To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 193 - 193 Strange

193 Strange

She attempted to dismount, but Azriel’s grip tightened around her waist, keeping her in place.

“We will go,” Azriel said, pushing his horse forward with his reins. “But you would still have to ask the King’s permission.”

And so they rode. They rode past the market, and the people parted for them like waves. Penelope drank her fill of what was once her usual life, the bargaining and haggling and advertising of wares filling her ears like music. Ripe fruits called to her, the rain booming them with life, their colours vibrant. When she caught sight of the candy shop, she stared at it, watching the trader wave at her.

Azriel pulled at the reins of the horse and turned back to the shop.

“Give us about ten pairs of different sweets,” he told the trader. And to Penelope, he asked, “that’s enough right?”

Penelope stared at him, and could only manage a nod.

The trader piled everything in a bag, picking each with a stick and working with the dexterity of someone used to her trade. She handed Penelope the bag and blew her a kiss before Azriel set off.

The castle appeared on the line of the horizon like a rising sun as they rode their way up the sloping road to it. A burst of joy filled Penelope’s chest, and she was silently counting the seconds till she was in Neera’s arms, and that was partly because she couldn’t wait to share the candies with her. It took her a lot of self-control not to reach inside the bag and eat them all herself.

They finally entered the castle gates, and Azriel looked up at the looming structure.


“Follow me”, he said.

They passed the halls that were all too familiar to Penelope, and she sent some of the maids a wave here and there while trying to keep up with Azriel’s fast pace. When they reached the King’s quarters, Penelope’s eyes widened. She would have to pass through Zavian to see Neera. She had almost forgotten.

Azriel stopped in front of Neera’s chambers and knocked on the door.

“And of what reasons are you back in here again?” Zavian’s voice rang along the passageway.

Penelope took refuge behind Azriel’s back, half obscured from the King’s view.

“Good day, your Majesty,” she greeted.

“Is it a good day?” Zavian asked.

“She wants to see Neera,” Azriel said. “I thought you were in there with her.”

Penelope didn’t miss the glare Zavian shot his friend. She would have burned to the ground by the fire in his eyes.

“I don’t want anyone seeing her,” the King said.

“She might be helpful,” Azriel argued.

Helpful? What were they talking about? Penelope wondered.

Zavian stalked to Azriel’s front. Penelope shivered away, despite being behind Azriel. The Commander, however, didn’t back an inch.

“You have no right to decide that and bring her in here,” the King seethed.

“I care about you, and about everything that is important to you,” Azriel said. “Now, let her go in there, talk to Neera, and you can even stay there with her.”

Stay in there with him... the king? Penelope would simply die.

Zavian didn’t move away, and when he did, his hard exterior mask fell off, revealing a tired King. Penelope wondered what was going on, and she panicked, knowing whatever has set the King on such a tight edge had something to do with her friend.

Zavian reached for Neera’s door, and opened it.

“Go in, I will be just outside the door,” he ordered Penelope.

Penelope muttered her appreciation and stepped into the room. Inside, she looked at Neera seated on the bed, and nothing much had changed in the room. Neera had her head bowed down, her hair covering her face.

“Neera”, Penelope breathed out her name and approached her.

Like a curtain, Neera parted her hair, and that was when Penelope paused as she was about to hug her.

The pink tint to her cheeks was gone, and her face looked like it didn’t belong to her. It was Neera, quite alright, but a different energy buzzed around her, and Penelope could not pinpoint what it was exactly.

“Are you alright?” Penelope asked.

Neera’s lips stretched, and it creeped Pen out rather than appear comforting.

“Yes, I am splendid.”

Splendid? When did she start using words like that?

“Penelope, it’s been so long,” Neera said. “I thought you would never come by again.”

“After what happened the last time, I was sure the King was going to have my head if I ever stepped foot in here again.”

“And yet, here you are.”

Penelope nodded, and on impulse, threw her arms around Neera and pulled her into a hug.

“I have missed you so much,” Penelope confessed. “There were some nights I cried from it.”

But then, Penelope realized Neera was not returning the hug, her arms still tight by her sides. She broke the embrace and backed away to look at her friend.

“Didn’t you miss me?” Penelope asked.

Neera smiled that same offputting smile. “Of course, so very much. I just don’t like embraces very much. I find it suffocating.”

“Oh”, Penelope pulled away from her, the rejection shocking her like electricity. She pulled out a laugh. “I didn’t know. You should have told me from the start.”

“I would have, but you humans are too open with your emotions,” Neera said.

Penelope felt stung and confused. They were both humans, so what was with the snide remark?

Brushing it off, Penelope reached for the muffins inside her bag and the sweets, putting them on Neera’s lap. Neera looked down at it but made no move to check it.

“The Commander bought me candies on our way here, so I, being the friend that loves you very much, decided to bring it here so we can share and talk,” Penelope giggled. “It’s been so long!”

Neera held up a bag with two fingers. Her eyes blank as she examined it.

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