Touch of Flame

Chapter 164 A discovery? *

Nazneen lay in the bed and watched Ares crouch next to her body to remove the bullet from her stomach. This was the second time but he wasn’t the one who shot her this time. She just watched him casually now having regained her strength, it didn’t hurt as much as when he shot her.

He dug into her stomach with the dagger and when she didn’t flinch much he glanced her way to make sure she was alright. “You should be more careful than to jump into a ship of weapons.”

“You could have died if I didn’t.”

He smiled gently, “my life is short anyway but you can live for a long time.”

“What is the point if it is not with you,” she said deciding to be straightforward with him as well.

A concerned expression settled over his face and he focused on removing the bullet instead. What was that?

Once he removed the bullet he cleaned the wound that was already healing. Then he rose from his seat and she moved her legs so that her ripped skirt would reveal them.

“I will get you some new clothes,” he said.

She sat up, “I will be fine with these,” she smirked knowingly.

He took a moment to look at her. She knew he didn’t like the way his men ogled her but she liked that he didn’t like it. “I will not,” he said and left.

So he had some possessiveness. She was learning something about human males. She watched him walk away and then return again, his long boots making a clicking. His long jacket looked heavy but well-sewn and sat perfectly on his wide shoulders.

Many layers of clothes she thought again but it looked good on him and somehow it was a change from all the male dragons walking with their magnificent bodies exposed. Not that he had a body to hide but he didn’t need to show it. His maleness was in his demeanor. He carried it like a weapon, slicing at her female energy, twisting and turning in her flesh until she was aching.

He held out the clothes for her, “they will be too big but use the belt.”

She rose slowly but didn’t take the clothes from him. “I don’t know how to wear these.”

He raised a brow, “I am sure you will figure it out.”

“The least you can do is help me, or are you afraid?” Although she didn’t want to only be physical with him, she wanted him to feel the same torture he was putting her through. She stepped closer to him, “are you a boy?”

She reached for him, allowing her fingers to trail down his torso reaching lower and lower. He stopped her by grabbing her wrist and then pulling her hard against him. A small gasp came from her lips as her chest collided with his and he held her in place with a hand on her back. She breathed in and his scent invaded her senses, causing her to ache anew.

Slowly he brought his hand up as her heart accelerated and then gently touched her hair, brushing the side of her face as he tucked it behind her ear. Nazneen shivered when his fingers accidentally brushed her neck and then his hot breath fanned her face as he leaned closer.

Nazneen grasped his shoulders and leaned in too and when her lips barely brushed his, he grasped her hair and pulled her head back.


He held her firmly. “Don’t play the teasing game with me,” he spoke in a low tone, carrying a warning. “I can play it better and trust me, it will only end with teasing.”

He certainly desired her so what made him sound so confident? Was he faking it or was there a reason he wasn’t willing to go that far?

Releasing her, he stepped back.

She tilted her head, crossing her arms behind her back. “I like your confidence, but darling… the player loses the biggest game.”

He chuckled at the way she spoke like him, making her own confidence waver. The sound of his chuckle, made her chest flutter. Then he nodded calmly taking her words seriously. Did that mean he accepted the fact that he could lose?

She looked into his eyes staring mysteriously back at her. The familiar wicked smile curved his lips again. “I’ll leave you to get dressed,” he drawled and then walked away.

Nazneen watched him close the door behind him. She couldn’t understand this man. What was that smile and look about?

Too confident. Arrogant idiot!

She stripped when she heard a voice from above. Straining her ears she slowed down to listen.

“Who is she?”

“A dragon! A bloody dragon! In our ship!”

Some were panicking and others were curious.

“Relax, ” she could hear Ares say. “She saved us. You don’t have to worry.”

“I knew you were good with women but that is a bloody dragon.”

Nazneen slowly slid into the large pair of pants as she listened amused.

“Still woman,” Ares said.

“A gorgeous one.”

“How did you get her? I mean what is your relationship?”

Nazneen paused to hear what he would say.

