Touch of Flame

Chapter 159 Tantrums and Turmoil *

Nazneen hated that she allowed herself this comfort knowing this man didn’t have the intentions she wanted him to have. But her instinct was too strong. It was so challenging to smell him, hear his heartbeat and breathing yet stay away. It was so difficult to ignore the longing in her to finally be in her breedmate’s arms. It had been the only thing to keep her sane and alive all those years in the darkness. The only comfort she found and now she was deprived of it.

She snuggled against him, inhaling his scent while the tears streamed down her face. Only tonight would she allow herself this comfort. She would imagine he was a dragon and felt the same way about her and with that thought, she found comfort and fell asleep.

In the morning she woke up alone in bed with his scent lingering around. She already felt the emptiness of his absence. How could she have gotten THIS man when she was in need of her breedmate the most? How was she supposed to ignore the instinct to give herself away, to succumb to the safety and protection her breedmate was supposed to provide? Except this one did not have the instinct to provide her with such so she could not give in to her instinct.

Rising from the bed, she left the house and took a flight to the nearest river. She allowed the cold water to rush over her bare skin and wash away his scent, then she slid back into her clothes. When she returned to the house, she found Ankine and Naya preparing breakfast in the hall.

“Where is Ares?” She asked.

“He is at the temple. Come and eat,” Ankine said.

Nazneen watched the woman carefully as she sat down. She still didn’t like the priestess. “Why are you suddenly more friendly now? You have never liked me before.” Nazneen asked.

“You gave me very little reasons to like you,” Ankine replied. “But I never thought you deserved to be locked away.”

Nazneen didn’t believe her. She was planning something with the human. Peace. It was always what these priests wanted but they didn’t understand the cost. Now she wanted to use her as a piece of chess to gain her goal and using her breedmate in the process. No. She didn’t like her at all.

After finishing her breakfast she went outside, allowing herself to feel the wind and the sun on her skin. It had been so long. Hugging herself she closed her eyes and leaned back against the house. She listened and felt something other than cold and bats in the silence. She smelled the fresh air, the trees, the earth, and then the sea.

Opening her eyes she turned her head to find him standing there. He watched her with a subtle mysterious smile. After what he told her about himself last night, about his life, she had a clearer picture of him. He was a pirate, a cunning man who lived through struggles and made it. An unafraid man, a bargainer, a thief, an inventor, a fighter, and a hawk. He was not a man to be taken lightly and she had more reasons not to trust him.

Apart from all that, he was something more than human.

“You seem to be enjoying the weather,” he said.

“And what are you enjoying?”

“The view,” he smiled mischievously making her heart skip but then he nodded ahead to the mountains. “I have never been in the mountains before.”

She looked at him, not caring to hide her dislike of him. He was begging for a slap.

“Too bad I don’t have a view to enjoy,” she said looking him up and down. “If you see dragon males, you will understand what I mean.”

He raised a brow. “That is unfair.”

“What is unfair is me getting you as my breedmate,” she bit out with anger, pushing herself away from the wall. “It is like being fed poison instead of honey.”

He was a little taken aback by her harsh words but he said nothing.

“I need a man, not boy!” She spat and then walked away.

She was so mean and she knew it but that didn’t stop her. She was on a destructive path, wanting to ruin everything and so she kept being mean to him every chance she got. It was her way of making him leave without asking since she knew she could never bring herself to do so. Hell, even if he left after she was mean she would probably bring him back and that only made her meaner.

Ares remained calm during her outbursts and at night when she cried to sleep, he came and covered her up, after all the harsh things she said. What was he trying to do?

The next day she tried to be less emotional and focus on getting the throne back, but he sat relaxed in his chair, reading a book. “Are we not supposed to take action?” She asked.

“When you calm down,” he replied without looking up.

“I am calm.”

He glanced her way briefly. “You just came out of a cave. Why don’t you take some time to adjust and enjoy.”

