Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 196: Amusement Park

Chapter 196: Amusement Park

The Clowns try to avoid trouble on Sabaody because they will go to New World soon. But they are still pirates and it's hard for them to keep silent. In the end, they still create trouble, but they know their limit.

The crew gets into some fights after they get split into some groups. But they only fight with other pirate crews, bounty hunters, and slave traders. They just fight with lawless people in the lawless area while avoiding Marine & Celestial Dragons like what Buggy told them.

Buggy knows this will happen and doesn't forbid them. As long as they avoid Marine & Celestial Dragons, then he will let them fight. It can be good training for them, after all, so there's no problem with it.

Well, even he also gets into some fights with bounty hunters and pirate crews while walking around. There's no way he can get angry at his crewmates while he himself is doing it. One must reflect on themselves before telling others what to do.

The first day went without any big trouble for the crew. They spend their night in a hotel because their ship is being coated by Rayleigh. Most of the boys are having fun with Sabaody girls that night.

The next day Buggy goes to the Amusement Park with Jude, Dela, Alan, & Elen. The 2 kids want to go there, so Buggy goes with them because this place is dangerous. Of course, Jude will follow him wherever he goes and so is Dela because she is his secretary.

They try everything in the Amusement Park and the 2 kids are very happy about it. Alan & Elen have rough time for years, so they never tried this kind of thing. Buggy has accepted them, so he is also responsible for their happiness now.

"I thought you said you would leave them in Mantis's care. But you take care of them a lot so far," says Jude while smiling as they watch Alan & Elen ride a small boat with Dela.

"Of course, I will take care of them too. I am the Captain and they are my crew. They are still my responsibility even though Mantis will take care of most of their need," says Buggy.

"Hehe, I thought that you just like kids. I can give you some if you want," says Jude shyly.

Buggy knocks her head and says, "Don't say something ridiculous. Even if I want to have kids, I will have them after we secure our position in this world. We are still a weak crew in this big world and having kids will just endanger their lives."

Jude rubs her head and pouts before saying, "I know. I just want to let you know that I am ready whenever you need me."

"Sigh, how many times should I tell you that I can't accept your feeling? I already have someone in my heart. You deserve better than this, so why don't you find someone else?" ask Buggy.

"I've tried, but it's just impossible. That's why I will keep chasing you until the end," says Jude.

Buggy can only sigh hearing her and can't do anything about it. He still can't understand why she will go to such length for him. It's not like he is a handsome man and he is quite strange with his big red nose instead.

He was also quite popular with girls when he was still a bounty hunter. It is still a mystery for him on why those girls were falling for him. Although he is happy that his mysterious charm has made Bellemere fall for him too.

After the 2 kids are satisfied, they leave the Amusement Park. As they leave it, some people are following them from the shadows. Buggy realizes their presence and sighs at their stupidity.

"I'm sure I've beat a lot of them a few months ago and yesterday too. But why are they still very persistent? Don't they know my bounty?" ponders Buggy.

"What are you talking about, Captain?" asks Dela.

"Some idiots are targeting us since we were in the Amusement Park. Am I right, Captain?" asks Jude who has just realized their presence after Buggy said that.

"Yeah, they must be after the kids and you girls. They want to capture and sell you. These slave traders are like cockroaches," sats Buggy.

"What should we do?" asks Dela.

"Let them come. You kids want to exercise a little right?" asks Buggy to the kids.

"Yeah, we will beat them up," says Alan energetically followed by his sister's nod.

"Wait, Captain! What are you thinking? Sending these 2 children to fight is not good," says Dela in protest.

"Don't worry, I know them very well, they are not weak kids. Still, Jude will take care of the stronger ones while the kids will handle the weaker ones. We will go to New World, so they also need training, right? Why don't you also join it and train yourself?" asks Buggy.

"That's.... Fine, I won't let these children fight on their own," says Dela.

Buggy grins seeing her response. She is still new to this so she hasn't gotten used to pirate life. He needs to teach her that they all need to fight for themselves even if they are kids or women. Those who can't fight for themselves will surely die.

Sometime later, they reach an empty location and the slave traders finally come out. There are 64 of them while Buggy's group only has 5 people. The enemies are very confident that they can defeat Buggy's group.

"Hmm? It seems you've joined hands with other groups, huh?" asks Buggy after inspecting the enemies.

"Hehe, you have good eyes. Yeah, we joined hands with some bounty hunters. Your bounty is very high so they are very tempted. They will take your bounty while we will sell the 2 girls and kids," says a big & tall man.

"You talk as if you can defeat us," says Buggy.

"Of course, we will. Attack!" says the man without waiting.

5 men suddenly shoot their guns toward Buggy's group. Buggy takes a glimpse into the future and suddenly moves his sword to block the bullets including the one that aimed at Jude. It makes Jude confused because bullets won't work on her ash logia body.

"They used seastone bullets on the ones that aimed at us to nullify our abilities. It seems they've prepared for this," says Buggy.

Previously, Buggy saw that the bullet hits Jude and injure her. He knows that they can't use haki, so it must be the bullet. There's only one type of bullet that can injure a devil fruit user, seastone bullet.

"You are quite rich to be able to purchase seastone bullets. But I wonder how many that you have? These bullets are expensive, after all," says Buggy as he picks some pebbles on the ground.

Buggy suddenly throws the pebbles toward the ones who shot them before. Some of his pebbles miss, but he still can hit them all in the end. Now they don't need to worry about seastone bullets and the small war starts.

Jude can defeat them all if she just uses her devil fruit power. But she doesn't do it and only fights the strong ones just like Buggy's order. She leaves the weaker ones to Dela & the kids while she uses this battle to train her martial art.

Dela also fights the enemies and she uses a rapier as her weapon. She fights decently but she is actually the weakest in their group. Alan & Elen can fight better than her and it really surprise her.

Both of them have been trained by Buggy, Cricket, & Mantis since they joined, after all. They've also fought a lot of battles, so they have more experience than Dela. Sure, she has learned to fight, but she still lacks the experience to fight in real battles.

Buggy watches the battle while using his advanced Observation Haki. He uses it to intercepts some dangerous attacks from the enemies. Then after a few minutes, they finally win with no one getting injured.


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 220 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 231 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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