Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 158: Touring

Chapter 158: Touring

Buggy watches as people kneel toward the CDs besides the street. He also sees some people hiding in the alleys or inside the buildings. Those people also don't want to kneel like him, or maybe they just want to avoid trouble.

There's nothing that happened after that and everyone disperses. Buggy also leaves and goes to the shipyard area. He is curious about how the ships are getting coated with the Mangrove's sap so they can dive into the sea.

Some ships are getting coated currently. He walks around to see the process and it's just like painting the ship with tree sap. But he knows that it's not easy and the coaters need to be careful or the coating will be weak.

Some ships are also getting repaired before they go to Fishman Island. Even with the bubble sap coating, if their ship is damaged, they won't be able to sail safely. Seeing it makes Buggy sigh as he remembers Little Hunter's bad condition.

His ship doesn't have much damage from enemies attacks. But most of its damages are from Grandline's bad weather. If they didn't enter Grandline, Little Hunter will not get that much damage.

"Sigh, every ship has its limit, even if it's made of Adam Wood. The wood just makes it a lot tougher than other ships. So what happened to Little Hunter is normal. I just need to use it to the limit," says Buggy.

After walking around the shipyard, Buggy goes to the Tourist Zone. There are many tourists on Sabaody and they come from many places, even from Blues. This location has a lot of attractions that the tourists can enjoy.

Buggy doesn't stay there for too long and goes to the Amusement Park. This place is the most famous location on Sabaody Archipelago. Most people come here to enjoy the Amusement Park even though it's a dangerous place.

They might lose their freedom here if slave traders catch them or CDs get interested in them. But they still come here even when they know that risk. Although some people are ignorant about it and think that this is a fun place.

When he arrived in the Amusement Park, Buggy is impressed by it, but not that much. Except for the use of bubbles for most of the attractions here, there's nothing that impressed him. They just look like big Amusement Park in his old world.

"Well, surely I never see another Amusement Park like this in this world. So it must be very interesting for this world's inhabitants. I haven't played in Amusement Park for a few years though, so maybe I'll try it. But it will be very depressing if I enjoy it alone, so maybe later when all my crewmates are here," says Buggy.

Buggy leaves the Amusement Park and goes back to his ship. The only places left are the Hotel area and Marine Base. There's no need to find a hotel and he isn't crazy enough to go to the Marine Base.

He reaches his ship's location after 23 minutes of a slow walk. There are many unconscious people around his ship and he knows the reason. They must've tried to attack his ship but got beaten by Cricket & Mantis.

"Oh, Captain, you've returned. Have you met with the Dark King?" asks Cricket.

"Yeah, he hasn't changed much since I last saw him. You can leave the ship to me and do what you want now," says Buggy.

"Alright, Mantis has cooked some food, so you can eat after this," says Cricket.

"Good, I am hungry after walking around for hours," says Buggy as he jumps on the ship.

Cricket calls Mantis and then they leave the ship to explore the island. Buggy warns them about the CDs again and they nod to him. He also asks them to buy some supplies while they explore the island.

After the couple left, Buggy goes to his room and takes a black bracelet. It's a 50% seastone coated bracelet that he often used in his training. Palu has crafted it even with his low knowledge about seastone processing.

Buggy puts the bracelet on his left wrist and feels his power gets drained. The effect isn't as extreme as when Enel wore it for the first time. Buggy just feels he gets weakened but he still can move normally.

He leaves the ship and goes on land to train. He can go all out in his training if he is on land because he doesn't need to worry about damaging Little Hunter. The land also has more space for his training, so it is more comfortable.

Buggy trains his physical power using some big chunks of building ruins that he found around the Groove. There are many ruins in the Lawless area, so he can find these big chunks easily. They are quite heavy for him who gets weakened by seastone, so he can train his physical power.

While training, Buggy is getting attacked by some people again. These guys are very persistent to catch him and get his bounty. They don't learn from their defeated rivals and still attack Buggy just because he is alone.

But Buggy welcomes them because he can use them as training partners. It's a rare chance for him to fight while using a seastone bracelet, so he needs to use this chance well. He fights just using his physical power and swordsmanship against them.

The battles are harder than usual, but not by much. Even with the seastone bracelet that weakened him, Buggy is still too strong for these people. Number alone won't work on someone at Buggy's level.

Besides, the seastone bracelet doesn't affect his haki. So he can predict their attacks with Observation and attack or defend with Armament Haki. Just these 2 power will change a lot of things in battles.

In his battles, Buggy keeps using his Advanced Observation Haki that he just activated after fighting Kizaru. He needs to polish it in battles to improve his mastery. It's quite wasteful to use it against these small fries, but it will be more wasteful if he doesn't use and train it.

Also, he tries to upgrade his Armament Haki to an advanced level. He has upgraded his Observation Haki, so now he needs to upgrade his Armament too. Without it, his chance against Kaido will be very small.

Even Oden who can use it still lost against Kaido in their last battle. So if Buggy can't use it, his chance will get even smaller, maybe zero. That's why he needs to upgrade his Armament within this one year before he goes to Wano.

"Hmm, these guys aren't strong enough to be threats for me. Haki will get stronger if it is used against strong opponents, after all. But I can't be picky, they're still good for training my skills," says Buggy as he sits above a stack of defeated enemies.

The sun is setting behind him right at that moment and the silhouette of him sitting on a mountain of people is really good. Someone thinks like that and he is seeing it coincidentally. Coincidentally too, he is Deon who has just returned and brings a camera.

Deon takes the picture of this good sight a few times. Of course, Buggy sees him and just ignores the Cameleon dude. He is just taking pictures, so there's no need to stop him. Besides, Buggy also wants to see the result.

"How's your day? What did you get?" asks Buggy without chit-chatting.

"Well, it's a good day and I get a few things. Just like what Mrs. Shakky said, the Red Hair Pirates are here. Then this might pique your interest too because a renowned swordsman is here," says Deon.

"Oh, is it him?" asks Buggy interestedly.

Deon scratches his head and says, "Well, I don't know who is in your mind, but maybe he is the one that you think of. 'Hawk Eyes', Dracule Mihawk."


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 182 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 193 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.