Touch of Fate

Chapter 192: Future Abduction

Chapter 192: Future Abduction

"Ugh! I can't believe we spent all night just watching them set up! " Sera complained to Jonas, the lanky archery instructor that was serving as the commander of the 3rd University Division's archers. It was a rather impressive title, but at the moment, it consisted of roughly two hundred students and faculty members who were liberally placed along the south eastern section of the city wall, in the appearance of a defensive measure.

The plan was to eventually pad their numbers with civilian conscripts armed with crossbows or the occasional musket, depending on available resources, but they were resting in preparation for the expected conflict today. It was widely assumed that the Tenundians would be too busy setting up their siege equipment and building their encampment to launch an assault before then. Fortunately, this had proven an accurate assessment.

The instructor, an almost emaciated stick of man that looked to be in his fifties, sighed. The girl was one of the more talented archers serving in the unit, and had decent leadership skills, which is why he made her a platoon leader, despite not having any soldiers for her to command. However, she had quickly proven to be very vocal in her complaints. Despite being married for close to thirty years, and having two daughters himself, Jonas had never managed to figure out the best way to deal with an upset woman. He never seemed to be able to say the right thing.

"It sure is tiring, but it could be worse. At least they haven't attacked us yet, and it will be the day shift's turn soon." The old man replied, hoping that he could forestall further complaints by bringing her attention to the next milestone. This, however, proved to be a mistake.

"That's exactly why I'm complaining! We just watched them dig in and put together their siege weapons all day and night, without even trying to harass them. What a wasted opportunity! There won't be another chance like that until the relief force gets here. Really, what is the Marshal thinking?" She shot back with a grimace.

Shrinking slightly, Jonas tried to defend their current leader, "There was that impressive display of magic yesterday. That was probably pretty effective in harassing them."

"You mean the failed diplomatic mission, which resulted in a gods-forsaken meteor being chucked, ineffectually I might add, at the enemy?" Sera asked sarcastically. "They may as well have just started with that to begin with, and saved us all the stress."

She then proceeded to grumble angrily under her breath. Jonas's hearing was nowhere near what it used to be, but he did manage to catch the words 'reckless idiot' and 'making me worried.' It was clear that she was upset, but Jonas couldn't really figure out why.

[Wasn't it the Dragonknight that met with the Tenundians? Why is she worried about him?]

Dismissing the whole thing as another enigmatic aspect of the fairer sex, Jonas resumed watching the enemy encampment, hoping that the conversation had reached some kind of conclusion. He had learned through his long life, that it was often better to simply stay quiet at moments like these.

Sera gasped, before sagging against the parapets. For a second, Jonas thought she'd been shot, and quickly rushed to her aid, but by the time he'd gotten his old frame moving, she was already straightening.

"What's the matter, are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

She looked at him, a mixture of pain and anger on her face. "I've got something to take care of, so I'm taking off early." With that she started heading towards the nearest tower, and the stairs that would lead to the ground.

Jonas momentarily considered stopping her, his limited military experience telling him that he probably shouldn't allow such blatant insubordination, but he decided against it. After all, it was almost shift change, so there was no harm in letting her go a little early.

[I'll just have to be extra strict next time to make up for it.] He thought to himself, even though he knew deep down that he wouldn't be acting any differently in the future.


After finally leaving the University's temporary command center as the sun started peaking over the horizon, Mike couldn't help but sag a little, relieved to be free of the place. What had started as a slightly informal planning session had devolved into a convoluted attempt to anticipate every eventuality.

The few military leaders left in the city were mainly composed of old, retired veterans, University faculty members and students, and those few martially inclined nobles that remained behind when the others went north. To say that the meetings were chaotic would be an understatement. And since there was still some confusion regarding the command structure, a large portion of the meeting was devoted to figuring out who actually reported to who, and who should be getting yelled at for failing to do some basic task. It was something of a miracle that they were able to form a rudimentary plan.

Emmanuel, using some secretive information source, announced that the Tenundians would be conducting their first major assault around mid-morning. Supposedly, they aimed to probe the city's defenses in preparation for a more intensive attack at a later date. So long as they avoided making any mistakes, the defenders shouldn't have to worry until tomorrow, or at least that was the general consensus.

Mike felt a little uncertain about the whole situation. It still seemed strange to think that the Tenundians would march all the way over here, without some clearly defined method of bypassing the walls. Their actions made much more sense if you considered the possibility of some kind of secret weapon or plan.

[Could it just be the Duke's poor planning?]

