pearl, the cargo ship, and the ex-slave workers' ship.

After getting out, the Clowns destroy the wind-blocking wall so it will be hard to pass the wind barrier and enter the cave. Then the ships split and move in a different direction. The Black Pearl & cargo ship turns to the left while the other ship goes straight.

The ex-slave workers wave and shout to say their gratitude as they leave. They still haven't reached a safe location, but they have been freed already, so they are grateful to the Clowns. The Clowns just wave back at them as they keep sailing to their next destination.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 245 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 256 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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