Touch of Flame

Chapter 170 Dreamland

Chapter 170 Dreamland

Ares was yet in another dream, this time rising from the depth of the ocean and swimming up following a familiar sound that called to him.

“Dragon tamer,” he was called as he slowly rose to the surface.

The weather was gloomy and he could sense that it would rain. The waves were disturbed by the wind, making a splashing sound as they hit land and there two women were standing, waiting for him.

He walked over with steady determined steps as if he knew he would meet them. One of them was the first woman who appeared in his dream and called him a dragon tamer and the other woman he just knew was a tamer as well.

Like himself.

“Your Highness?”


This felt so real. He could see her clearly.

“You are… alive.” She said stepping closer.

He stepped closer to her as well and then she carefully reached for him. She grasped his arm as if making sure it was real. He felt her touch. Was this truly a dream?

He met her icy gaze that watched him with concern. “I have wished to see you again,” she said.

“Me too.” He was worried he might have made a mistake and led her to her death.

They looked at each other for a moment and then hugged. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, a sigh of relief coming from his lips that she was alive.

“I have questioned myself for letting you go so many times. It has been killing me inside.” He told her.

“I am sorry,” she whispered.

She pulled back to look at him. “I am sorry for the way I left and the way I acted before that. I was so focused on myself, so selfish I did not take a moment to think of how you felt.”

He smiled. She didn’t even consider her own feelings. He grabbed her face between his hands. “It is alright.”

The scenery changed and now they were walking in the damp woods. Water dripped from the leaves and branches. He was barefoot and wet, yet not cold. Ravina wasn’t cold either in her thin white dress. She seemed to like the gloomy weather.

“Is everything alright with you?” He asked.

She nodded. “Yes.”

“That is an enthusiastic reply.”

She chuckled. “Well, things are never easy but I got to meet people who helped me stay sane through everything.”

Although it was good to hear she had those who helped her, to know she tried to stay sane wasn’t the best condition to stay in.

“Does he treat you well?”

“He does.”

He nodded, noticing the frown on her face.


She sighed. “I had all this rage growing inside of me and now I am just supposed to let it go? I feel like I am just supposed to accept apologies and regrets.”

“That is what you are taught to do as a woman,” he said putting his hands in his pockets. “You need not accept anything and you need not feel guilty about it.”

She blinked. “Then what am I supposed to do?”

“What do you want to do?”

She paused and turned to him. Tilting her head slightly, she watched him curiously.

“What I want is… to just scream. Yell at those who caused so much suffering and tell them to burn in hell!”

“What stops you?”

She looked sad, her shoulders dropping. “When they show remorse, I just can’t do that, and… they are already suffering.”

He sighed. Women would always put others before themselves.

“At least they are showing remorse.” She said more to herself than to him.

At least? That is the lowest standard of something but it would suffice when it came to dragons. Especially ones who terrorized.

She turned her attention to him now. “What about you? Did you find a way to live?”

“Not yet,” he replied.

Now they were suddenly sitting on large stones in the river.

“I have these dreams of a past life,” she began. “I was a dragon tamer back then as well. I am here again to continue with and achieve my primary mission in life. It is the only way I will find true happiness and peace. The only way I will stop this vicious cycle of being reborn. It is my deepest desire it seems.” she looked ahead with a thoughtful expression.

“It is deep in my bones. I can’t remove it. It is the reason for my existence.” She added.

Her words sent chills down his spine.

“Do you feel the same?” She asked turning to him.

He took a moment to think. “No.”

He didn’t nor did he have a past life memory. Maybe it was different for every tamer. He was after all a mix of another creature he didn’t know of yet.

“But you chose to fight dragons, even sacrificing your life.” She said.

“I was foolish,” he smiled but no, he wasn’t. There was something in him, an instinct that he couldn’t ignore.

She watched him for a long moment, her eyes narrowing as if doubting his reply. “You don’t strike me as such a person.”

He smiled. “I am glad.”

A pull in his mind and chest made him look around. He just knew it was time to get back. Ravina had the same look on her face. They both stood up, their hands finding each other.

“You look different,” she hurried to say.

“I can’t explain. I don’t know myself.”

“How could we meet like this?”

“I don’t know.”

Their hold on each other tightened. “You will live.” She told him. “I just feel it.”

He nodded, forcing a smile. “Just try to stay safe and don’t worry about me.”

And then he was alone in the forest. Lost.

“Ares? Ares?” A familiar voice called.



No? Who?


He opened his eyes, finding himself in his bed. He was wet and Noah was looming over him.

“What is wrong with you? How drunk did you get?”

Drunk? He was confused for a moment.

“Now even sleeping with your clothes wet. Did you swim?”

Swim? What was happening to him? He sat up, drenched. His skin cold.

Ravina? He had just met her and had a talk. Was this part of being a tamer because he was losing his sanity.

He rose from the bed and began to get out of his wet clothes when he recalled sleeping with Nazneen. “Where is she?” He asked Noah.

“Who is she?” Noah teased.

Ares gave him a deadly look. “I don’t know. Shouldn’t she be in her room?” He raised a brow.

Ares Ignored him and found some dry clothes to wear before heading to her room. He couldn’t trust that she wouldn’t do something impulsive. He knocked on her door and when no one answered, he flung it open annoyed. She must have left somewhere without telling him and maybe she got shot. They were arriving at a dangerous area.

“Ah…” She gasped, wrapping herself quickly with the sheets.

So she was here, but she was also wet and naked under the covers. “Don’t you know how to knock?”

“Don’t dragons have better hearing?”

“You are too eager to see me naked.” She retorted. “Then I am sure you can help me get dressed.”

He just walked out and shut the door after him.

Going to the dining room, he grabbed an apple while waiting for breakfast. He looked outside the window.

“Are we close,” he asked Jayden who began to serve.


Erik came with many plates in his hands, almost dropped them when the ship swayed. Nazneen caught them easily in the air and smiled at him. “Let me help you.”

The boy’s eyes almost fell off and he gave her a sheepish smile. These boys. He took a bite of his apple and chewed grimly. He needed to speak to Ankine about these strange dreams. Were they real? Did he really meet her and she was safe?

Nazneen began to serve the table, casting him a teasing glance. She had a strange way of wearing shirts. Pants around her hips and shirt tied below her chest. His men certainly enjoyed the view.

She walked past him, throwing her wet hair into his face casually. This woman.

“Sorry,” she shrugged with a shoulder and continued to serve.

Her hair left a scent behind. She smelled like forest and oranges. Too bad. He was an apple person but oranges did suit her. The glowing skin made it seem like she would be as soft and juicy as oranges.

The apple he was chewing suddenly felt dry in his mouth and his eyes fell on the basket of fruits, specifically the oranges.

He forced the dry apple down his throat refusing to reach for any orange when she came to sit beside him. She took a banana, peeled it slowly, and then bit off half of it.

“Mmm…” she said chewing.

He would shoot her soon.

“I wonder what you would taste like,” she said suddenly making all his men stop whatever they were doing.

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