Even though the man was a close-minded fool, surely anyone who had the ability to mobilize a country for war, would have the sense to properly prepare for it. In any event, Mike's role in the coming conflict was clear. As a reserve element, he would respond to crises as they arose, and ensure a solid defensive line across the board. Because of that, he could doing something about it when they revealed their trump card.

Thoughts still swimming with potential contingencies, Mike didn't hear the young woman calling his name until she was almost in front of him.

"Mike! Would you stop walking already?" Sera yelled in an increasingly irritated voice.

He halted and waited for the Oracle to catch up. As Sera panted a few breaths, he asked, "What's up? I thought you still had a bit of time left on your shift?"

Largely due to her status as an unknown quantity, she had ended up working in the 3rd Division, which was responsible for the thankless task of keeping guard during the night, to give the 1st and 2nd Divisions time to rest. Something that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Because night attacks were considered both unwise and dishonorable, it was unlikely that she would see combat unless the worst was to occur, or the Tenundians grew desperate. The only safer duty would have been with the 4th Division who was in charge of logistics and support, but she demanded a combat role.

Taking one last breath, Sera straightened with a serious look in her eye. "We've got a problem. I think the enemy is planning on abducting one of us in order to get more information about you."

Mike paused for a second, examining the possibilities, "Did yousee it?"

She nodded, "It was only brief snatches, but I saw dark figures break into the dorm and grab someone. I don't know who, or where they were taken, but that place felt...unpleasant." Her determination had been replaced with a slightly queasy look.

[If it's at the dorm, then they can't be targeting Brenden, so that means either Tal or Sera herself. Since I was planning on moving to quarters a bit closer to the front lines in the near future, the abduction will probably take place today or tomorrow.]

Due to their shortage of competent mages, Tal had ended up assigned to the 1st Division, which was responsible for the section of the wall most likely to come under attack. Judging from the position of the rising sun, she was probably still getting ready for her shift at the dorm. He sent a quick mental message to summon a ride.

"Do you know when the abduction is supposed to take place?" He asked.

Sera shook her head, "No specifics, but I think it was during the day, and it might have been in the middle of a battle. There was a lot of activity going on."

[Most likely, that means later today during the Tenundian assault. Sounds like they were targeting Sera, which meant they understood enough about the party to identify the least martially gifted among us. Seems like they have their own spies inside the University.]

Nevertheless, he needed to secure both of his companions soon, to mitigate the risk. As such, he couldn't waste any time. Once Red was in position, Mike grabbed Sera, who had the presence of mind to look confused, before a burst of Air Magic launched them both into the sky.

She stopped screaming as soon as they landed on Red's back. After a few moments spent catching her breath again, she started beating on Mike's chest with her fists. "Why didn't you warn me?! I was completely unprepared for that!"

"Ow. Sorry, I was lost in thought, and it slipped my mind." He responded, slightly amused by her response.

"Seriously?! I thought I was going to die!"

"Nah, I wouldn't let that happen. Trust me." Glancing down, he saw that Red was moving quickly, and had almost reached their destination.

She huffed, but let it go, which was fortunate. It made the next part easier.

He scooped her up and repeated the process in reverse, with a casual "hold on."

Once they were finally on the ground, Sera took a few steps before collapsing onto her knees. Looking back at him furiously, she growled, "You..."

Mike shrugged, "I did warn you this time."

For a moment, she looked ready to attack him, but she finally sighed. "Ugh, I don't know what I was expecting from you."

Chuckling slightly at that, he waved at Tal, who had walked up in the meantime. "Ah, good. You're here. We have a situation."

"What problem?" Came her terse reply.

Sera stood and joined them. "I had a vision of a kidnapping. One of us is going to be targeted in the near future, so we'll need to take steps to prevent it."

Mike slapped his fist into his hand. "Ah! That reminds me. Could I see your hand for a second, Sera?"

Looking slightly confused, she proffered her arm. Grabbing it in his own, he summoned a bit of air magic to create a small wind blade, and with a quick motion, brought it against the skin of her forearm. A thin line of red marred her pale limb, and he pulled a measure of blood out into a floating orb.

"Ow! What in the hells?!" She yelled, yanking her arm back, but not before he was able to send a quick surge of healing magic through his hand.

As she examined her now unblemished arm, the she started questioning him loudly, "What was that for?!"

Mike allowed the orb of blood to coat the rune painted sphere of glass, noting a momentary flash of power as the item attuned itself.

[Good, now I just need to make one for Tal, too...I wonder if some kind of magical tracking device would be going to far.]

"Think of it as an anti-abduction protection." He replied while putting the orb back into his storage bag.

"That doesn't explain anything!"

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