“She is my woman!” He declared.

Oh, Lord! She put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from squealing like a little girl. Then she stopped. Why was he saying this? He did not say it to her.

A silence followed. “For how long?” Then someone asked and her heart dropped.

“For as long as necessary of course. You charmed a dragon and she is of great help. Although I doubt you will be easily bored with her.”

Nazneen’s heart ached, tears burning her eyes. Her hold on the pants tightened and her head began to fall.

“Which part of she is my woman do you not understand?” Ares asked.

She lifted her head again, surprised.

“Ares, you can’t be serious?” Someone with a softer tone spoke.

“The man has lost his mind. I mean I understand she is stunning and makes you lose track of your thoughts but don’t lose your mind, my man!”

She sighed feeling disheartened.

“How is she to fit into our world? How will this work do you think?”

“I will make it work in some way,” he said simply. He sounded unbothered by his men’s outbursts. Like his usual self.

Nazneen wondered what was going through his mind. He had told her that he was very close to his men and trusted them completely so why did he just not tell them?

Putting the shirt on and tying it around her waist like a blouse, she went upstairs following their sound. When she arrived, they all paused and looked her way. It was dead silent for a moment and then they greeted her.

After what she overheard Nazneen expected hostility but they were very kind to her, introducing themselves and politely leaving the whole couch for her to sit on. They asked her what she wanted to drink and if she wished to eat something, some of them stuttering in the process and colliding with each other in an attempt to get her something.

She held back a smile while Ares shook his head where he sat leaning back in an armchair and with legs crossed over the table. When Erik came back with tea, Jayden as she recalled kicked Ares’ legs off the table and wiped it for Erik to place the tray.

Ares’ looked at them baffled but they acted as if he wasn’t there at all. She couldn’t help but smile and everything happening.

Then they surrounded her, asking questions and making jokes that made her laugh. Nazneen could feel Ares watching her but she was having too much fun to care at the moment. She didn’t even feel the time passing by and then it was already dinner.

The crew served her, handing her out things before she could even reach for them. They were mostly mesmerized and curious at first but then she felt like they liked her and that felt so good that she teared up. She couldn’t help it.

There were too many people, too many sounds, laughter, breaths, and heartbeats around her that she hadn’t felt for so long. Not even her own people had treated her with such kindness and warmth before she was locked away.

Silence fell when a tear fell down her cheek and she wiped it away quickly. “I am sorry,” she quickly apologized and they all looked at her concerned. “It is just been a long time since I… spent time with people.”

They nodded. She met Ares’ gaze and he watched her with a look she couldn’t understand. His men cheered her up again and the dinner continued with chatter and laughter. After that, Ares showed her to her room.

They stood outside, “we are sailing to my mansion. Do you mind or would you like to go back?” He asked.

“I don’t mind,” she said. “I would like to see where you live.”

He looked at her for a long moment, “I am glad you enjoyed yourself today.”

“I did. You have kind men working with you.”

“Crazy too,” he shrugged.

She chuckled. “I like that. They make me feel less crazy.”

He watched her with that lingering look again, “alright. Goodnight.” he said taking a step back. “Let me know if you need anything. I am sleeping across the hall,” he pointed.

She nodded. “Goodnight.”

He waited until she went inside and she locked the door behind her. He stood there for a while and she waited to hear him leave. Once he left she let the emotions come out that had overwhelmed her then she went to sleep.

The ship rocked gently and she could hear waves as she lay in bed watching the dark sky and the moon from the window. That was when she heard the deep haunting sound coming from deep within the sea. Whispering and calling. It was getting close to the ship and she wondered why.

Rising from her bed she left the room. She climbed the stairs and went up to the deck. There she saw him standing near the rail, staring lost into the sea. The wind blew his hair back and he held a cup and a bottle of beer in his hand. He poured himself some more as the sound surrounded the ship and more and more surroundings moved closer to him and surrounded him.

He seemed unaware of the sound, just like he was unaware of what he was beyond being human. Could it be? Could he really be…?

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