“I don’t want that.”

“Well, I don’t want to take any action when your emotions are so high.”

“I told you they are NOT!”

He raised a brow since she just proved his point. She took a deep breath but that only made his scent invade her senses. She cursed him and his existence and stomped out of there. She crouched outside trying to calm down. After a while, he came after her. She didn’t bother to look up.

“Whenever I am distressed, I practice shooting.” He told her. “Do you want to learn how to use a pistol?”

Now he got her attention. He would teach her?

“You trust me with it?” She asked.

“I live in a wooden house with a firebreathing creature. Do you need more proof?”

Ares took her into the woods and showed her how to use a pistol. When he shot, it looked so easy she thought it wouldn’t be a problem at all, but she learned just how hard it was to aim right. She kept missing and missing growing impatient but he was patient and showed her how to keep her shoulders and legs for the right aim.

Eventually, she forgot her anger and became focused on the task and when she finally hit the target, she felt joy and pride.

“I hit it!” She said, smiling widely.

“Well done,” he told her, and just like last time, she felt warmth when he praised her.

Her smile faded, realizing the effect he had on her. She was no child. Giving him his pistol back, she walked away.

“Nazneen?” He called after her but she ignored him and then she went back to insult at every opportunity for the rest of the day.

The fact that he remained calm only fueled her anger. She contemplated burning the house down whenever his scent reached her while he was completely unaffected.

Well, she knew he found her beautiful. She had even smelled his arousal the first night when she walked out after cleaning herself up but that wasn’t all she wanted. That only made him a typical man.

She sat on her bed, rocking back and forth in distress, and then she slept hugging a pillow just to stop herself from going to the next room and begging to sleep beside him.

When the morning came she watched him from the window as he sat outside, reading again while having a cup of tea. Of course, he could remain calm while she suffered. He was completely unaffected by this. Since being mean didn’t work she thought she would taunt him in other ways.

She combed her hair to look wet and shiny, lined her eyes, painted her lips, oiled her skin, put jewelry where she wanted him to look, and wore her most seductive outfit before going outside.

She neared the table at the terrasse slowly and he lifted his gaze. His emerald eyes followed the length of her before settling on her face. She could smell the change in his scent. He liked what he saw.

“You seem in a better mood this morning,” he drawled.

“I am,” she smiled and went to sit with him.

He met her eyes and they stared at each other in silence. She felt the pull of those eyes.

“Did you have breakfast?” She asked.

“I am hungry for something else,” she said, eyeing him.

One side of his mouth curved up more than the other. “Well, it is not time for dinner yet.”

“If you were a dragon, you would have me in bed long before.”

He closed the book he was reading and met her eyes. “I am sorry to disappoint. I enjoy foreplay.”

“Disappointing indeed.”

He leaned forward over the table. “You will keep being disappointed if you keep wishing I was a dragon. I am not and will never be,” he spoke in a low yet firm voice.

She clenched her jaw.

“I know. You don’t need to remind me. Your face alone does and it reminds me of why you are here. Not because you care.”

“Oh, I do. I care about innocent lives being taken. Sure, I don’t magically care, love, trust, or respect an individual. Those are feelings that grow for me or not as I get to know the person. I understand your anger because I know I am not here with flattering intentions and I am trying to take your feelings into consideration as much as I can. But not so much to abandon my mission.”

She knew he was cunning, but he just proved it. One thing she could appreciate at least. He was straightforward with her.

“You are very mean,” she breathed.

“Trust me. I have been very nice to you. You will know one day.” He grinned roguishly. “Now, do you want the throne back or am I wasting time?”

She watched him fascinated. He was no dragon but exuded the power and dominance of one. That without even showing a hint of aggressiveness. She did not like that since her animalistic instinct responded to it. Her blood rushed hot and her lips parted to provide her lungs with oxygen.

His gaze changed noticing her reaction. “Well..?” He raised a brow questioningly.

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